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President Grant stopped drinking " Congross water," etc., etc., long enough on the lóth inst. to take a run out froin Siratoga to tbe Kound Lnke camp-meeting ground. Ho was lioiiized by the Methodints, sat upon the preachers' platform, was introducod to the large audience, and " bowed, but remained specchless." The crowd thon sang in thoir ' best marnier, " There ig a fountain ülled with blood," fervent prayer was offered, the l'rosident and supporters on the plat' form were photographed, he dined with the Bishops and their faniiles, shook hands with 1,500 men, and was esoortod to tlie ' depot and locked up in the tolegraph room, with Bishop Simpaon and others, to keep off " the madding crowd." In return for which he assurod a reporter, " tbat he was a Methodist in sentiment," and " the great Methodist world took him to its heart of hearts." - If thero is any truth in that old proverb whioh has something to gay about letting the galled jades wince, the Maine Democracy, in their admirable platform, hit their Itepublican opponents " betwéen wind and water." l'irst, Blaine went for the ftee trade plank with more valor than discrution, and now Hale pitches into it as if he enjoyed making a plurge. What a pity the Indiana Democracy could not have boen aa wise and mado as marked an onset on the financial question, instead of trying to come as near as possL ble to th9 Republican position. - And now comes the Adrián Times,' and suggests that " the claims of tho farmers to consideration be recognized ' by the nomination of J. Webster Childs, by the Republicana, for Secretaryjof State: a more clerical office, the occupant of whioh can serve the farmer in no single particular. Magnanimous. But we must protest against this abuse of our friend Childs ; this trotting him out for any and all offiices within the gift of the people : Governor, Congress, Secretary of State, etc. - Prof Cameron, of the lloyal College of Surgeons in Ireland, says that Scotch and Irish whisky, examined by him in large quantities, is pure, and that ifc Í8 not adulterated whisky but new whisky which poisons and maddeus the drinker. He proposes a law prohibiting the sale of whisky less than a year old, so that the fusel oil will disappear with age. Make it a century old, Prof. Cameron, and we'll second your inotion. - Four years ago nearly all the Republican papers of this State joined in advocating the nomination of Henry A. Ford to be State Superintendent of Sohools ; but he was shelved by the State Convention, " without a why or a wherefore," for the old incumbent. Col. McCreery, of Flint, now seems to be equally popular as a candidate for State Treasurer. Is h8 campaign to end with the State Convention? - Senator Allison has written a letter certifying that "Boss" Shepherd came out of the District of Columbia investigation pure as untrodden snow, or thing of that sort. It is now in order for Chaplain Newnian, Harían, Colfax,_ and other Christian atatesmen, to certify that Zack Chandler is a model tempéranos man. - Tbe Governor of Mississippi has called upon the President to station United States troops at Vick3burg on the day of the coming olection, August 4th. An easy ly and patont inothod of securing a Kepublioan victory. The constitutionality or legality of the measure is not worth con8idering. - Kepublican Congressioutfl Conventions have been called to be held in this State, as follows : 4th district, Sept. 2d, at ThreeEivers; 5th district, Sept. 2d, at Grand Rapids ; 6th district, August llth, at O wosso; 9th district, Sept. 2d, at Escanaba. - When Grant takes snuff the white and colored' radicáis of Louisiana sneeze, and so the Kepublican Convention of the Fourth district, held on Tuesday, declared in favor of Gramt for a third term. - A udi tor-General Humphrey has come to the defense of the financial management of the State Administration, in a document which is more remarkable for what it omits than for what it says. - The shade trees of V. H. Dudley, of Kalamazoo, were girdled on Sunday night last. Mrs. Dudley is an active crusader, or was one in the days of crusading, It is a bad cause that incites its defenders to such acts of barbarism. - The Republi'can Congressional Committee has issued an address which is too long and dull and heavy rnading for hot summer weather. - Ex-Congressman Julián, of Indiana, is coming to this State, to canvass in the interest of the woman suffrage movement. - The woman suffragists are iuflationists. Infiating the eleciion franchise is whut they are after. In the Suprome Court on Tueeday the Ktlamnzoo school case was decided, the oourt dismi8sing the bill, which was Sled by Charles. E. Sttjart and two i athers, and prayed an injunction ] ing the collection of taxes voted and ' ed for the support of the High School i n that villie, and for the payment of i ■he salary of the Superintendent. The J opinión was given by judge Cooley, and held against the petitioners on all points : that it was too late to consider the want of proper organization of tho district, it having for thirtoen years exercised corporate powers unquestioned ; and that under the Constitution and laws the only limit to the amount of moneyg to ba raised for the support of schools- high andpriniary aliko- is the will of the j paying electors of the districts, oxpressed at tho school meetings legally held. The court evidently took no stock in the claim that tho constitutional provisión ! requiring all instruction in the public I schools to be conducted in the English language, prohibits the teaching of dead or foreign languages in such schools. Tho I decisión is just what we expected. In answek to an urgent cali from the authorities of Marquotte County, Gov. I Bagley yesterday morning sent forward by special train, Companies A and C of ,he First Kegiment of State troops, to aid in euppressing a minera' riot which waa I assumiug threatening proportions and I could not be controlled by the civil I thorities. The mining strikers are I ously reported at from 1,000 to 3,000; workiug minera are assailed and drivon from their work ; and one man had been I killed and another woun dcd prior-to the cali on the Governor. - It will be Company B's turn next. 1


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