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1 M- ARGliS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS WANTED. More Merchante aüd Business men, who knowing their own interests will ndvertise in the Arous. GET YOUE BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Oiflce. GET YOUR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VI8ITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUK LAW BLANK8, LAW BRIEFS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, (Jood Workmeii, AND KEASONABLE PRICES ! SW A WOED TO THE WISE. a- ng- Ti- _m_ Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havinff been made in the conditie a reitaiu mortgng-t executed on the seven, day of June. a. o. li72, by Lucy E. Gurlineh„ïL iorm;m rJ. Covert, bieb uiortgaae wa repi,3 theoifleeof the KeKi3tr of Deed for the ÍSÍ? Washtenaw and Stute of Michigan, OU tha tl ] of December, a. d. 1872, iii funv-nine of ganen, on page tWMrty-eight, on which moZ tliere ia claimed to by due and unpaiü. ut th ■ bereoi, the sum of two hiinrtied Hnd twentv dn! besides an nttorney lee ut ïortj-rive uoilarn pressly agreert and provided lor by ihe teim,,, mortgage, ind no proceedi ftn oither at law WL' Imvingbetn instituted (o recover the same o part thereuf, and tbfc power ot sule contained h, in lm ving bt'come operativa; Kotice is a, hereby given, that ou Alonday, the tweu'yfW nf September a u. IS74, at ten o'clock in ihT, noon ot thal day, at the eouth door ot the f' UoQse in thecitj of Alm Ar bol, county of nnw, wtate of kiohifran, thnt btiig the r,ut holding the Circuit Court in imd tor aid ,0nt? virtueel the power ot sale coutiiined in said gage. there will be ,-old at public vendue t? higbest bidder the premiaea desr.iibed in uiiaL gaj?e; or so much therent as nii.j be new,,,.?, nat i tv ihe anioni.l due on aid mi.rti : (oithii notioe, with interest M all coata V ptnixs by luw hji provided loria midL gage, mid premi? ure detmibed in sald nion I astollows: Ail Ibat pieca nr imrri-i f lawl Ú,' in the city ot ann rhi.r. in tl.e leiiiny ot n„ uní Mtute of Itolrigan, and d aa toilo wit: Lot BumtMi on m bloek numbei B" r'elol 'a addition to tbe mow city] Jf, Albor, according 10 tlie recoi'ded plat thertnt ' Dated, Juno 2, 1874. NORMAN B. COVEUT & SrasioK, Wuitu Atty's 101 Mortg ]L Estute ot Jolin Walz, Sen. STATE O UiCJUUAN, Couuty of Wnshtcm, At a MMkn ol the Probate Coui t tor tlie (n ot Waabtenav, holdin ut tlie l'robute Oüïce i I City ot Ann Arbor, on Fridfty, '.he twent'yï da) ot Juue, in tlie ycar one thonsiind eiitlit k dredandsevenly-tour. " Present, Nuah W Cheever, Judge ot Probate In tae matter of the estimo ol' John VVhUi deceased. Jolm Wa'ï, Jr., dniiuÍKtiator of 7 tale, comea info court and ripiesems thal hei., picparea to reiider Lis üiimI account as euch i inialratoi. " Ihereupon it is ordeted, tliat Wednesdav i twi'nty-nmth day ol July uext, at ten o'tk in the forenoon be a-wined lor the txa and ulluwing oucü nccuuut, and that Die S at law of said deveaned, and all othet m!, interosted in suid estáte, are required to tZ at ( session ot Miid Court, Uien to be holden tu l'robatt Oltice, in tbf 'Jity ot Ann Arbor n , eouniy, and show cause, ii any there be, why'thtu account shoult not be allowed : And it u f onltred, that aio Adminirtruioi give noticetoi persons interesttü in san: estatt, ol the peiidam said accouut undtlie nearina tliciMt, by eausiDsam 01 this order te be publjshod in tlie MicIrigaiZ anewspaper, piinted und ciroulating iiisuidoon three sucoeöic weekt previoue to said Uay of tu. ing. ( A tmp eopy.) NO A H Vr. CHEETES ■185 Judge of Pi-obit), Iu Biiiki'iiptcy. piAbl BEN D1STHICTOF lili UICAX, T Í-J ondenigned bereby (jivemoliev ot his drá ment as Astiguee ol the '-'Joimío. Aun AiliiT Northern Ballrond (,imp..i.y," withui 'Baid Ata wluch has bien aüjuogtu u bnnkrupt upnn aun pctuion, by tiie Liistiict C'oiirt ui =.uiu I itiid i notes and ndrbtednebs ucw due suid nomijKiir uil unjiaul Bubscnptiuni and 11 baluntesoi snUJ tons stiü due ald Oompacy and uupuid, au paid to the uiideraigntd by the Iutb duyolji It74, or piviceednifis will be oommenced in tlie Unta Staies Couri to en tol ce the colieclu n ol the sum Dated, Ann Arbor, June 2, 1S74. EDVVAJtü L). KiNNE, AssipiK. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHjuaN, county of Washtemt The underaigned, liaviiig been apixumed bt tt Probate Court tor tuiid county, Commiswontr ti ceive, examine, and adjust allchiim and detnandn all persons againut the estáte ol Loiii Lu late of said county, deceaied, hereby gm na thal aix months trom date are allowed, by oiwo said i'robute Court . forcreditoratopresentthróüi agamst Ihe estáte ot suid deaeawrd, and that tlin ij meet at the Piolwte Offic, in the city ot Aa Arljor. in said county. on Tut■dtly, tbe giill day of October, and on Wednesday, the úl! day ot Jnnuary next at ten o'olock a m. ofnd of euid days, to receive, exataine, and ndiust h claims. Dated July Gth, a. T). 1874. ARETUS Dt'XX, 1RANKLIN CATE, I-í'jw'4 Commisaionen. JTROM HEADQÜARTERS7 - lír 'la THE POï-TOillUE QUE6TI0N li SKTTLED AT LAST. BKAL ís BEATEN BT THE -AiJ-JST AEBO3 ■tWiWJlfDi'it Cl "Who annoimco fo their Cuatomprs that theyrö Bell Full Trinimed Whüoiis, Warrntited loroneyrc Ht $75, iitcluciiug: uil extras. % i'ire. pnnc at' , Whiflletrees. tltyoke?. and top base. Thia to be tor Cash, and to open for 'Ihirty Dnya. Al FILL TUÜHYIED PLOUS, 10 DOLLARS Farmers, if you wiah to aupply yourselves nn is the time forcsh. Alltrods WiirrMiited. inyir'i tic Ie in tm r lineequnlly J(iw We ure never ttndff" I aold. We ure get&Bg on a inll steek of REAPERS AND. MOWEfiS of the Johuston Patent, wluch we offer equfllly ' and we will pur up $1, 00 ih:it tli Combi ued KwP0 is the best, cheapest and eaaiofl workiDg coming ileaper and Mower in tlie U. 8. of Ameiioi. Thid reli bi Renperii too wetl knowntpmu" any bHckiny, it is aamiitcd bj h 1 1 thnt ir i the W Reaper in the Uiiion. We vould alpopny thiitwenii sell all uur g-otids for Cash at lower iitrurea thuntbi can be bouht eleewhere, undevt ry nrticle "WARRANTBD to snit puíchafer or no sale. Cali Before You Buy and Save Yonr I Money. A. A. AGRI Ul.rt'BALCftj H77m3 ral CARBOLIC DISINFECTING SOAPS. For washlng Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Dos'; Kllls Fleas on Dogs, Destrcys Lloe on Caf tle and Horses, Ticks on Sheep. Deatht Bed Bugs and Roaches; Cheaperand W terthan all Powders. CARBOLIC TOILET SOAPS Whlten, Beautlfy and Cleanse thf " trom all Impurltles. CARBOLIC MDICMAL SOAP I uk CURES M OTHER Salt-Rheum H 9 Cutáneo And all V Bf DISCASES' vV=,:.:, - CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR. Aflfords complete proteotlon to p'i" Vlnes, Trees, &c, from all Bugs, fla Plant Llce and Parasites. Without In' Jury to Vegetable Life. Never fall. CARBOLIC BHEFP DIP The most efrectlve ours and prevent!1 o. Soab-lt kllls all Cads-TIcks' The Increasecl growth and welgl1'9 fleoce encouragod by its use more II"1 equals the cost of the dip. Buchan's Carbollo Poap nnd Cominiiil 't are genuine. All others are baao imitations Torthlew. OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ' AKE NOÏICE. I have thia day pmp'oj-ed Mr. Clark, who, fcr tnj past ÜO year hH8 hud clmrge of the Ceok's BO" Uam and Farmers or others w) o wish their ton led and watred nccordinti to cidtrs. at bM"" rate, will flnd tl.e ■ ld RrliiiMe" at the Mom" Livery Stable, Cor. Hurn and Second utrcits Anti Arbor, lluy 14, 1874. J. V. N. OKEOOKT, Prop.


Old News
Michigan Argus