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- The Arous reader are all familiar with the cainpaign ot' the two brothers : tho one leoturing on tetnperanco, the nther illustrating tho practical evits of ioteinperance beforo the audiencea and in the coramunities visited by his " orusail ing " brother. ïhoso Republioao Journal of tho State which Advócate prohibition and liold up the hands of the modern crusaders, while they fnvor the re-election of Tlack Chandlor to tbe Sonate, are th legitímate ucoessorsof the storréd broth en. HiBtory does repeat itself. - ïhe Boston ''mux'-riit,, ftflp.nblican, is not enauiored of the so-caüed llopubliCiiu (Jourus-ional nddvess. itsftys: " It is ill-considered and crudt'ly exjirossed, and will have no possible vveight with tho Kepublican party. It ïuay possibly represent the views of Senator Logan and a' few otber filiibustering politicians who aspire to leadership, but who ought to ba content to follow. - An interviewer credits Mis. Blizabeth Cady Stanton with telling what sho knows about the Beecher-Tilton, scandal. She says that Tiltoii told her the delicate but disgustiug tale beforo the Woodhull made it public, and that Mrs. Tilton confessed to Miss Anthony. Tilton and Mrs. Tiltoii both say that Mis. Stanton lie? and Susan, beiug interviowed, says thut being ö5 years old she'll never, nevcr teil More discreet than Susan nsuully is. - Having failed to gct his indictmen againsl Pomeroy quaahed his attorney moved for a change of venue on the 'i'.lth on the ground that Judge Morton, the pre8Íding judge, said at the time o1 York's exposure, " We have got the g - d d - n scouiidrttl where we want him, and hereai'ter a poor man will stand some chance to go to the United States Senate." Judge Morton granted the motion and sent the case to Osage eounty. - Bearing testimony to tbe truth of the proverb, " It is an ill wind that blows nóbody any good," an Omaha telegram of the 29th inst., says : " The heavy wind and rain storm of Saturday night fortuaately blew tho grass-hoppers out of the State, and much produce that had been given up will bo saved." - Itis given out that Mr. Beecher has written a letter to Mr. Moulton, - that " mutual friend," - requesting him to appear bêfore the Plymouth Church Cotnmittee and make a clean breast of it, teil all he knows, and present any or all papers he may have in his possession. This unseals Moulton's mouth, and now let him spoak. - One G&ynor has commenced two libel suits against Theodore Tiltou- the libéis being upon Henry VVard Beecher, and contained in his " statement" and subsequent card. Gayuor claia-s to be only a aearcher af ter truth, but is supposed to be a tooi of Tilton, and a first-cliiss scandal monger. - Better a frank confession of idultery with Mrs. Tilton than the statement which the Graphic says is to come f'roin Mr. Beecher. It is time for newspaper men and interviewers to deal out truth in at least homeopathie doses : which remark is commended to the Graphk. - The Detroit Uniou suspended on Monday last, tho sheriff taking possession ' of the material and the subscription list ' being transferred to the News. The new , proprietors found it impossible to lift it out tho mire into which it had len. I - W. H. H. Bartram, of the Midland Times, better known to the newspaper fraternity as " Cheek," is reported as having brought home a second wife to his home, neither death uor a decree of divoroe having released him from his first. - The Niles SepuUican says that the wcinan suft'rage cause " seems to be losing favor :" and, further, that " thoughtful persons see plainly enough that there is little except sentiment in the case." That fellow better get his hair cut short. - A Buffalo paper libela a Niágara Falls justice by charging that he receutly fined a haek-driver $29.75 for exacting $1.50 for a 25 cent ride. What is the last Congressional gag láw goort for if this thing is to be tolerated 't - Bay City has already expended $327,000 for water works, and a special election is soon to be held to vote upon a further appropriation of $.30,000. " Free as water " was written for sonie locality other than Bay City. - " Koprophagous !" That's the word the New York World brands on the forehead of Theodore Tilton. We confess to an ignorance of ita exact ineaning, but it must be just the word. - By a majority of 53 Muskegon has voted to borrow $100,000 to construct water works. The Sanilac Jefferwnian blows a bugle blaat to array the Republicana of the Sevsnth Congressional District wgainst the renomination of Hon. O. D. Conger. It i bases its opposition upon bis votes tor the salary-grab legislation of the last Congress, and upon his " ridiculoug and revolutionary spaech upon the President' veto of the Finance bilí." It also intimates thathisnomination two years ago was the work of " a few boys," and calis upon the " oíd and religious Republicana of Lapeer County (we suppose that the other counties of the district are minus the article, from Lapeer being singled out) to send a full delegation of working ltepublicans who have the interests of tho party at heart." We believe that the Jeffemonian is the only Republican journal in the district which doeB not swallow Coxger salary-grab, and inflation speech included.


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