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Foreign News: Arrival Of The Hibernia: Immense Excitement In...

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TheRoyal Mail stenmship Hibernia arrived at Bosten dbout 8$ o'clock Frulay morning. fiy the nrrlvnl we have Liverpool dates lo '' January 5th. The British Parliament had not vet assembied. ' e Lord John Rtissell it will be seen was una t ble to form a ministry, and Sir Robèrt Peel J was invited to resume the helm. American flour in bond was qtioted at SOs. a 30s. Cd. Large suppües of provisions had poured in Trom the continent. Dickens will commence a dnily paper at the opening of the gession of Parlinment. ] The Bhip Sea arrived with the President's t Message, making as she always does a short l passage. ■ r The messngo, on the whole, is rPgnrtlod os l pacific, nd is treated in 6omeofthe leading papers, with great fnirnefs. It ia atill said that the Corn Lawa are to be repealedi Mr. Parkhurst, of New York, has invented . a new propeller,by menns óf which, the j pool Times soys a vcssel will arrive from that place at New Vork in ten ays! The Prench Chamber of Deputies met on the 20th December. The King delivered a speech Which we wil! püblish in our next.- All was quiet tn Frartce. The President's Messnge excitnd btit litlle interest either in Friince or lfclgium. The Spanish Corles asgembled on the I5th of December. The Queen's speech gives a6surance of tranquilily. The Emperor of Russin wns in ílome". Tite foreign nows of tho last two or Miree Weeks possesses moro than ordinary interest. The intelligence by thë ovcrinnd Énnil, the opening of the Spnninh Cortes ond tlio Fronch chambere, the interview het ween the Pope nnd the Czar, are uil poiti's of more or less interest s. The Presidentes Mé.-Foge was rrceived at Liverpool on tho 2d iilti, per ship Sea, after a passage of Menteen days. A special eteomer, employcd by Wilmer fo Smith, hailed the ship offPoint Lynr.s, GO miles distant from Liverpool, and convoye 1 the Mess■age to Ihe city, nrriving there at noon. It was expressed thence lo London in six honre ihe same day. The editor of the Europenn Times, says: - "It is u State paper, llic arriva! of which, in our twonty yeors experience. never excited one wïf ihe interest which ihe Message of Mr. Polkdid this ycar.From the Kuropean Tunos. Resignation oj the Peel gover irnenl - Lord John Russell in office - Fuilure of Ihe ïyhigs io fonn minigit ry - And resloralion of SU' Robrrt Peel. Sihce the 6aíllin; of the Acadia on the 4i!i UU., a series oFthö most e.xtntordinary events have boen witni;.sed in Englund of which its constilnlional histbry aflords ntiy pamlell. - The country lias been astoundet1 by tlie sudden resignation of the Peel Mliiislry, one of the strongest excutive govermnents that ever swoyed its dec-tiny- by the ojsumption o power on the port of Lord John Rnpsell and the principie mettibers öf the late Whig Cabinet - followcd alinost iinihfdiately, by its nbondonment, and by the re-mStnllation of Sir Roberl Pee!, minus two or three of bis fermer colleagueü - the uhólë fb'rtuing tho irangest annomanly in the punctiliö of 'cobinet making'1 tint hos occnrèd irt Englnnd during" the present, or, indeed, nny former gencration. [After the occurrences dovtfl to the resigna tion of the Peel luinibtrjrj the Times coritjnuesi] The Queini, at this tim-i, was stayin? it the IsleofVVight. llither the Minister had fied ft8 6wiftly us locumotive nnd marinfe engmes could Carry thetu, rendercd Uieir resigno tí on, nnd merely tt-aiting the cppoint ment of tlieir 6uccessors. The Queen, huvinjj on inkling of her Ministers bei'g nt .ixes ond scvrns on the Corn laws, aid appreliending1 the rpstih, deípatched n special messeneer to Lord John Ilussell, wha was staying at Bdinburfh. On the night of the receipt of this royaí missive, Lord John wos the intnate of Ouuglass' Hntel in 'Auld ileekiei' qüiètly rfeading a booft to his wife, all imconscious of tiie dijrnity which nwaited him. He immedia'.ely lelt ibr London, reccived the Queen's comfnand to forni a government} and collecling together his colleogue9, who inet, talkod, compared notes, measürtíd the strenglh of their own weaknesp, ihe importance of ihe ciisi?, oud the feeliilg which animated the peöple out of doos. Lord John determined to accept ihe post of First Minister to the crown, nnd the responsibility of governïng the country. The Cabinct, in nll its essenttal features, Was a re-hash of the Melbourne Ministry. - itwasbased on llife immediate and unconditional repeal Of the Corn laws: and in order ihatit might have the prestage of the Leagon, the Vice Presidency o( the Board of' Trade wa offered lo Mr. Cobllen, and declincd by Ihe man whose luctics called the Ministry into existancc, and wlio bas shown in piirsuit of tbat great commercial reformatioii of which. he is the apostle, a gtasp of intellect, a firmness of purpose, a quioi suavity of manner, equal to any emergency and capable ofennobüng any situalion. But while attention was iixed unon the dramatis persomc, the public vvere astouuded by learning that the attempt had been made, and had failed- thal the leaders could not agree among tlemselves, and that all was chaos once more. It eubsequently trnndpired lh;it Lord Grey had caused the hitch, by refueing tojoin tle Cabinet if Lord Palmerston held the Seals of the Foreign Office, and the whig papers wcre sa vage with !:is Lordsliip for keeping in the dark his feelings toward the late Foreign Secretary, nntil he eould 6triKe him most efïectually. That the blow was unJooked for from ihe qirarter fron which it proceedcd, eeenis undeniaole, but that a cause, in iteelf so apparently triflinjr, should have broken up a Cabinet, and produced resulte so momeDtous, shows clear enough, ihat the embryolinisters had not their hearts in the vvork. - h 'hey must have deeply feit ihe responsibility I -the perilousness, noy, the hopelessness of' t ïelr task, when the opinión of a single F ir was sufficient lo tnuff the experiment out f czisience. Lord John Russc:! was held to 2 a bold man when he accepled office i ihe ce óf a hostil; mojority in both houses of iirlianiènt; bul, hnving consented todo so, so glorioua a termiuation savora of the weak Ú ld ridiculous. p When Lord J. Russell threw up his d( irds, then there was no alternative but ) send for Peel, and the most extraorinary move in this drama of Cabine! mfting is, that he feit little apparent :l esitatiotf in fesuming his old ofiice, as d' e evinced promptness in throwingit up. lis resumption of power immediately V ïade itself feit in every branch of w ess. Confidence which had been shat;r"ed by the raihvay panic, became s zed when it was known that Peel was y ut ; :he markets feil, the funds sunk, usiness was suspended, and a glnom, a úst, hung over the commercial and r Vg world. Upwards of ten days have elapsed since ; was known that Peel was again lier ; and every day hasshown j d symptoms in the produce, share, loney, und other markets. Thischange ppears the more extraordinary, t'roin lie fact that his future policy is as much r. matter of speculntion as the new cornet -even more undefined. undeveloped. íobody knovvs what Peel will do, but very body lias confidence in Peel. The jondon Examincr says, The beauty f the present juncture is, that nobody :nows what Sir Robert Peel is going to o, and vet every man is sutisfied that . ie is the man todo nobodv knows what?" THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. j, The first Message of President Polk to ongress ha.-1 cxditcd.. as mny be readily sup c oed, n greatcr aniount of attontion in f ii)(), than any similor document frorn the head f the Amprican Union has dono for yeare.- ubüc feeling wns directed to the Message ' ong beiorr it arrived: its tone, hostile or oth jrwiee, formed abundant scope for conjecture n the pross, and even durinq theexciting time f the Minsiterial cfisls, journalistp, overivhellned by ilie importnnce of our relations ivish i he United States, stepped uside to disJtiss the q'ie.stion, even in the absr ne of the Pretidnt's Vievs. Wel!, the message came to hand in the ordinary, by the snip "Sea," which nuxlo m excellent passoge. It was gcncrally understood. we may state in litis placo, lliat the steamer which lefi Boston on the lsl of December, tonveyed a copy of tho Message to Mr. McLane, the Americun Ministerj but if the fucts were so, care was Buccesöfully taken tliat rleither tlie sjiril or the subsinnce of ihe message transpirad.We have given clsewhere the spirit of the English press on tbis important document. - Our trans -athuitic readers viH be struck by tlienbïence of all irritation in the remarks of t!if great orea ris of o'pifiions iti this eosintry relutive to the mes:c; nnd thiá re!uctancu lp givs offonce, nrises iltogether from the praiseworlliy desire to heul rather tlian to foment the cause of difference bet werft us und the U. States respeclirig tho Oregon; Some of tho articles we have givöri arfe able and comprehensave views of the question at issue, urgued ofcourse with un allowable oiuount of nation al feeling nnd prpjudice, but presenting on truwhole, o jiibt and generous Standard öf reason ;ind log ie. One cause; periirips, wby ihe message hns ngreeably disnppointedexpeclations hre is the well timod ob'sefvatiöns in wluch it indulges respect ing a liberal tariff. lf lheOrogm i ihe bane, ihc propo-ed reduclion of tho tarifT is the antidote in tho Preidtnt's missive to Congres?. The style of the document haf elicitëd preie: and altiiough Mr. Polk has been snübbed by Europeon publicista asa üouvul humnif, lie lias vèti proof in this mucli criticised documpiit of the pcfeession nf literary povv-ers ihat conirrïutid respect, f they do not nhvays enforco conviclion. Upon llie while then, if tlie Mesëacë has not givpn n 11 the satisfoction in England which thcfriends and well vvishêra of América could desire, it lm s jts fnvórnble poifit j Ümt of fren tracle; nnd the pending triumph of freetrade principies will, in all probability, be occompanied by a satisfuctory ndjusiment uf that bonr of contention - the Oregofl. Polk and Peel ngree as to the neceésity of the first - why not as to the fast uherhátive? The tiniisk M'nistri.-The following ie an official list of the re adminittration: First Lord of the Treaury: Sir R. Peel. Socretary of the Htfme Deparlmeuti Slr J. R. G. Grahoitii Lord ChaficetlOr; Lort! Lyndhurst. Prt'siilem of ihe Counsel: Diike of Buccleuch. Cëmmnnder in Chief: Duke of Wellington. Secretary of PoreJgn Affaire: Earl of Abeideert. Lord Privy Seal: Éarl of Iloddington. President of the Board of Control: Earl of Ripon. Chancellor of the Exchequer: Rt. Hon. H. Goulburn. Cliancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster: L'rd G. Somersöt. Commissloner of Land Revemies: Etirl Lincoln. Sec.etnry of Wnr: Rt. ilon. S. Herbért. The follówing are the new members of the Cabiriet. President of 1he Board of Trade: E-rl Dal housie. First Lord of the Admtraky: Earl of Ellcnborougfi. Post Master General.' Earl ofSt. Germains. Secretary of the Colunics: Hon. W. Gladstor.e. Most of the Cabinet Ministère left London on Christmas day, and the day precedbg, lor their respecti ve seata in the country, to join their families nnd friends ot this feslive season of the year. As Sir Robert Peel passed down the Londor and Birminírhíim line to Tamworth, he stnyed a short time ot Birmingham and wüs loudly eheered. On dit, thot Sir R. Peel, when his beet feelings are nbont liim, doesn't mind cracking a joke ai Tarmvoith - he tella tho Burghers that he is one of thenoselves - the 6on of a cotton epinner, aod thatid wife was the daughter of a private soldier, may be worth mentioning, that Lady Peel ia 0 ie youngest daughter of General Sir. John la loyd, Bart., who rose froni the ranks. lo Some of the English papers contiue to tj, rt that the extensivo war preparntion? now u kinff throughout the kinrrdom are merely n ecautionary, ond intended )nly to guard m rainft the possibüity of a war with France. re hen all the new works nre completed, the ' ngli&h coasts will be in n better condition of C ifencelhan tho?e of Frsncp. '! Upwards of 10U0 men are now employed in e Dockyards ai Deptford, and oll the works lerein are proceediog with the greatest rapiAn explosión recently took place al the c onVillun of Toulon, by which eight persons 3j ere killed and seven wounded. tl Commercial. - The state of corn trado pl very peculiar at ihe present moment. 9' leliën it first transpired llirough the london Times, thut Peel ntcnded lo bandon the corn-laws, the immedíate v 3ct was to depress the price. Wlien l)e esigned, business generally, and the rain market amongst others, beca me agnant, bnt when he returned to office, ie value of every description of food :se. This has been followed by , uent re-action, arising, hovvever, from tl uses irrespective of politics or parties. 'he recent heavy shijjments from Ameria have commanded attention, without j ïuch influencing the market. The i peculations taking place in breadstufis n the other sideofthe Atlantic has been normous, and the judicious hereseem to bink that rnany will burn their fingers nth it. The recent events in England ave paralyzed speculations on the Contiient, and the result is, thut the great mar;ets are dull, and prices stationary. The alarm respecting the deficiency if the polntoe erop is on the decrease, md the present dull period of the year s not duller in the manufacturing disricts of Lancashire and Yorkshire than isual - perhaps less so. The Share mariet is looking up ; the value of many of he old and some of the new speculations ís increased. The fuuds have risen at least three per cent. from the point at which they stood bofore the Ministerial break up. The rate of interest is higher - from 3 i to 5 per cent. for first rate paper. The produce markets generally speaking, have been dull, with upon the whole, a downward tendency. The wool tra de principnlly is interesting to the United Stales, from the fact that the past is the first year when that slaple has been sent to this country for sale. It seems that since this hranch of commerce opened. 3,00U bales of American wool have been received at Liverpool. Some fauli is found with the mode of preparation and the selection; but the experiment, as far as it hs gone, is successful, and with ordinary care, may be swelled into an important article of consumption.