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A Letter From Ex-gov. Palmer Of Illinois

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Chicago, July 29. - Ex-üov. Paluior in a lettor to ÍS. L. Merritt, Secretary of the Democratie State Central Cominittee, says though it is impossible for him to bo iu Chicago on tho 2!)th he will take the liberty to make a few suggestioiis. He says the party which now holds possessiou of the government is so compltitely uuder oontrol of politioal managers and their adherents that hereafter its formal platforms will dudare any form of political doctrine to be Kepublicanism which will catch votes, and repudíate the soundest truths whenever or wherevor they uiay happen to bo impopular. The letter continúes : " It canuot and will never again submit to the country an honest, frank and well-dettned platform of principies. It would have gone to pieces duriug the last sesgiou of Congress but for & tacit agreement that everything in statesmanship and politics should be regarded as non-essential, and it must be apparent that what is known as the opposition, havo as yet detormined on no common ground of aotion, nor do I suppose it to be possible to the country declaration of principies on which all opposed to the party in power can agree. It is true every citizen must rjerceive in the recklessness and extra vagance of Congress and the corrup-, tions which disgrace almost every department of the public service, and in the encroachments of Congress and the Federal judiciary on the people and their contempt for the limitations of the Constitution occasion for alarm, but the difficulty to be surmounted is to find sonie basis of union which will enable the people to co-operate for the public good. In niy judgment this end can be secured in but one way, and that to go before the country upon a declaration of principies that shall be frank, uuevasive and true, and which shall, by its plainness, carry the proof with which it is presen ted. As the flnances of the country are the subjeot of deep interest, let it speak oui fraukly for an early return to speceie payment, for an honest discharge of the public debt in ooin, and denounce the specious but delusive idea of the discharge of any portion of the obligations of the government in irredeemable promises. The people of the United States are engaged in a contest with great corporations that have monopolized the carrying trade, and although appropriate agencies and State governments are attempting to compel them to submit to rules of reason and justice, and while the corporations have attempted to escape to the jurisdiction of the United States, weary of the restrictions imposed on them by public law and the charters granted by the States, they asked the intervention of Congress and the Federal courts. If Congress can be induced under the specious pretext of aiding in the construotion of trunk lines to engage in the creatiou of railroad corporations, at no distant day State charters will be abandoned for organization under Federal law, and the whole subject will pass beyond the authority of the States. The platform should reassert the authority of the States to regúlate their own affairs, and the authority of Congress to interiore in their internal affairs should be denied. Taxation is at once a necessity and a burden of civilized government. Taxation can only be justified when imposed for public necessity. The people of the United States will no longer submit to burdena imposud on them for the sake of what is called protection. It is hardly consistent with what I suppose to be the proper limits of this communication that I should go farther, but I cannot forbear saying that nearly 800,000 colored voters in the South and more than an equal number of white voters in the same States are jealous and distrustful of each other. Each looks to the central government for support against the other, for which support they are ready to pay any price that inay be demanded of them by the party in power, and neither has confidence in the oppo8ition. The colored voters doubt the inclination of the whites have no confidence in the ability of those opposed to the Eepublican party to do themselyes justice and protect them, and as a consequenoe the whole South is at the foot of the adunnistration. It is now demanded, not only by ajust regard for the welfare of the people of the south, but by considerations that deeply affect perpetuity everywhere, that the different races in the late slave States should be harmonized and be taught to look to themselves and the influence of just laws and their impartial administration, for the protection and promotion of their happiness. It is to be hoped that the opposition by its candor and justice will be able to win the confidence of all classes in the South, and by that means remove what seeins to be one of the most serious dangers that threaten the country. Verv trulv. vours etc,


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