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Cakds. _ circulars. _ Bill-Heads. - Letter-Heads. - Shipping Tags. _- Priuted at the Akous office. __ In tlie best style and chkap. _ Don't order elsewhere before calling. _- A fine rain feil on Wednesday night. -The nights have averaged oool for a week or two. _ Col. tírant has gone back to Hougliton, ii scarch of warmer weather. - The Ypsilanti Commercial of last weel „ si0p9 over" prodigiously. "We ieel besmeared __Wm. H. Pease wants a house and lot in this city in part payment for a good farm in pittsfield. See ad. - President Reed, of the Uuiversity of Mis souri, made a " short stop " in our city on Sut nrfftj, and gave the University a " look up." Bach left home yestesday afternooi for a trip through the Lakes, Superior included w steamer Kewenaw. Several ladies accom" panied him. _- A meeting was held under the auspices o: the Ladies' Temperance Union, in the M. E Church on Tuesday evening, with a fair attendiuce and considerable interest. - Bev. S. Reed, of this city, lecturod at the JI. E. Church in Manchester, on the evening of Jaly 27th. Subject, " What I saw in a niue mile walk in the Mammoth Cave." - The Methodist congregatiou, old and youug, picnic-ed in the grove near the residence of C. B. Cook, on Wednesday, and had a general good time ; shortened up, however, by a premature shower. - The wife of Raudall Schuyler, a lady very mach esteemed by a large circle of aiqaaintancea, died on Thursday night of last week. Her funeral was attended at St. Andrew's Church on Sunday afternoon. -In obedience to Greeley's iujunction, "go West," Assistant-Professor Harrington, of the l'nirersity, went in that direction a few weeks ago. He has returned, and a wife canie with hun. Her name, it was Smith. - A reunión of the First Michigan Iufantry (both the three months and threo years men) is to be held in the parlors of Cook's Hotel, in this city, on the 27th of August. Au effort is being made to secure a large attendance. - We give place this week to another article on "The Priests and the Women," ventunng only the opinión that it scarcely touches the root of the matter : woman suffrage and the influence oi the " priests" or parsous or ministers upon vroman as an elector. -Dr. Douglas and Prof. Hilgard, of the University, were both present at the centennial celebration of the disjovery of oxygen, which toot place at Northumberlaud, Pa., (where Dr. Friestley, the discoverer was buried), on the 31st uit, and both were made Vice-Presidents. -The employés of the Michigan Central Raüroad Compaiiy, at Detroit and along the road, have their annual excursión to-morrow and visit our city with their wives and families, Firemen's Park has been engaged. It is understood that the party will uumber f rom 1,500 to 2,000 persons. - We can spare a very little space to businss men of this city who would really be glad to let the outeide world - the farmers and goodsbuying community generally - know that they have an existence. Non-advertisers disobey the scriptural command, and hide their light under a bushei; perhaps under a peck measure. - Lucy Stone has advised us (by an autograph letter) that the Woman's Journal will be sent to the Abgus until af ter election, and gives us generous permission to " use its f acts without credit." How are we to know what are facts and what political buncomb ? If we know the ear-marks there is considerable of the latter in the Woman's Journal columns. But Lucy raay iifferfrom us. (-The house of D. Cramer, Esq., corner of Washington and División streets, was entered by a burglar on Wednesday night, through a window, and a gold watch secured and carried off. The question frequently put to Mr. C. is, ''How about that $10 reward f" but Cramer rehses to believe that the fellow is the same one who tarred his gate ajid walk. And we don't believe he is, for burglary isu't half as mean a trick as the other. Judge Craue filed a "grist" of decisions in the Clerk's office on Tuesday, as follows : Hiram Brigga vs. Russell Briggs, aud Albert R. Clark. Bill for specific performance of contract. Defense a forged signature. Signature held genuine, and decree ordered eutered in favorof complainant againstdefendant Briggs. Charles Thayer et al. vs. Wm. H. Arnold et al. BUI dismissed, with costs to defendants. Tenning Kelly r. John and James A. Tripp. Bill dismissed, with costs to defendants. John Field vs. The Village of Manchester et al. Decree in favor of complainant, with costs of suit to be taxed. Senry Markell vs. Cornelius B. Henion et al. Judgment for plaintiff, $432.63 and costs. In the appeal of Clarissa G. L. Buckingham from the order of sale of the Probate Court in Eatate of William Buckingham, deceased. Decisión of Probate Court reversed. Arthur Polhemus vs. Jacob A. Polhem us. Judgment for plaintiff, $648.45 and costs. Soah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate, for the use of David Congdon, G-uardian of Henry Congdon, vs. Bdward H. Congdon et al. Judgment for defendants, with costs. Sarah Coates vs. Alfred Coates. Bill íor divorce. Bill dismissed. George S. Engle vs. Madison Miller. Judgment for defendant, with costs. Aaron Parsons, formerly of this city, now of Moravia, New York, receutly met with Berious loss by burglars (a comb and piece of 'osp), the annouucement of which in the Morará News caused his many friends here to immediately take up a contributiou and send him box of goods. The News aforesaid acknowliged the reception in behalf of Mr. Parsons "of the worst lot of secoud hand tooth-brushes, wmbs, brushes, soap, shears, razors, etc, ever toocked together," and adds that Mr. P., beiug overeóme, we suppose," by the kindnesa of his friends, " was carried fainting from the freight office," but was restored " by a liberal application of the ' kerosene hair oü ' " included among M presents," Manchester met with a serious loss on Sunday "git last, the total destruction by fire of the Pper mili and grist mili of Reynolds & Unterfeoher. We understand that there had been 00 Ste in either ruil! for several days, the paper ffliU being temporarily closed for want of stock !s'raw), and the grist mili undergoing repairs, "hich makes it certain that the ñre was an iundiary one. New machinery had receutly en put into the grist mili and that in the paper m'll was coraparatively new. The loss is estimated at 150,000, with iusurance in the sum o 28,000.

Ira Cushman, of Lima, died at the residence of his son, Samuel Cushman, in Sharon, on the 23d ult, aged 83 years. Mr. Cushman was one of the old settlers of the county, having settled in Lima in 1835, and was universally respected by all who knew him. He was in good health and in the full enjoyment of his mental facilities nearly up to the day of his death.

The Mission Sunday School of this city hel "■ picnic laat Saturday in C. B. Cook's grove rie children had a whole day in the woode an "ent home full and happy. Tae teachers wish to express their thanks t dnators for the abundant supplv of proT """n sent in. ( The dwelling house of David Berger, of th 0Wn ol Manchester, was burned on the af te n of the 30th uit. Cause, a defectivo flu "'sured for fl,800 in the Washtenaw Mutua aurance Company.