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Morton's Manifesto

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jBSfl 6 H ff t E' ij fi" 51 Briggs House, Bandolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site, has all the modern conveniences - Passenger Elevator, lïiith Rooms, Hot and Co!d Water in each Room, Elegamly Furnished, and located in the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS & HUNTOON, - Propnetors. Sherififs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Washtenaw County, ss. By virtue of an execution issued out of and un?.er the seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Waf-htenaw, and to me directed and delivered, aainstthegoods, chattles, lands and tenements of Ma ihew C. Dubois, I have thia twenty-third day of May, A. D. 1874, bsized and levied upon all the riht, title, and interest Matthew C. Dubois has, in and to the folio wing lands, to wit : The southeast quaker of the soatheaat quarter of section number nmcteen ; r.lso east half of the northeast quarter of section thirty, town three south range three east, in the towathip of Shf -on, Washtenaw county, State of Michigan, which above desoribed property I shall exposé for sale to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the fifth day of (September, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock a. M. of said day. Dated, July 29, 1874. 1489td M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage executed by Solon Cook to Adelaide Lewitt (to secure the puichase price of lands therein deseribed), on the first day of May, a.d. 1867, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the seventh day of May, a. d. 1867, in Liber 36 of Mortgages, on page 491; and duly assigned by said Adelaide Lewitt to SilasH. Douglas, on the 25th day of April, 1870, which aasignment was recorded in said Kegister's office in Liber 2 of Assignmente of Mortgages, on page 501, on said 25th day of April, 1870; and ïurther assigned by eaid Silas H. Douglass to Irene Clark, on the 24th day of December a. D. 1873, which last assignment was recorded in said Register's office on said 24th kday of December, 1873, in Liber 4 of Assignments of Mortgages, on page 180 ; and was further assigned by saia Irene Clark to Orange E. Young, on the 23d day of Mareh, 1874, which last assignment was recorded in said Register's office on the 9th day of April, 1874, in Liber 50 of Mortgages, on page 468, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operative, on which mortgage there is elaimed to be due at the date of this notice, for principal, interest and msurance, and Attorney fee as provided for in said mortgage, the sum of one thousand eight hundred dollars and fífty-five cents, and no suit or proceeding at law er in equity having been instituted to recover the amount due on said mortgage or any part thereof : Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I shall sell at public auction at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor - that being the building in which the Circuit Court for said county of Washtenaw is held - on Saturdat, THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF OCTOBEB NEXT, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following premises deacribed in said mortgage, via.: AU tbose certain tracts or pareéis of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known and described as the east three-fourthB of lot number six (6J, and the weet half of lot number seven(7),in bíock one 0} north of range six (6) east, according to the recorded plat ofthe village of Ann Arbor, in said county of Waehtenaw, or so much or such part or parts thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage. Dated July 31, 1874. ORANGE R. YOUNG, Assïgnea. A. J. Sawyer, Atty. for Assignee. 1469td Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having occurred in the condition of a certain mortgage, dated the nixteenth day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, executed by Samuel M. Burbank and Amanda Burbank, his wife, of the townahip of Ann Arbor in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to James W. Hinchey , of the township of Putnam in the county of Livingston and State of Michigan, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county of Washtenaw, on the seventeenth day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, in liber thirtynine of mortgages, on pafire three hundred ann eighty-three thereof, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due, at the date of this notice, the aum of one thouriand one hundred and nineteen dollars and sixty cents, and the power of sale contained in said mortgage having become operative by ieason of such default, and no suit or proceedings at law having been instituted to recover the debt remaining secured by said mortgage or any part thereof : Notice is therefore hereby given, that by viTtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and of the statute in such cases made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises in said mortgage, described as wit: AU that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Ann Arbor, county of Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, known and described as follows, to wit : Being a part of the southwest quarter of section thir y in township two of range six east, beginning at a point in the quarter line in the center of the road leading southwesterly from the city of Ann Arbor ; thence south along the quarter line of said section twenty-three chains and forty-four links to the quarter post; thence west along the section line eight chains and eighty-seyen links; thence north parallel with tho quarter line twenty-one chains and seventy linka to the center of said road ; thence along said road to the place of beginning, containing twenty acres of land, or so much thereof as ahull be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortige with ten per ent interest thereon and legal costa and an attorney fee of flfty dollars covenanted for therein, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, insiiid county of Warhtenaw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county, on Thukbday, the fifth day of November next, at one o'clock in the afternronof said day: that Baid sale will be made subject to the payment of th( several inatallments of principal and interest securec by and vet to become due on eaid mortgage. Dated, July 28, 1874. JAMES W. HINCHEY, H. H. Haiïmon, Mortgagee. Atty. for Mortgagee. 1489td A Chance for Bargains ! For sale at a great bargain, 160 ACEES OF CHOICE LAND, Iying2á miles f rom the city of lonia. 100 acres under improvement, with good orchard, barn and shed, and a comfortable house. Terms of pay ment- from $2,000 to $2,500 down; balance on long time. Also 90 ACEES, about 2 % milea from Aueusta Kalamazoo County, all improved, with good build ings. Terms- extremely low. Also 40 ACRF.S about eight miles from UaatingB. Also 80 ACRES on section 8 iu the town of Hazel ton, Shiawasse County, about 12 miles from Corunna. Well timbered. For terms address the undersigned. E. B. PON. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. T FEED. BROSS, MASÜFACTUKEIt OF CIIIKIAUKS. BCGOIES, L1MBER WAGONS SPRING MGOVS, CUTTERS, SI.EIGHS, &c. All work warranted of the best material: Repair ing done promptly and reasonably. All work war ranted to give perfect satisfaction. 68 South Mai street. HM MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. 8UMMER TIME TABLE. Passengertrainsnow leave the several OllOWd UOINO WEBT. " f i u' á á 8TATIONB. H H g o 3 "i S g % 3 P M O 1 ft A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. H. F. M. Jetroit, leave, 7 00 10 00 2 00 4 10 5 40110 00 psilanti, 8 25 11 10 3 08 5 30 7 10 1 nnArbor, 8 50 11 25 3 27 5 50 7 45 11 35 exter, 9 17 3 50 6 20 8 10 helsea, 9 35 4 10 8 30 raas Lake, 10 02 p. m. 4 41 9 00 ackaon, 1C 38 12 35 5 10 9 35 1 00 P. M. A. M. íalamazoo, 1 58 3 05 8 20 12 25 Chicago arrive, 7 35 8 00J 6 30; 8 00 GOING KAST. h íli I Í7í A. M. A. H. P. M. P. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 9 00 5 15 9 00 P. M. A. M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 11 05 1 35 5 00 2 35 p. M. a. m. ackson, i 2 33 4 05 8 00 12 30 5 10 GrassLake, 3 08 8 31 1 Chelsea, ! 3 33 8 65 a. m. Dexter, 3 50 9 17 6 35 AnnArbor, ' 4 13 5 10 9 45 1 56 6 30 7 00 Ypsilanti, 4 35 5 27 10 10! 2 15 6 50 7 25 )etroit, arrive, I 5 55 6 30 11 20 8 301 8 00 8 45 The Atlantic and Pacific Expresa run botween ackaon and NileB on the Air Line. Dated, May 24, 1874. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RAILROAD. OOIN8 WEST. -1873- GOI1IG EAST. stations. MaiJ. Exp. stations. Exp. Mail. Detroit, dep... 7:15 -6:40 a. m. p. M. Ypsilanti 8:45 7:15 Bankers 5:45 2:15 Saline 9:25 7:43 Hillsdale 6:15 2:30 Bridgewater . . 9:60 8:00 Manchester.... 8:5 4:08 Manchester... .10:22 8:18 Bridgewater.. 9:00 4:28 P.M. Saline 9:25 4:45 Hillsdale 1:00 9:52 i Ypsilanti 10:03 5:15 Bankers 1:16 10:00 Detroit 11:20 6:25 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. Flint & Pere Marquette E. K. TOLEDO, SAGINAW AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable connections made at Wayne Junction with trains of the Michigan Central R. R. Three trains North and two Houth daily except Sunday. Time Cabd of June 23d, 1874. GOING NORTH. Wayne, leave 1.16 p. m. 6.05 p. m. 10.35 p. m. Holly, 2.55 " 7.25 " 12.47 a. m. Flint, 3.50 " 8.15 " 4.68 " East Saginaw, 5.15 " 9.32 " 6.25 ' Baginaw City, 5.20 " 9.37 " 8.45 " BayCity, 5.55 " 10.10 " 7.35 " Reed City, 9.30 " 12.15 p. M. GOING SOUTH. Wayne, leave 3.00 p. m. 7.25 a. m. Monroe, 4.10 " 8.38 " Toledo, arr. 5.10 " 9.35 " SAN FORD KEBLER, Ass't Supt. J. P. Noukse, Oen'i Ticket Agent. " HOW T(U0 WEST." This is an inquiry which every one shouid have truthfully answered before he starts on his journey, and a little care taken in examination of routes will in many cases save much trouble, time and money. The Chicago, Burlington & üuincy Railroad has achieved a aplendid reputation in the last three years as the leading PasBenger Route to the West. Starting at Chicago or Peoría, it runa direct throug4i Southern Iowa and Nebraska, with close connections to California and the Territories. It íb also the short line and best line to Quincy, Missouri, andpointsin Kansas and New Mexico. Passenger on their way westward connot do better than to take this route. This line has published a pamphlet entitled ' How to go West," which contains much valuable inforination ; a large, correct map of the Great West, which oan be obtained free of charge by addressing the General Weatern Passenger Agent, Chicago, Burlington & Quinoy Railroad, Chicago, 111. 1461yl T IVE GEESE FEATHJïtlS PIR8T QUAIilT-ST , ConeUnt'ïonhand andforsaleby BACHfr ABEL. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! The Spring Campaign DPENED 1 EARNEST. BULL, THE CLOTHIER, Haa just arrived and opened tbe great One-Price CLOTHING HOUSE. IN MARTIN 'S BLOCK. Where you can now fina the Largest, Finest and moot Complete Stock of RBADY-MADE CLÜTHING HATS, CAPS, TRÜNKS, AND Gents' Furnishing Goods, Every before offered in A. n Aabor. No trouble to snovr Goods at the Star C-lotliïttf House, No. 33 Soutb Main St., East tside, A.nd Arbor, llich. GEORGE BULL. 1478tf RailroaD Accident ! Casea after cases of GENTS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE Spring and Summer CLOTHING! are continually arriving for WAGNER. The goods were bought for Cash so low that they can and will be sold at pricea Defyiug: all Coinpetition, and just uuituble to those in need of and pressed somewhat by hard times. Altio those tiiat take pride in wearing First-Class Clothes Will be able to seleot froni the best of Foreign and Domestic makes of GASSIMERES AND VESTINGS And have them made at the same place in the latest Style, and Warrautod to Fit before they leave, If anything in Furnishing Goods line they should happen to need, everything in the Gents1 Dressing line can be found at Lower Pricea than at uny other Clothing House at WJI. WAGNER. No, 21 South Main St., Ann Ajrbor lstf SPRING GOOOS BACH & ABEL' S A Largc and wcll-selected stock at the lowest cash prices. We invite aa inspection of our assortment of and would cali especial atteution to our brand of BLACK ALPACAS " THE MARIE STUART; Acknowledged to be su peior to any other mported. Chaney Brothers, American, and Lyons} BLACK SILKS at reduced prices. A LAEGB LINE OF ?leached and Brown Oottons ncluding most of the popular branda lill's, Lonsdales, Wanisuttas, New York Mills, &c. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OP WHITE & LHVBN (iOODS. A full line of the oelebrated A. T. Stewart ALEXANDRIA KID GLOVES The best Glove imported. BACH & ABEL. Atchison,f opeka and Santa Fe RAILROAD. THREE MILLION ACRES LIBERAL TERMS TO IMPROTERS. II YEARS CREDIT, 7 PER CBNT. INT. No Part of the Principal payable for Four Years, FINE GRAIN-QROWING BMG10N. Traets of one and two thousand acres available for Neighborhood Colonice, or for Stock Farma. Excellent Climate, with Pure Flowing Water. II 1 would say, that in the courae of many yeara, ' and through extensive travel, I have not seen a more ' iu viting country, nor one which otfera greater in'ducements, with fewer objeetions to settlement, 'than these landsot the A. T. & S. F. R. E."- Exract Report of Htnry Slewart, Agncultural Editor American AgricuUuralist. Tor full particulars inquire of A. E. TOUZALIN, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kamsa. E. B. Pond, Local Aí;ent, Ann Arbor, Hich. HARDWOOD & BASSWOOD LUMBEE FOR SALE. THE subseriber has on hand a good asaortment of OAK, ASH, ELM, BASSWOOD, WHITEWOOD, and other varieties of Lumbei-, from V. in. to S in, thick. AL80, Pence Posta, Square Tircber, Plank and Oak Studding of all sizes kept on hand or made to order on short notice. Particular attention giyen to CUSTOM SAWING. Fence Posta planed, Oak Pickets kept on hand and Bawed to order. MOULDINGS of different patterns sawed to order. FAKM GATES kept on hand and sold cheap. Particular attention given tq furniahing billa of timber of different lengths and süsea uu the most reaaonable terras. . 8AWS GUMMED ON SHORT NOTICB. LOGS WANTED. I ra prepared to pay CASH for sound Oak, Ash, Basawood and Whitewood Logs delivered at my mili, or will buy and measure Logs in the woods within six miles of the mili. ■rjr-All persona indebted to the late flrm of Wlnes & Hallock will please cali and settle tbeir accounts at the Mili. J. T. HALLOCK. CHCURE YOURSBLF A HOME. Valuable City Iots forsale Cheap, and long given for psyment if dosired. H75m3 C. H. MILLBN.