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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. - Wn. LEWITT, M. O., Physicinn and Surgeon. Office over Watts' Jewolry btor, Mum gtreat, Ann Arbor. . 1487tf „BAZEB, ARRIMAN & HAMILTO1J f Attorneysat Lhw. Ottiou Non. 7 and 9 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, Micfa. ■TBASTCJS THATCHE, Attorney and Ti Counselor at Law, Ni). 5 Easi Hui'ou Street, Ann Arbor, Mioh. 13BC TvT arbor mineral sprimcs. V. Morris Hale, M. D., Supari utendent. Office n bniMïne. coruer Mimn and NVent Huron Street. WÏIVES A: WOBDE1V, 0 Pouth Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mlch., wholesale and retail dealmla DryGoods, Carpets and Groceries. 1351tf iTaCK & SCHMID, Dealers in Dry (Joods, il Groceries, Crockery,&c. No. 54 South Main gtreat. ir II. JACKSON, Dentist.snccessorto C. B. f I Porter Office corner Main and Hnronstreets, over the store of R. VV. Ellis & Co , Ann Arbor, llich. tnestheticsadmiuistercdif reqnired. TrTHERtAHíI te WHEDON, Life and i pirelnsurance Agente, and dealersm RealKBtate. Office on Hnron Street. BACII : ABEL, Dealers in Dry doods. Gro"cpries, c. fc.,8. - South Main Street, Ann Arlior. WW. WAGNEB, Dealer in Ready MadeCloth ing.ClotbB, Caasimeres, Vestings, Trunki aruet Bags, &c. 21 South Main strect. V-OAH. W. CHEEVEK, 'attorney at law ! Oïe with E. W. Morgan, Eot siöe ofConrt Ilouse Square. ' 13 iy C. CARR, Dentist, - . SucoesBor to C. C. ï - i Jenkins. Nitrous Oxid jLr S-'' V fcs Gas adnimistered f 0 ftt o e o v e r S Bach & A bel' s IWWm No. 26 South pSOCKERY GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & ï- Donnelly Have i n a tore a 1 arge atock of Crocker) , Qlasaware , Platcd Ware.Cotlery Groceries, ie, 4c. all tobe soldat unusually low prices. No. 12 Ea'st Huron Street, Ann Arbor. ll'28tf J. & P. DONNEI.XY. rOHN Q. QALL, rBA-X.ER, I3ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARO, SAUSAGKS, Etc, Ordorssolicitedandpromptly llled with thebost meats in the market. Cor Huroa nnd Fourth ets. Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th. 1S69. DR. C. A. LEITER, Physician and Surgeon, Offlce over Watla' Jewelry Store, MRin Street, ResliU-nce 5S East Huron Street, 1469tf ANN ARBOR, MtCH. ■ r - ' ! 'VT A II 14 S Yj V , Qzy' Mannfactunr ui . Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLEIGHS, of every style, made af the best material, and warranted. Repairinff done prom.pt1? anl pricos reasonable, Detroit Street, near K. R, Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1446yl TOBAOCONIST 1 Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Simff, Fipes, Sdc„ AT ÜÍO. 7 EAST HUROÍÍ STREKT, Next to the Express Office, AKItOK. Tl Kil. IMMf BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Tïlock, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. No vaeations. Day classes throughout the year. Htudenta enter at any time. InBtruction according to most approved plans. Students have " Acüial Praotice " at the beginning of the course in book keeping. 1441tf ]SEW EEAL ESTÁTE OFFICE OF ABNER HITCHCOCK & CO. 43 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Wty Property, Houses, Lots and Farms FOE SALE AND EXCHANGEH. SOUTHERN LANDS FOR SALE. COEOMES LÓCATE D. STOCKS AND MORTOAGES FOE SLE. I6m3 AND MONEY'S LOANED.


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