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Centaur Liniments

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Have cured more wonderïm cabea of rheumatiam, aches, paina, swellings, frost-bites, caked breaata, burna, acalda, aalt-rheum, &c, upoB the human frame, and strains, apavin, galla, &c, uopn anímala, in one year, than all other pretended remedies have aince the worldbegan. Certiflcatea of remarkable curea accompany each bottle, and will be sent gratis to any one. There is no pain which theae Liniments will not relieve, no zwelling they will not Bubdue or lameness they will not cure. Thia ia atrong language, but it is true. No fatnily or stook-owner can afford to be -without Centaur Linimenta. White Wrapper for family use ; the Yellow Wrapper for anímala, l'rioe, 50 ets. ; large bottlea, Í1.C0. J. B. Eose & Co. 53 Broadway, New York. Castoria ia more than a ubatitute for Castor OU. It is the only safe aiticle in exiatence which ia certain to regúlate the bowola, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It is pleasant to tahe. No more eleeplesa mothera or crying babies. Price 35 ets. per bottle. 1481 yl


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Michigan Argus