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The Great Remedy Of Wild Wistar's Balsam Cherry

The Great Remedy Of Wild Wistar's Balsam Cherry image
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5R COUOHS, COLD8, COXSOtPTION &C. l'OhTAVr TO ALL TH03B AKr'LICTKD W1ÏU DISKaSKS OV THli LUNC8 AND DP.KAST. 'M Míreteles eccr cense? More t rul 'ent tí rfitJ sitrpusstng hcalth r StorHtce virti 1 ? ? ? 3 'rom Dr. Bnker. Springfield, Wnrii. Co. Ky.[ 8MÍKoriKLD Ky., Moy 14, 140. essra. Sanl'oid t!fc l'otk: - GtNTS - I iake ibis opportuniiy of in for in mr" ui "t n most remarkahle cure periormed iiptiu by the u3t; oí ''Dr. IVistar's Balsam of 'II Chcrnj." In f ytur 1640 rWn tnken with nn Iuflsrn-iiinul tho BowrU wliicli I labort.l under !or cix ei'ks whon I gincUiully recovéved. ]n llw fatl 14'! I wat uicicuri! wuli e. sevcre cold, wl-ich iáud naelfupun my lungs. a:d fcir Iho space of irec yenrï 1 Vnsconfined to my tiu.l. I n led oll inda of mediciiKs nnd every vnriety of tucdicnl dnnd without bcnifri nnd ihus I weofied nlony ntil the winter of 144. when i.hvotd f "W ia-ir's Bilsam of Wild Clieriy." My frinnds perauaded me to give it o trial, lough 1 hid given up all hnpoa of n rccf.verv. nJ had (repareil myself for the chnnge ül anther worKJ. 'i ;, ajn iheir sylicitAtion I wna ïduced lu mak QM of tho Genuine Wistor'a alsatnof Wild Clu-try." Tiic ofièct wastiulv Btomahinè. Afier five ycara of affliciion, pain nd suiTerinij: nhd nl'tcr hoving Bpén' four ut' humlrcil dollars to no pui puse, and the bet nd most respectoblcpltvsicinrB haii proVfd iitn-' :iilmL. I was n u?t n c ' lo evtlrti heaL'h btj )c lessing f Gol (■( ',hi vse of Dr. 1Vïs- ur's Balsam tf W.U Chrrry. I nm now BnjoyÏQg C' -ii i Kealtli. nnd such i ïy altcrcil appcarnnce t'nat I cm ni lonycr know i'hcn I meet my formcr nc'iunintnicPa. l have RHinrd rapidly in woight, ond mv flesh i tl.-ni and y 'hd. 1 cun now ent ns tnuch ns any icrs m ind my fond teemt tö nerfe wiih nic.-hnve eufM) more dui ing the laai si momhs thaa lint) t'Otcn fur tivo yettta lioforr. CoMsidering my ense almosi n mirncic. I deen t in c ismy for the wwd of the nfllicicd nnd u luiy I uwe :o tho proprietors aivl my fellow uien, who should know where relief may bo had) o nmke tin's statement pullic ïMiiy tho blessing oi God rest u;on tho propri-tora at so vaiiiiihle o medicine ris Wistar'a Bal-iin of. Wild Ciierry. Yours respect fully, WILL1AM11. BAKER'. The f uil iir:"fi Itnsjiist been rece vd from Mr.Kdtcurd Sirutton. tf Ltiingtmt, Mo., tchick' s'iotcs thut Gons ■inption in i s icon t farm can be cured bij IVistar' s BuUain of IV li Chcrry. Lkxincto.v, Mo., Jnn. 21, 1845. Binjunin Phelps - l)e;ir Sir: I lake groni pleasurc in eommuntcating to you. whfcl 1 ciní=ider un etraordinary cute, efiected on my anughior, nboilt 14 ycursuf ge. by Wi nr's Halsam of Wild Cheriy. About the Istof ijcptcinber lnst, my daughterWM tukenick. und vaa nticnded bv ei-vcnil pbyeicinns. whose pioCT)piions provuil inclifcMiinl. f.r see.ned lo do na' gooi!. Slio waf btten.dsd wiih nci)nt:int cuiigh. ind pain in the brenst. I Ier physii.iiins nnd iill vtio uw her, come to the conclusión ihnt tliu vns in u contirmcd stan of Cunsu nption. I ïuule no other cnleulation (han fr lur lo die. - 5ni as soon osshe comincnccd lakinfi the Bal-' BR1 she benn ici improve, nnd Contmuud so u o unül lier hwtllh wns rrstored, nnd ia now cnircly well. With n vinw of benefitting ihoso who m iy beBimilarly afilicicd, 1 take pl-nsutu in rncommonilmg tliis retnedy lo the Jenco of he public'. Vours, wi'.li rospert. KDWAUI) STR TTON.WftiTAR'S BALSAM OF WILDCHERRY ha: riöt ortly t lievca but curt-s! IT!rPri(ie$l per bottle. or six boules for $6, For sale in Cincinnati only by SJAXFORD Jt AHK, nnd in Anti .Aibor by Maynards. eoiu Acents for thisConniy. 238