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Germany Has An Eye On Porto Rico

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New Voi;k, Aug. 18.-The Freemuji Journal makos an important 8 ssertion this luorning, of wílioh the following ia the substantie : It declares in the first place that Adiniral Polo wil) iiot gay that there is one word uiistranslated or inaccurate in the following vory startling record ol how lio carne to close being Spainisb Minister at Washington, and then it proceeds witü the following recital : In the first days of April, 1874, the gallantAduiiral receivod a dispatch from the Madrid Minister of State as l'ollows : As tho goveinuient recognizes tho impossibility of su[)pressiug the Carlist insurection and the rebellion ia Cuba without foreign hulp, and as the Government of his Majest.y the ISmperor of Oermany, has made O ver tures at once honorable and aoceptablo, it ia desirable that this department should know what position the American Government would take in evont of the cession of our islo of Porto Rico temporarily or delinitely to the government of his Majesty, the Emperor. The same courier brought the Admiral a note expluining that the Germán Government would seo to it that a proposed loan to the Serrano Government, ofïerod iu London, should bo a succoss, and would itself furnish tho necessary funds, tho total amount having boen agiecd on. Also, the Germán Govormnent would establish a Heet of cruisers on the Spanish coast to suppress con traband of war, the Spanish luet to co-operate ; also that the Gerloan Governmout would recognizo Serrano's dictatorship on its present basis, and use its utmost iniluence to havoother ovornments recognizo it, and tho Span,sh Government agreos to cedo to the Goveinuient of tho Gorman Empire by 4 provisional title, but one that mav besome perpetual, the Inland of Porto liico, D whole or in part Admiral Polo lost nu time in respondug to that comiuuuication of the Miniser of State that the proposed bargain ivith Germany was anti-patriotic, nd hat he otfored his fesignation as Spaiiish Vlinister at Washington. ïho Madrid dictatorship forthwith plied that the Cariist msurrection wik making overy day immense progresa and any possiblo means must bo used tocrusb it. Your Exeellency has exaggerated your scruples. The govornmeut has accepted the offers of tho Germán Cabinet beeause thoy in no way really injury the national sentiment. Nof a Oerman loot will trend the sacred soil of Spain proper. It is not an interventiou, but only a pólice service done by tho Germán marino, in concert with the marino of the country. As to Porto Rico, that is only pledged for the fulfillmcnt of the agteémant m:ido by tho two governments. Admiral Polo's rejoinder was worthy ot' a Spanjsb, uflicor. I have had the weaknoss, badly counseled as I wap, to put uiy name once to an act that had been condeinned at home and abroad. (Tho Admiral retors to the mutually disagreeable bargain of the protocol about the Virginius). I am fully resolved for the future, ir I continuo to fill the functions of Minister here, to tako into consideration only wlutt my heart tolls toe is for the welfare and grandeur of Kpaiu. Your Excellency, then, cannot be surprised at my formal refusal to give my name to either of thi; two acts ; that I condemn the abandonment of Porto Eico, or dobasement of niivy ofticers. I rofime to have any part in an act that makes our noble officers and all brave sailors auxiliaries of a (jerman pólice. The response to this was tho recall of Admiral Polo. Tbi Journal 8ays it possesses much mora documentary evidonce than it now givos, and concludes its artcle as follows : " As we are in no imniodiate danger of bcing charged with. ïntentional falschood we will say simply that we know those docujnents to be authentic, but that proofs of them must be sought in Spain, tho junta of dissipated imbéciles tüat form the present Madrid ?overnnient having lost the power of telling the truth to the public may deny thoir authenticity, but Admiral Polo, who is an ofiicer and a gentleman, will iot deny one word of what we have said ibout the causes of his resignation Spanisb' Miaister at Washington.


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