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To use a phrase once very familiar, the Pennsylvania Republican State Convention, held on Wednesday, " stepped on a niggrr's hoel and made him squeal," by resolving that " tho Demooratio party re attempting to bring on a war oi' races in the South, mid that the ooiitinunce of tho Republican party (in power) is nnuessary to secure equal rights to all." .As the colored man is now a citizen and a voter, equully proteoted through the North and tho ruling class in the South, isn't it about time ro let him rest awhile? A progressive party ought to tind some 7iew watchword, ought to ceaso its reliauce upon negro chin-music. The dark(y) ages should bo played out by this timo. - At the specia 1 bleotioa held in ühio on Tuesday, the new Constitution was, as the boys would say, " knocked higher than Gilderoy's kite." The majority agaiiifit it is estimated anywhere trom 20,000 to 00,000 ; probably over the last figure. Minority representation, railraad aid, and lioense cannot be definitely tigured upon, but tbe several propositions are killed by the defeat of the Constitution itself. Constitution making is a fruittess as well as a costly business. - Forney's Press thinks that an unnecessary big noise is being made over the abduction of Charlie Koss, just beoausfl years and years ago any number of " Black llittle Charlies" were abducted or stoltm (trom their slave mothers by their slave-holding owners), and " sold away to a certainly cruel fate aruong strange taskmasters " Which will no doubt greatly consolo the afflicted piirents of Charlie Ross. - Senator Chaudler found it inconvenient to keep his pronjise to deliver the college-corner-stone-laying address, at Hillsdale, on Tuesday, but sent his check for $1,000, which, we doubt not, more than compensated for bis failuro to wag his tongue on the occasion. If the other speakers announced had been equ.illy liberal it would have been a " big day" for Hillsdale College. - Ex-Gov. Warmoth, of Louisiana, has been in New York recently, and having been in ÍJ ew York has of necessity boen 'interviewed." He says that tho Denocracy of all the Southern States will support Grant for a tbird, fourtb, or evon ft flfth torra, provided he will aid in breaking down negro rule. Did Warmoth ever hear the saying, " Out of the frying pan into the tire ï - A correspondent of the ifew York World congratulates it and tha country on the fact that " not a single Democrat is in any way mixed up in this BeecherTilton-Bowen-Moulton Carpenter-t'reolove nastiuess." Just so, and Mrs. Stanton ought to havo addcd to the declaration, " We vur all Reformers, you know," and " We are all Republicans." - At the last, Congressinan Field is to rofund the cabbaged bounty to Roberts, $200, interest ia the suui of $137.1(5, and costs to be taxed ; such being the award of the referees, Judge Cochrane and Messrs. D. B. Duffiold and Iloyt Post. A capital ceitificate of charaoter with wliich to enter the race for a second term. - According to the official reporta of Gen. Custer (prematurely published and in violation of the rules of the service), and of correspondents accompanying the expedition, the garden of Eden, or something very like it, has been discovered in the heart of the Black Hills. Custor named it " Floral Valley." ! - Unless the Rev. Eobt. Colyer is mis. reported, he hold.s that Eve wouldn't have eaten the apple had Adam been at home minding his own business. Being loft alone she was tempted and feil. A sad warning to modern husbands aud wivos, as well as a protest against celiba- In the Circuit Coutt at Chicago, on Saturday last, the famous Cheney-Whitehouse oase was decided. The Court held the trial of Cheney irregular, and his assutned deposition illegal, and refused to oust him trom the possession of Christ Church. - " Wonders will never cease : " in illustration of which old saying we have a rosolution of the Republican State Convention of Pennsylvania, recommending Gov. Jno. F. Hartranft " as a candidate for nomination to the Presidency in 1876." - Eemembering the inaxim, "Discretion is the better part of valor," Hon J. K. Boies, of Lenawee, thanks his proposing friends, but declines to be a candidate for State Treasurer in the coming Republican State Convention. - Tho Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Coinpany is the latest organization in this State. It is to construct a road from Lansing to Flint, whioh is to be a link in the Chicago and Ijake Hnron Railroad. - The Hillsdale Kepublican County Conventiou was held last week. Woldron was unanimously indorsed, and commended for a re-nomination. He does not ask or claim another term, but Barkis-like is exoeedingly willin' to take Ollfi. - And once again come threats of a suspension of coal mining operations down in Pennsylvania, because the coal in the raarket is in excoss of the demand. Tho animal ruse to put up prices. - Rev. D. W. C. Durgin, of et, JN . i., has been elected President of Hillsdale College, has accepted the posilion, anti is to enter upon duty at the opening of the fall terra. - " Liar, Ottluminator, and paltroon :" such are the " pot words " one Francia W. Goddard, late Captain Carbineers, Firat Rhode Island Kegiment, applies to Senator Sprague. - ïhe next annual meeting of the American Association for the Advanceuient of Science is to be held in Detroit, in August 187"). Dotroit must have winning ways. - The prohibitionists of Lenawee County aro to hold a county oonvention on the 28th inst., with a view to the noinination of a couuty ticket. - The Tennessee Democratie Conservativo State Convention was held on Wednesday. Judge Porter was nominoted for Governor. - Detroit had the honor of recoiving a " live lord " on Weduesday : Earl Duffeiin, Governor-Geneial of Canada. Fnuik Carpenter is montioned by Moulton as a haimless busybody, valuable only as a tooi, and by Beecher as a good-uatured fooi. Mr. Carpenter may have his revengo however. Let him go i straight to Brooklyn and paint his rualigners' pictures. - Rochester Vemocrat, ' THE RepüBLICAN County Convention was held on Wednesday, to choose delegates to State and Congressional Conrontions. organization was made by tjlecting Ilon. Tiupp, ol thi city, totnporary chairman, and Postmaater SPEtrcER, of Vpsilunti, pecretary. Coinmitteeti were áppointed on permanent organiüHon and oredentiftïï anda recesa taken t I 1-12 o'olock P. m. Re-convening at that liour, the coinmittees reportad wrong end firgt : that in, the Coininittee on Permanent Orgauization reported, iis report was adopted, and the permanent offioers tnstalled lxifore the Cominittee ■!! Credentials lad reported tho list of dolegatee entitlod to sBitts, and of course bef'ore it was knowu who wero eligible to office. Tlie townti woro all represente exuept Bridge water andLyndon, and wluin tliu ionvt:ntion recessed tur ten minutes and separated into three bodies to select delegntós, thoro was considerable of a tug between the Waldron and Ciiilds inou, at least in the M dis trict. ïhü reoess camo to au end, huw evor, in about lirtlf an liour, and the dis tricts reported the followiug delegatos who wuio oonfirined by the convention To State Corveentwn - Chas. Snier, J Evorts Smith, E. A. Beal, Benj. Brown J. W. Childs, Gro. Cook, L. S. Wood W. H. Dell, M. J. Noyos, Traman B Goodspi'wi, ico. S. Wneelec, lliiamArnold. To Gongressional ConvtniiM - Charles Holmes, Jr., C. M. Hubbell, Henry G Waldron, J. C. Mead, Andrew Campbell, Christopher Howard, Geo. F. Rash, Ezra Sanford, Richard Goodwin, George Renwick, C. II. Kempf, Georgo C. Arms. No resolutiong of instruction wtre passed. - We f'orgot to say that Dr. KWlKO, of Scio, was made President of the Convention, and J. Eveets Smith, of Ypsilanti, Secretary. The IngHAM County Kepublicans, convoned in couvention on the 17th insr., in dorsed " the past and present administratiou of tho Kepublican party of the State of Michigan" - intended, we suppose, to be an iudorseuient of the fState Administration ; indorsod the Presidöht's veto of th inflatiun bil) and tlifi views expressed in his memoranda to Senator Joxes, and elucted a dtlegation in favor of the nomination and ro-election of the inflaiionist Bjsgole ; declared in favor of the re-election of Gov. Bagi.ey and Sonator CllANDLEE. balancing the sarao by resolving " that we affirai our faith in the wisdom of the present prohibitory laws as applied to the sale of intoxicating liquors in opposition to any system of license laws." CuAXDLEU and Prohibition ! A double-barreledshooter, that! A RECENT Washington dispatch sy that up to August 17 - Monday last - thO national banlc ciiculation withdrawn (by a deposit of legal tenders) is about $1,000,000 in excess oí the new issues and that " a majority of' the bauka thus withdrawing ciruulation are Jocated in the South and. West." And what will inflation Congressiuen and politicians say to this ? They have demanded increased banking faoilities and more currency, both grcenback and national, for tho South and West, and yet the banks located in that craving región have voluntarily contracted their circulation in the aUui of $1,000,000. This í'act will show beyond controversy that more banks and more circulation are not the needs of the West, and that legislation will not forcé banks upon States or localities whero capital has not preceded them, and where raoney cannot be kejit aetively in uae at sure if not largo piofits. More confideuce not more currency is what is wanted, and that confidence will not come until greenbacks and national bank billa are convertible into gold and silver coin at par. " Down to bed rock " is the true watchword. The "honest, hardworking farmers," the " horny hauded sous of toil," or their represoutatives and guardiaus, the Grangers, had no show in the Republican County Convention held on Wednesday The pension agent, the postmasters, the editors, and the street corner or village politicians were too many for them, as Artemas Wabd said of the Mormon widow. And so the delegation to the Congressional Convention is reported to stand nine for Waï.duox and only three for Childs. Well, the leaders will pormit the farmers to vqte for Wai.iikon in November. The Ypeilanti Commercial wanted Childs norninated for Governor ; sundry other Republioan journals propotiud to compromiso with the Grangers by nominating Ciiilds for Hecretary of State; Childs refused this bid but hankored (we may, perhays, eay hankors) after a nomination for Cougress ; but the Kepublican County Convention , huid on Weduesday, compromised the matter by making Childs a delégate to the State Convention. J. Weiistki; Ciik.ds we mean. There is one gratifying thiug- aud only one, about the Beecher scandal. The parties to the controversy have called each other Hars and lunatics, freelovers and fanatice, but nobody has been eharged with being a drunkard. No capital can be made out of the scandal for the Prohibitionists. - Hout nu Covrier.


Old News
Michigan Argus