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Attention Co. B ! jj tIFORM INSPECTIOW MONDAY EVE., AUG. 24th.' Report of Quartermater, and importat businesi to b trunsncted. A full attendaoce i iitceiaarv By order of SAM. B. REVENAUOH, Capt. Comdg. Anniia 1 School Meeting ! - "'"'7.'" h „ innaal Ma School Dintrid Sö. Om mí the tj of n 1H !HnH;„H,u„ ,: v-T MONDA Y, SKPT. 7!li, 1874, for the elcctior, o) H ,, Welta, Ben In F.Cocker, and i lihu B i-,„„, ,, ' for the trapsaction of such other business as 'm,; legany come bfifdre said meeting. Tlic IJol!s for r electlon of Offlcprs wül open ut 10 o'clock a m ■ ,,, cloje al 2 p. M. The Business Meeting wili fommei,!? at -i o'clock f. m. a L'oiH-rai attendanee is desireA liy oriei "i Board of 'i ra JAMES B. GOTT, Secretan Km Arbor. Aug. 20, 1874. 1482WÍ ' PUBLIC S( HOOF.S! Tlic Public 8chool of ihis city nopen (bi nlt. Going yonr, ON M01TDAY, M Exaniinntions for the adatiwion oí nw pupila wn be heldin the Central Building, on Batuntey, 26H lust,, commenciog at ; oelook a. . At a meeting of theSeheoJ Bowd, hela June nu, 1864, ïhe following rnlc, additional fo Pari i adopted : Sec. 13. Non-resident pupila are prooiblted from usiug intoxicaüng liquots ;i a berersge during n,,;, connection with the school, and from fielt Ing or (tt. queatlng place whre Lntoxicatlng Uqntnrt are sola Vioiation of this rula II subject any pupil toexpal. gfOB. By order of ili- ghol Besrd, W. 8. PEHRY, Sdpt. A ii ii Albor, Aug. 20, 1874, Special Notice. Notice is heieby given tliat the following is s correct copy of "An Act to Compel Childret t' Attend School," approved April 1"), 1871 : " Section 1. The Peo]le of the State of Mié. igan enact, That every parent, guardián', or otter person, in the State of Michigan, haviiig control and charge [of] any chikl or children between the ages of eight and fourteen years, shall be required to senil any such child or chili dren to a public school lor a period of at least twelve 'weeks in each school yeir, commenoin ou the first Monday of September, in the year of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred und seveuty-one, at least six weeks of wliich shall be conaecutive, unies such child or chüdreu ate excused from such attendance by the board oi the school district in yjiich Bucb parents or guardián reside, upon its being shown to their satisfaction that Ins liodily or mental couditiou has been such as to prevent lus atteudance at school or application to study for the penod required, or that such cliild or children are taught in a private school, or at home, in auch brunches, as are usually taught in prim.iry school, or have airead}' aquired the ordinary branches of leaniiug taught in the public school: I'ravided, h case a public school shall not be taught for three months during the year, within two miles by the uearest traveled road of the resideuce oi auy person withm the school district, he shall not be hable to the provisión of this act. " Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the directo of every school district, and president of eierv school board withm this State, to cause to be posted three notices of this law in the most public places in such district, or published In one newspaper in the townsnip, for three weeks, during the month of August in each year, the expense of auch publication to be paid out of the funds of said district. "Sec. 3. Iu case auy parent, guardián, or other person shall fail to coinply v, ith tho provisions of this act, said parent, guardián, or other person shall be hable to a fine of uot less than five dollars or more than ten dollars for the first offeuse, nor less than ten or more than twenty dollars for the seeoud, and even mbsequeut offense. Said fine shall ba collected tiy the director of said district, m the name of the district, in an action of debt or on the case, md when collected shall be paid to the ;i-3f the district in which the defendant resided when the offeuse was committed, and hy him iccounted for the same as money raised for ichool purposes. " Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the director r president to presecute any offenËo occurriug mder this act, and any director or president ïeglecting to prosecute for such fine within ten lays after a written uotice has been served ou lim by any tax-payer in said district, unless the (erson so complained of shall be excusad by the tistrict board, shall be liable to a fine oi uot aas thau twenty or more than fifty dollars, which nne shall be prosecuted tor aud in the name of the assessor of said district, anl the fine when collected shall be paid to the assessor, to be accouuted for as iu sectiou three of Hui act." Dated, Ann Arbor, August 20, 1874. E B. POND, President oí the Board of Trustees ot School District No. One, City ot Anu Arbor. TflRE INSURANCE. FKAZER, HAKRIMAN X HAMlUOVS OFI'ICE OVER SAVI!MES S.tK. Ann Arbor, Mit'lnj,i:i. We eau now cnrry fulllines íd 8AFB and TUUSÏWORTHY Companies, and our ratea are reitsonable. We are now carrying tbe best business risks inthfl city. We invite the Public to examine our Ragisfcen and judge for thcraselves of the kind ot business w are doing. We make a specialty of Dweiling Home Insurance, and can give low r;itt?s, and good iiiiteiunity. We represent the follawrog well known Coiik psntea: The Westchester, - ürganizcd IhSJ, . Assets, $055,000.00, Jan. lst UU. The AUemannia, of jPiltsburgli, Pa. Assets?i72,000.00, J;m. M 1874. The Lancaster, ol Lancaster. Pa. Orgnnized 183t. Assets $3;:7,OOO.üO, Jan. ïsi 1874. The Michigan State, of Adrián, Organized 1859, Ameta $30-1,00(1.0!), Jan Ut, 1874. The Xational Fire Ins.. Co. of Pliil. Ascts $567,000.00, Juli. Ut. 1874. Penii Fire Ins. Co., of PhUutelphift, Assets H1S.020.28, Jim. lst, 1S74. J'he Watertown Fïre Insurance ('om-liany, of Watertowu, ïf. V. Assets #566,000.00, Jan. lat, 1871. The "Vatertown whs organized in Dec, 1S67, smce vhich time its premium receiptfi and loases lmve M?en aa iüllow to wit : Jremium Receipts, Loases. Jan. 1,1868, yz month - - $1,204 28 " 18B9 .... J9.8SS 4! $1,S55 CO " 1870 - 45,542 69 5,997 tí " 1871 .... 66,5110 16 18,314 51 " 1872 .... 141,417 l3 2,U5 97 " 187Ö - - - 2U,9t5 19 63,169 65 " 1874 .... S52,Ü28 01 1(15,298 IH Cash premiums reeeived in Ö years - $740,695 M Losses in 6 years - -210, 946 3! Actual losses lesa than 30 per cent of premium receiptfi. Exeess of premiuum reeeipU over lOKSÍS - -$0!l,íi!l ■" INCREA8K OF A.S-Ti. Jan. 1, 18B8, asseta with $100,000 capital. lu Do. 1889, do 1 '2,684 to 1)0. 1870, do. - - - 148,431 il Do. 1871, do. - - - . 158.893 98Do. 187, do. - - - 3ÜB, 3 13 Do. 1873 do. - . - . 441 560 U Do. 1S74. do. - - - 650,649 M TWs shows a steady average gain in asseti oí over $7r,( 00 each year. Official statement of grons assets and lia-bilities Jan.l, 1874. to wit : rrosa oöicially adiuitted assets . - ;,3ti,843 9'' Orlicially calculated lüibilities, including einsuruncefund - - 217,104 ftl Suiplus nstopolicy holders - - $340,745 29 If this record is evidence of bad maruigeuient, afety and pront to policy and stockholders wouM wish that other companies had a little oí it. The policy and pructiee of this company Imve been iteadily 10 increase it llnanoiul Khdity, by whiotl ustly tocommand the conüdeuce of the public, 'io his end all surplus premium receipts have been reuined, allowing the stockholders only legal interés! m the asBets. The interest on iis invcsted fandl iays all dividends, leaving all surplus premiuün. '"' he additional security of the policy-holders. All we ask is that the people shall Investígate ftu hemselves, and we do not fcar the rmuit, PRAZEB, HARBIMAN & HAMILTON, Office over the Savlu Bank, 1476mO Ajjn Arbor, Micli.


Old News
Michigan Argus