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Local Brevities

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- Circular. - BiU-Heads. _ Letter-Heads. - Shipping Tags. - Printed at the Abous office. _ In the best style and CHEAP. _ Don't order elsewhere before cailing. __Weare indebted to L. 0. Noble for late Ualve3ton (Texas) papers. _ At the latest advices the Eev. Dr. Cocker wa8 in Paria, and in greatly improved health. -The members of Company B are advieed t0 read an important notice iu another column. - The Manchester Journal offers to supply jestitute families with the Scriptures : on applicatiou. - Tracy W. Koot in back from the " springs " ,t Grass Lake, innterially improved in hca'th and spirits. _Torturiug the innoceuts : the true narae for the iray some of the street shade trees have been trimmed. - The soldier boys (company B) came home from the Vmeyard Lake encampment on Monday forenoon last, and report a good time. - Gwinner's Band and the Working-Meu's go;lety went to Chelsea yesterday : to assist tho the Chelsea Working-Men's Society at a picnic. - A little advertising space in the Argus is t to let. Business men should remember tliat he regular newspaper is the rery best advertising medium. - With such bathiug racilitie asare offered tX the Ann Albor Mineral Springs House there is no need for any of our citizeus to go impastad. Trythem. - The Manchester Enterprise proposes to cali in an ofticer to aid it in making collections, while its neighbor, tlie Jotirnal, less than a year old, threatens a black list. - Another temperance meeting waa held on Tuesday evening last, under the auspices of the Ladies' Temperance Union, with a fair fittend" snee and considerable enthusiasm. - A few of our subscribers to whoni we have enclosed bilis have promptly responded and are entit'ed to our thanks. Wil] not the others remeniher that our needs are pressing 'i - Our town is filling up with strangers, many of whom seem to be engaged in the agreeable eiercise of house hunting. Any persons haring houses to rent shou'd odvertiseinthe Argot. - Fattison of the Ypsilanti Commercial was iu attendance at the Repubücan County Oonvintion on Wednesday, but failed to pet resolutiona passed either in favor of prohibition or woman suffrage. - The venerable Mrs. Laura Haviland, of Adrián, well knowu in former yeara as a conductor and station-keeper on tho underground railroad, lectured on temperance in the M. E. Church,on Sunday evening last. - As heretofore notïced in these columns, the Third Reunión of the First Michigan Infantry is to take place on Thursday next, August 27th, at Cook's Hntel in this city. Arrangements are being made for a plensant time. - Aagrawating, wery ! To have our neiphbor living jast above us (on the " outsquirts of the city"), drive by, patting a vacant seat in his carriaee, and this ust as we get within a few roda of our offices, and with the mereury well up amon? the 90s. - Henry M. Henion wonld like to have the Aroüs readers and the public eenerallv understand thatthe West House, Whitmore Lnke, now kept by hitn, is a temperance house, and that he pTOpftses to provide the beat the market affords for hi custnmers. - Her. Mr. Wetmore, some years ao pastor of the Presbyterian Ohurch in this citv, lms bein raakin his old pariarponers a short viit this week, en route from his latest home at Wataea, III., to Deposit, N. Y., where he goes to take charge of an Academy. - Wehear that the papers stolen from the residence of McVickar, corner of Williams and Maynsrd streets (uoticed in last week's Argus ), have been returned. They were thrust through the blinds of an open window and droppe.II npon the floor. The money was kept. - Amos Orettou, a young man residing in the Fifth ward and working in the Ann Arbor Agricultnral Works, went out hunting on Sunday last. In getting over a fence his gun went off and the ball went into and through his fiffht hand, coming out of the back of his wrist. - Henry Clements, living on Spring street' iu the Third ward, attempted suicide on Wednesday night. Several cuts in the throat failed to do it, however, whether for lack of a vigorous stroke or because of a dull knife our reporter says not. Causes to us unknown. - The Iri8hman who " lay spachless on his baek six weeks in the long month of March, and uttered never a cry but wather ! wather ! wather !" has numerous imitators just now whose prayer is for rain ! rain !! rain !!! Crops are suffering and the dust and heat are enemies to comfort. - A Detroit book firm or its agents is continnally boring the Aegus with circulare puffing "Worceeter's Dictionaries." If the aforesaid firm wishes to use the Argus advertising col-" nmns to bring the merits of ita wares beforo the pablic, they are open to it at the usual terrns. - An adjourned term of the Circuit Court is to be Md on Monda y next, the 31st inst. The regular term is set down for Monday .September 14th. - The public schools of this city will open on Slonday, the 31st inst. The corps of teachers ill be the same as last year with four exceptions. Alf. Hennequin, Instructor of French in the Universitv, sneceeds Mme. Cote ; Miss C. A. Sager succeeds Miss Burnett in the Fourth Ward; and in the Third Ward, Miss Lizzie Wines and Miss Hattio L. Taylor sueceed Miss Bidwell and Miss Clark. At an adjourned session of the Coinmon Council held on Monday evening last, the committee to which was referred the application of the Aim Arbor City Water Works Company for the passage of an ordinance giving the use of streets, lanes and alleys for the purposa of laying pipe, etc., reported favorably and the ordinance was passed without opposition. ííow let the Company go to work. The committee on the petitiou askiiig an increase of the saloon licenae fee reported agninst such action at this time, which report was conürmed. On Satarday last Justice McMahon disposed of Jack Morgan on a charge of being drank and disorderly, billeting him to the House of Correction for six months, in default of bailforgood behavior. Out of this have grown several suits Mrs. Morgan instituting four, for private dama?es, as follows : against Qeo. F. Lutz, George Wiedlich, John Ketner, and Eichard Flannery, laying her damages at $300 in each suit. The Ladies' Temperance Union have brought four cnmiual prosecutions apainst same parties, under the disorderly act of 1873, which makes liquor ellors who aell to drunkards and tipplers dis"tderly persons. Jonesville has increased it8 population 284 within the last four years, while the population f the county (Hillsdale) has decreased in the "me time. Jonesville has built a flourishmg otton f actory within the four years, and in other Ways invited meohanics and laborers to make a home there. Do citizens of Ann Arbor- landholden and gone-to-seed capitalists- see the Point ? Elissa M. Huson, eldest daughter of Capt. F. Huson, living near this city, died on Monday ■"ghtfrom tubercular meningetis. She was a Kreduate of the High School, class of 1872, and w much beloved by her class-mates and associates. "" Ladd, widow ol the late Thomas M. L&dd, resident of ths Fourth ward, died on fednesday.


Old News
Michigan Argus