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The Military Encampment

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Owing to the fact that the State aumormes have drawn heavily on the military fund during the past year for the purpose of arming and uniforming the many new companies that have been recently organizad, Gov. Bagley decidcd, sonio time siiice, not to order a general encampment this yoar. Wlien this fact became known compauy B, of this city, decidcd to get up an oncampment on its own responsibility. They had decided to go to Whitmore Lake when aü iuvitation was recoived from company IL, oí Ypsilanti, asking our men to join thom in an encampment at Vineyard Lake, a sheet of water situated a mile and a half from the village ot Brooklyn. After due deliheration this invitation was accepted. Company B, under tho command of Capt. S. B. BevenRugh, lett ou the morning of Thursday, the 13th inst, and ijoon arrived in Ypsilanti. At ten o'clook both companies loft for Brooklyn, accompanied by the Stony Creek Brass Band and Miller's Martial Band, of Denton's. The grove selected for the encampment was soon reached. After decidiug that the encampment should be strictly a military one, the men at once commenced putting up their tents and policing camp. Capt. Newell of company H. as Senior captain, bocanie commander ot camp, with Lieut. Kay of B, adjutant. At 8:30 P. M. the men detailed for picket duty were called out and marched to far distant posts for the purpose of learning " how they did it" in actual service. It was a new experieuce to most of the men and all concur that to be thoroughly eujoyed must be taken but once a year. It was quite lively, however, in camp. It being the " first night out" sleep was out of order, and Mulligan Guards, who took special charge of this department were very successful in enforc, ing this edict, not only on this occasion but during the greater part of the encampment. On Fridajr morning affairs presented quite a different appearance. A grove that a few hours before was fiüed with leaves and under-brush now was thoroughly cleaned and ornamentedjwith a long row of white tents. A regular programme of work was made out and sh'ietly enforced during the encampment. Every man in camp had, however, a number of hours at his disposal each day, which,were improved in many different ways. On Fnday afternoou there was a grand target match participated in by both companies. The commanding officer received word that Company E, of Tecumseh, would arrive in camp some time during the night. Capt. Newell at once decided to give them a warm reception' Both companies were supplied with blank cartridges and stationed on both sides of the roud, with orders to fire when the coniniand to halt should be given. This order was iully earried out and proved one of the pleasantest episodes of the eueampment. Saturday all the companies were ordered out fora batallion drill, which consumed the greater part of the afternoon. Sunday brought the wives and other friends of the men, and was, without doubt, the pleasant. est day of the encampment. No sketch of the eneampment would be complete without retefring to the culiuary department, presided over by Mr. Alfred Thoma9, our well-known cook. He, with his asststants, are desei-ving of the greatest praise for the satisfactory maimer in which they did their work. Two of our efficiënt city poliuemen met with a somewhat comical adventure on Sunday morning last. Coming from'a residence, the location of which we will uot name, they heard a woman's voice souuding an alarm or calling for aid. Eapiing at the window and announcing their profession (perhaps names), they were told that burglars were in the house and were admitted for the purpose of search and seizure. One took the candle, the other held his revolver before him ready for duty, and escorted by the lady who had given the alarm thorough search was made, up stairs and down, in parlor and boudoir and bed-room, in chamber and cellar and kitchen, in closet and pantry, but tono purpose. Xo daring burglar was to be found. no peace disturDing cause discovered. But, hark ! they are to be rewarded. A step is heard ap. proaching the back door, the door is opened, the intruder is confronted, with pistol at his breast aud the caudle-light illuniinating his countenance. And the hght also discloses the fact that he is not a burglar but a boarder, in " undress uniform," who, remembering the injunction to be found in "Dr. Chase's Recipes, or Information for Everybody" (old edition, page 101), had in his outgoings aroused the lady from refreshing sleep and sweet dreams. Fortúnate for him th at the excited policeman held his fire until e.xplanation was made.


Old News
Michigan Argus