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--Tho prominent business men of Ciaoinnati are generally gigning a paper protesting againt the further inflation of an irrodeemable paper currency, favoring il return to spucie payments, and pledging support to such Congrassional candidates as hoM and indorse suoh views. If noither party presenta sucli candiJates they pledge themselves to put up and support candidates of their own. This action ought to bring the Ohio inflation politioiana to tlieir snnses. - It is well to have au ovoagiontd amusing mbrftel in the mans of disgusting Tiltou-Beecher scandal diet which the public is oorupelled to digest daily. One guoh mocsel is fouud in the statement of Besaie, Tilton's protege or adopted daughter, tliat she had een Susan B. Anthony sitting on Tilton's lap. And yet, Susan, the " high old girl," confesses to being 55 years oH. and is reputed to be a manhater! What must have been Susau's habits whon sho was young and in her prime ? - Montana, tlie perverse and. headstrong Montana, not having the fear of the national administration present before its voters, has gone and done it . that is, it has re-elected Maginnis Delégate to Congress, by 1,007 majority, an increase of about 700 from his niajority in 1872. What will become of the country if such goings on are to be tolerated. Grant must return to Washington, oall home his wandering advisers, and recon. struct the voters throughout the land. - The Ypsilanti Commercial gays : " The Tilton-Beecher scandal ig only an outgrowth of our women having comparatively no responsibility, save home drudgery or following in an unrestrained round of fashion." And yet Mrs. Stanton said, " We were all reformers ;" Susan B. sat on T. T.'s knee ; and Mrs. Woodhull had a very long finger in the pie. The Commercial' theories and factg (ag usual) don't fit. - Miss Stanton denieg Bessie Turner'g story (about sitting on the lap of T. T.), and pronounces it too absurd to notice So far so good. But in adding that Bessie was only a servant and " half an idiot " Susan overshot the mark. " Servants " can speak the truth, and the proverb has it, " Children and fools teil the truth." - The fact that a resolution was introduoed int the Republican State Convention of Pennsylvania, promising to support Grant in case of his being a randidate for a third term, has more significan than its defeat. It indicates that the third term seed is being sown. There is time for its germination. - The Adrián Times gays : " In the future as in in the past we shall do all that lays in our power to secure to Michigan the services of Senator Chandler." And yet the Adrián Time is a crusading temporance journal, favorable to prohibition and opposed to a lisence system. - The Dexter Leader, edited by one of Gov. Blair's " dead-beats" (vida Lansing Republican), says : " The State printer is not a dead-beat, but a live blood-sucker, and to what full viens is he attaohed ?" Why, to treasury viens, of course. GKve us a harder conundrum next time. - Tho . N, Y. Eveninn Vost is of the opinión that many of the " Southern outrages" just now filling certain journals do not indicato " a war of races," but are put up jobs for political effect It cautions voters to vote for the best men regardless of these so-called outrages. - "The War of the Eaces!" "Ku Klux Outrages!" "Negro Externiination i " etc., are now the favorite and standing headings in Radical journals. They will have a run until "afterelection " and theu be laid away for the cain paign of 187G. - Vermont has three Republican ine.mbers of Congress. One of them refused to particípate in the back-pay steal, or to earn the obnoxious epithet of"salarygrabber." His name, it is Willard, and he has been refused a renomination. - The Brooklyn Argu beats the Pennsylvania Republican State Convention all hollow. It nominates Benjamin P. Butler for President, and Francis D. Moulton for President. Out of the way Hartranft. - Gov. Bagley has been appoinced chairman of the " Premium Baby Committee" for the coming Kalamazoo County Fair, and, aftor once declining in a decidedly Bagley-ish letter, has agreed to be present. - The balance iu the State Treasury at the close of business on the 19th inst., was $1,192,831.09. A very respectable sum to manipúlate in the interest and for the benefit of the " Treasury Ring." - The Detroit Pont is impertinent enough to say : " When Mrs. Anthony goes abroad she will not follow Mrs Woodhull to Eugland, but will go to Lapland." - Which had tho best of the baigain : Beecher "sittingon the ragged edge of despair," or Tilton holding Susan B. Anthony on his knee F That's the question. - After a long coutest the City Council of Cleveland, Ohio, has, by a vote of 19 to 13, repealed the ordinance closiug saloons on Sunday. Not to be commonded. - Wyoming is to elect a delégate to Congress on Wednesday next, September 2d, and Colorado her delégate on Tuesday, September 8th. - The Vermont State election is to tako place next Tuesday, and it is probable that the Eepublicans will carry the State - as usual. - Another man, anibitious of fame, hag confessed to the murder of ïfathan. He has a desire to get out of the Bloomiugton (111.) jail. - Is " sitting on the ragged edg9 of remorse and despair " anything akin to riding a hard-trotting horse bare-back ? TirE Eighth District Ropublican Con ven tion was held at East Saginaw on Tue6day, and the present meinber, Hon N. B. Bradley, unanimously renomi nated A resolution was adopted declar ing hiin " an honest and upright man. sound in the Eepublioan faitli, and true to the great trusts referred in him." Which is a distinct indorsement of' his inflation views and votes. Well, to say the least, that convention didu't stultify itsolf by resolving in favor of a peedy return to specie payments and indorsing Bkadley in the same breath. Theee was a $300,000 fire at Soufh Bend, Iud., on the 24th inst. Studbbakeb's Wagon Shop was burned, containg 20,000 finished wagons and a larga quantity of stock. Threp hundred hand were thrown out of employment. The Republican State Convention was j held at Lansing on Wednesday, a State ! ticltet nomitiatpri and a platform adoptad. The cotivRTition ws h large nnr, and was presided over hy Hou. J. Webster CHILDS. -f tliis oomity. The platform adoptrd i eulogictic of the ]arty and ito pust, luit evatiivH npnn tira vital nucí of the dny. It is in fct more noticeable tbr its omissions thn fi.r its enunciación, ignoring Hip new CoiJïtitution, tlin woman suttrngo queation, the temperanoe quention, and qoestkni of a taritffor revenuo or protefStion, wbile it carrips doublé on the ourrency uteer ing hetween Ferbv and CHAKDLEH. The candidates Bominated are : O&torTwr-John J. Baffley, of Waynu. Lieutenant Govtrttor-Tleurj H. Holt, of Mi8kegon. Her.relnry of ' 8t.nt, ■- Kbenezer G. D. Holden, of Kent. Treamirer - William B. McCreery, of Genesee. Auditor-Genera- Ralph El y, of Uratiot. Commüsioner of State Land Office- Twerett A. Clapp, of St. Joseph. Genera I - Andrew J. Sraith."1 of Cass. Superintendent of Public Intímctíon - Daniel B. Biiggs, of Macomb. Memher of State Board of KducntAon. - Edgar Eexford, of Washtenaw. Those marked with a are new men, the others are now incumbents of the offices for which they are natued. Holden, for Secretary of Stste, had no conipetitor. McCreery, for State Treasurer, was nominated by one Luce, (Granger), by a vote of 275 to 108 ; Johnson, of Port Hurón, receiving 17 votes. It is the triuroph of the northern banks over those of the Southern tier, and will necessitate a chango of deposits. Ely, for Auditor-Generai, beat the " oíd settler" Humphrey, by a vote of 253 to 154. He isn't a big gun. Smitii beat MarsTON, present Attorney-General, by a vote of 187 to 168. Nobody knows Smith, in fact he is considered a know nothing (legally speaking). A fírst-clasa officer exchanged for a third-rate pettifogger. 1acation did it. And a queer " shake" it waa that turned up Rexford for the Board of Education. His fitness has not benn discovered hereabouts.


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