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A Good Platform

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The Democratie State Convention of Illinois, held on Waduesday, adopted the following sound platform by a large majority, the delegates present nuui bering over 550 : First - The resumption of gold and silver as the basis of the currency. The resumption of specie payment as soon as possible without disaster to the business interests of the country, by steadily oppoging inflation and by the payment of the national indebtedness in the money of the civilized world. Second - Free comraerce and no tariff eicept for reveuue purposes. Third - Individual liberty and oppOnition to sumptuary laws. Fourth- Rigid restriction of the governments, both State and uational, to the legitímate domain in political power, by excluding therefrom all executive and legislativa intermeddlings with the affairg of society, whereby monopolies are fostered, privileged classes aggrandized, and individual freedom unnecessarily and oppressively restrained. Fifth- The right and duty of the State to protect its citizens from extortion and unjust discriiüination of chartered monopolies. Charles Carroll was nomiuated for State Treasurer, and P. M. Etter, the the " Reform " candidate, who indorsed the platform, for State School Superintendent. The Illinois Democracy decree success. As AífOTHER evidence that Republicana (as well as República) are ungarateful, we have the fact that that scurred and wounded soldier, Gen. McCreert, of Fliut, has been conipelled to throw up a $3,000 oflice to accept a nomination for State Treasurer at a salary of f 1,000 a year. Why is thii thusly ? Do the ; hereditaments and appurtenanues thereunto belongiDg," or in plainer worda, the pickings and Htealing, make the office of State Treasurer so much more lucrativo than the salary would indicate, that Gen. McCreery will make ünancially a good trade, or was it iiecessary to talk bullets and battles, gash and gore, to keep alive oíd issues, or to prevent the vjrangers from foisting their man (Mr. Luce, of Branch,) into the Treasury, at the expense and to the detriment of the chronio politieians rho thrive and fatten by the aid of the " Treasury Ring P " We pause for a reply. The Third Cougresaional district Eepublican Convention was held at Jackson on Tuesday. The Congressional course of Hon. Geo. Willard was indorsed, and especially " his record upon the great and vital questions of finance and civil service reform," and that gentleman unanimously renomiuated. He accepted the nomination in a written speech. The convention also indorsed Senator Ciiandler's position upon the currency question, and bravely declared that ',' we support the action of Congress in their efforts to seek out and punish all kinds of corruption in public officials, and especially in their fearlessattack upon the derelictiou and knavery of men ostensibly within their own party ranks." The very thing that neither Congress nor the Eepublican majority therein has done. ' The Corunna American has come out in a long leaded column in favor of the re-election of Zack Chandler to the United States Senate. 11 Michigan's favorito son" ia the surnming up of Bro. Ingeraoll's - Poor Michigan. - Aitn Arbor Argut. The State Treasury shows that Michigan is anything buf'poor." - Corunna American. Many a man is rich in this world's goods and yet a poor, miserable " cuss." And a State tnay have a plethoric treasury, kept plethoric for the benefit of its officers, and yet be poor indeed. And Michigan is in just that fix if Chaxdler is her "favorito son." Too Much Gush. - It is olaimed by his friends that the mushy, gnshing, sloppy love letters which were constantly passing between Mr. and Mrs. Tilton are evidencea of a once happy home and unbounded love and confidence. We don't seo it that way. Married couples, who are true to their tows, and who really love and confíde in each other, don't tínd it necessary to carry on in that way every day in the year. There is such a thing as proteíting too much. - Wankiiujton Star. Nasby is having a little the worst spell he ver experiecced, it is said. As every one knows, he lires in Toledo, whence be has been furnishing New York letters " to eundry country jouraals, whose sagaoious editora never doubted until a new Toledo poitmaster insisted on staiupng " Toledo " as a postmark on the let;ers.


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