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New Teetb ! Hew Teeth ! WÊÊ Oslï $8 axd $10 rEB Set.- I m Dow making set of teeth on rubber plates for the low sum of $8 and $10 per set, warranted to fit the mouth, and to be a good teeth as is made. I have a new stock on hand - cali and see. Teeth extracted without pain, bjr ni troua oxide gas. Especial attention giren to the pres eriation of the natural teeth. All charges lower than the lowest, and as good work done as at any othe office. Satisfaction given in all case? or no charge made. Office over Bach Abel's store - entrance by First National Bank. W. C. CARR, DentUt. The only place to purchase goods cheap fo cash, is at the Ann Arbor Trading Assocfation, where they are selliug all kinds of Dry (joods cheap- to close out their Summer Btock. 1485tf G. Yí. HAYS, Supt. Animal School Meeting ! Notice is hereby giveo that the Annual Meeting o School District No. One of the City of Ann Arbor will be held at the COURT HOUSE, in said city, on MONDAY, SEPT. 7th, 1874, for the electlon of threeTruBtees in place of Ebenezer Wells, Benjamin F. Cocker, and Elihu B. Pond, and for the transaction of such other business as niay legally come before said meeting; The Polls for the election of Office rs will open at 10 o'clock a. m. and close at 2 r. M. The Business Meeting will coaimence at 2 o'clock p. m. A general attendance ia deaired. By order of the Board of Trustees, JAMES B. GOTT, Secretary. Ann Arbor, Aug. 20, 1874. 1492w3 PUBLIC SCHOOLS! The Public Schools of this city re-open for the coming year, ON MONDAY, AUGUST Sist, 1874. Examinations for the admission of new pupiLs wil' be held iu the Central Building, on Saturday, 29th inst., conimencing at 9 o'clock A. M. At a meeting of the School Board, held June 17th, 1864, the following rule, additional to Part III., was adopted : Sec. 13. Non-resident pupils are prohibited from using intoxicating liquors as a beverage during theii connection with the school, and from visiting or frequenting places where intoxicating liquors are sold. Violation of this rule will subject any pupil to expulsión. By order of the School Board, W. S. PERRY, Supt. Ann Arbor, Aug. 20, 1874. Special Notice. Notice is hereby given that the following is a correct copy of "Au Act to Compel Children to Attend School," approved April 15, 1871 : " Skction 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That every parent, guardián, or other person, in the State of Michigan, having control and charge [of] any child or children between the ages of eight and fourteen years, shall be reqviired to send any such child or children to a public school for a period of at least twelvo weeks in each school year, commencing on the first Monday of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, at least six weeks of which Bhall be consecutive, milos such child or children are excused from Buch attendance by the board of the school district in which such párente or guardians reside, upon its being shown to their satis faction that his bodily or mental condition has been such as to prevent his attendance at school or application to study for the period required, or that such child or children are taught in a private school, or at home, in such branches, as are usually taught in primary school, or hare already acquired the ordinary branches of learning taught in the public school : Providcd, In case a public school shall not be taught for three months during the year, within two miles by the nearest trayeled road of the residence of any person within the school district, he shall not be hable to the provisión of thi act. " Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the director of every school district, and president of every school board within thi State, to cause to be posted three notices of this law in the most public places in such district, or published in one newspaper in the township, for three weeks, during the month of August in each year, the expense of such publication to be paid out of the funds of said dutrict. " Sec. 3. In case any parent, guardián, or other person shall fail to comply with the provisions of this act, said parent, guardián, or other person shall be hable to a fine of not less than five dollars or more than ten dollars for the irst offense, nor less than ten or more than wenty dollars for the second, and every ubsequent offense. Said fine shall be collected y the director of said district, in the name of ie district, in an action ot dobt or on the case, nd when collected shall be paid to the assessor f the district in which the defendant resided when the offense was committed, and by him accounted for the same as money raised for school purposes. " Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the director or president to prosecute any offense occurring under this act, and any director or president neglecting to prosecute for such fine within ten days aftor a written notice has been served on lim by any tax-payer in said district, unless the erson so complained of shall be excused by the listrict board, shall be Hablo to a fine ot not ess than twenty or more than fifty dollars, which fine shall be prosecuted for and in the ame oí the assessor of said district, and the ine when collected shall be paid to the assessor, o be accounted for as in section three of this et." Dated, Ann Arbor, August 20, 1874. E. B. POND, 'resident of the Board of Trustees of S:;hool District No. One, City of Ann Arbor. DUT YOÜE MONEY WHEREITWILL DO THE MOST QOODA. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y COMP JST1T1ON ALSO, A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS JEÏF" Cali before purehasiug. 1 5 South Main Street. GP A Chance for Bargains ! For sale at a great bargain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE LANI),lyins2, miles from the city of Ioni. 100 acres under improvement, with good orchard, barn and shed, and a coinfortable house. Terina of paymt-nt - from $2,000 to $2,500 down ; balance on long time. Also 90 ACRES, about 2 % miles from Augusta, Kalamazoo County, all improved, with good buildings. Terms - extremely low. Also 40 ACRES about eight miles from Haat ing. Also 80 ACRES on section 8 iu the town of Hnzelton, Shiawasse County, about 12 miles from Corunna. Well timbered. For terms address the undersigned. E. II. POND. Ann Arbor, April J, 1878. Real Good Bargains ! IMBANBXJSINBSS. FOR SALE- My place where I reside, on the corner opposite the Episcopal Church. I will either sell the place or sell the furniture and rent place to a private family. Also for sale a Large Brick House, on División street, opposita James B. Gott's ; also flfteen City Lots, which I will sell cheaper than any other man dare sell. Now is the time to buy property before the advance which is sure to come within twelve months. A. DeFOREST. OECURE YOUB8KLF A HOME. Valuable City Lot foml Cheap, and long time given for payment lf dtilred. H7Sm C. H 1ULLBN. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! The Spring Cainpaign (HM 1MNESÏ. BULL, THE CLOTHIER, Has just arrived and opened the grent One-Price CLOTHING HOUSE. IN MARTIN 'S BLOCK. Where ou can no ñnd the Laigest, Finest nnd most Complete Stock of RIADÏ-MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, AND Gents' Furnishing ijoods, Evory before oSered m A n Anbor. Na trouble to snow Ooods at the Star t'lotUluI House, No. 33 Bouth llain 8t., Eust side. And Arbor, Mlch. OEORGE BULL. H78ti RailroaD Accident ! Cásea af ter cases of GENTS' YÖUTHS' AND BOYS' READY-IYIADE Spring and Summer CLOTHING! are continually arriving for WAGNER. The goodi were bougbt for Cash no low that thêj can and will be aold at pricea Defying all Competítion, and just suitable to those m need ot' CLOTHES, and preued oroowhat by hard times. Also those that tuke pride in weuring First-Class Clothes Will be able to select trom the best of Foreign and Domestic maken of CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS And have them made at the same place ín the latest Style, and Warranted to Fit bef ore they leave, If anything in Furnishing Gooda line tbey should happen to need, everythin in the Gents' Dressing line can be foond at Lover Pricea than at any uther Clothing Houw at WM. WAQNER. Na. 11 South Main St., Asn Arbot HtiNtf MICHIU.O CEXTRAL RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Passengertrainenow leave the Beveral itatlons. followü oomo wKsi. Á g q M M RTATIONB. ",h S 3 te o '' I fr -a 8 I ? 2 i_5_ _O_ _M_ Oj __W_ _ . , M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. p. M Detroit, leave, 7(XllOO0 2 00 4 10 S 40 10 00 Ypsilanti, 8 25 11 10 3 08 5 30 7 10 AnnArbor, 8 50 11 25 3 27 5 50 7 45 11 3 Dexter, , 9 17 3 50 6 20 8 10 Chelsea, 9 35 4 10 8 80 Graus Lake, 10 02 P. H. 4 41 9 00 Jackson, IC 38 12 35 5 10 9 35 1 00 _ , P-M. A.M. Knlamazoo, 1 58 3 05 8 20 12 25 Ohréagoarrive, 7 35 8 00 6 S0 8 00 OOINO BAST. a a a wi h üü q _ . ■ A. MP. M. P. M. Chicago, leave, Í 00 S 00 5 IS 8 00 _ P. M. A. M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 11 05 1 35, 5 00 2 35 . . I P. . A. M. Jackson, 2 33 4 05 8 00 12 30 8 10 QrassLake, 3 08; 8 31 Chelsea, 3 33 8 55 A M Dexter, I I 60 1 9 17 6 35 AnnArbor, 4 13; 5 10 9 45 1 55 6 30 7 00 Ypsilantl, 4 35 5 27 10 10 2 15 ! 6 50 I 21 Detroit, arrlve, I 5 55 1 0 30lll 20! 3 3o! 8 00 8 4 The Atlantic and Pacific Expresa run bel ween Jackson and Niles on the Air Line Dated, May 24, 1874. DETEOIT, HÍLL8DALir&"ÍÑbfANA KAILEOAD. GOISG WEST. -1874OOIKG EA8T. stations. Mai:. Exp. stations. Kxp. Mail A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:00 5'40 A. M. P. M. 10:15 7:15 Bankers 7:00 2:30 5a!'ne 10:45 7:43 HilUdale 7:1)9 2-40 Bndgewater.. 11:03 8:00 Manchester.... 8:40 4:15 Manchester.... 11: 23 8:18 Bridgewater .. 8:58 4-35 _.„ . , P-M. Saline 9:15 4:60 gillsdale 1:05 9:52 Ypsilanti .8:45 5:20 Baakers 1:15 10:00 Detroit 11:20 6:30 Trains nm by Chicago time To take efiect Aug. 13, 1874 W. F. PARKER, Bup't, Ypsilanti. Flint & Pere MarquettëlOL TOLEDO, SAGIIÍAV? AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable connections made at Wayne Junction with trains of the Michigan Central R. R. Three trains North and two South daily excoot Sunday. r Time Cabd of Jone 23d, 1874. GOINO NORTH. Wayne, leave 1.16 p. M. 6.05 p. M. 10.35 p h Holly, 2.55 " 7.25 " 12.57 a'. m. Fhnt, 3.50 " 8.15 " 4.58 " East Sagmaw, 5.15 " 9.33 " 6.25 ' SaginawCity, 5 20 " 9.37 " 8.45 " Bay City, 5.55 " 10.10 " 7.35 " Reed City, o.SO " 12.15 p. u. OOING SOUTH. Wayne, leave 3.00 p. m. 7.25 a. m. Monroe, 4.10 " 8.38 " Toledo, arr. 5.10 " 9.35 " SANFORD KEELER, Ass't Supt. J. P. Nourse, öen'i Ticket Agent. ROOFINC! THI8 ROOFING IS DURABLE AND WATERPROOF ; VERY FLEXIBLE ; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAK8 AROUND CHIMNEY8 AND CONNECTION8 BETWEEN WOOD and BRICK. This Boofing has been in use fire years and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! This paint will preserve shingled roofs an indeflnite period, and is equally adapted to tin or iron roofs. Itis fire and water proof! This paint will be put on by the Company oi sold by the gallon, with instructions how to apply the same. fc#" No C'oal Tar is used ia either. We solicit the public patronage. All work will be rarianted. All Communications should be addressed to the HUTCHINS ROOFING CO., P. O. Box 222, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Rcsiilence 43 South Thayer Street. 1478tf Briggs'House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuiltpon the oíd site, has all the modern convenicnCes - Passenger Elevator, Bath Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Room, Elegantly Fumished, and located n the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS & HUNTOON, ; Proprietors. DRUG STORE ! SIGKN" OIF THE GLASS MOÏITAR I laving been for the past four year with ï. W. Ellis & Co., I Lave now purchased the Brug Store of E. B. Gidley No. 12 EAST HURÓN ST Cook'8 Hotel Block). I have Clenned, Re-fltted, and Ee-8tocked the Store with Pure DRUGS, MEDICINES. A Full line of Fancy Article, rerfumea, Bi-UBhes, Oomba, fioaps, Spongres, Patent Medicines, Dye Stutta, &c. PAITS l OUS, PUEE WINES AND LIQÜOES For Medicinal Purposes Agcnts for Tieman'B Celebrated SÜRGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Physicians' Vrescriptiona a Specialty. L. S. LERCH. H9tt NEW SPRIl GODOS AT BACH & ABEL'S A Large and well-seleeted stock at the lowest cash prices. We invite an inspection of our . asortment of and would cali especial attontion to our brand of BLACK ALPACAS " THE MARIE STUART, Aoknowledged to be su peior to any other imported. Chaney Brothers, American, and Lyonsf BLACK SILKS at reduced prices. A LARGE LINE OF Bleached and Brown Cottons ncluding most of the popular brands Hill's, Lonsdalea, Wamsuttas, Xrw York Mills, &c. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF WHITE & LH (iüODS. A. full line of the oelebrated A. T. Ktewart ALEXANDRIA KID GLOVES The best Glove imported. BACH & ABEL. AtchisoD,Topeka and Santa Fe THREE MILLION ACRES LAFDS. LIBERAL TEEMS TO IMPROVERS. 11 YEARS CREDIT, 7 PER CENT. INT. No Part of the Principal payable for Four Years, FINE GRAIN-QROWINO REGIÓN. 'racts of one and two thousand acres available for Neighborbood Colonies, or for Stock Farma. Excellent Climate, with Pure Flowing Water. " I would say. that in the course of many yenrj, and through extensivo travel, I have not seen a more ' inviting country, nor one which offera greiiter in'ducements, with fewer objectiona to i-ettlement, 1 than these lands oí the A. T. & S. F. R. B."- Lxracl Report of Jttnry SUwart, AgncaUural Editor Imerican AffricuUuralist. For f uil particulara inquire of A. E. TOUZALIN, Ijand Commissioner, Topeka, Kaseas. E. B. Pond, Local Agent, Ann Arbor. Mich. ' HOW TO GO WIST." - □ - This is an inquiry which every one shouid have ruthfully answered before he starton hisjourney, nd a little oare taken in examination of routes will n many cases save much trouble, time and money. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad has aohieved a splendid reputation in the last three years as the leading Passenger Boute to the West. Startng at Chicago or Peoría, it runs direct through Southern Iowa and Nebraskn, with close connections to California and the Territories. It is also the short line and best line to Quincy, MiESOuri,. and points in Kansas and New Mexiio.. Passenger on their way westward connot do better than toi ake this route. This line has pubüshed a pamphlet entitle ' Eoï to ao West," wbich contains much valuable information ; a large, correct map of the Oreat West, whicli oan be obtained f ree of charge by addTessing he General Western Passenger Agent, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Itiúlroad, Chicago, 111. l+ülj-1 IVE GEB8E FEATHJittS PIRBT OXTA-IjITTr s ConittntVonhand ndforsaleby BACHfr ABEL.


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Michigan Argus