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The Republican Platform

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That our readers can see how thin an exporiencod workman. can Bpread out a political platform we copy in full tho one propounded by the Eepublicans of Michigan, convoned in recent seasion at Lansing: 1. We, the delegated representativos of tho Eepublioan party in Michigan, assembled in convention, in the 20th anniversary year of its organization, appear before the people of th State and of the Union, after the uninterrupted exercise, by that party, of all the reBponsibilities of power during its entire existence, offering no apolagies., deprecating no criticism, invoking no charity in the construotion of its acts, but challenging a faithful sorutiny of its record through every vicissitudo of war and peaoe, and the candid judgment of all just men. In no spirit of vain glory, but in simple deference to historio truth, we assert that since the Eepublscan party raised its banner at Jackson, in 1854, it has never failed, under trials more severe than have beset the history of any other party since thu organization of the Government, to stand in the advance line of human and national progresa. During the turbulent years before the war, throughout the war, and in the unprecented perplexities which succeeded, it has forfeited none of its pledges to humanity, to its sister States, nor to the interests of our own citizens. It has furnished the protection of good laws and a faithful administration of them. It has legislated wisely for tho dovelopment of our abundant resources. Ithas been liberal in the encouragement of learning, and bountiful in providing for the unfortunate. It has persistently oultivated a better civilization, and thero is no malignant hand that can point to any legislation which may be used to make men worso. At the same time it has been prudent and economical in expenditure, has kept down taxation, and is steadily reducing the public indebtedness ; while the financial credit of the State, under its management, is of the highest standard in all the commercial cities of the world. "We shall regard it as good reason for acceding to the statement of our opponents, ' that the mission of the Eepublican party is ended," when we are pointed to a political organization more beneficent in its aims, or more devoted or comprehensivo in its patriotism. But as long as it leads all other parties, as it has done, and still does, in the advancement of good works, in the investigation of grievances, and in the redress of wrongs, we can discover no reason for surrendering the reins of power into the hands of a party whose last public service was to drag the country into civil war, to disgrace its financial credit, and to leave the government on the very brink of dissolution, and which made its last effort to regain the oonfidence of the people, under the lead of its life-long eneniy, in the tnost brazen, barefaced, shaineless coalition ever known in the history of parties, formed eolely and avowedly on the basis of " spoils " alone. Upon the financial record of the Eepublican party, alike in the nation and in the State, we confidently challenge comparison with any other party which ever hold power in either, pointing with just piïde to the great and steadily increasing reduction of the National debt and the improvement of the National credit, accompanied by anequally remarkable reduction of taxation, and of expenditure in administering the Government. With all this, our material interests and general prosperity have enormously increased, and our citizens are better clothed, better fed, and better paid for theír fooYlTl.h''íijallX othor people in the whole management has secured the same blessings of light taxation, economical administration, and rapidly diminishing debt, while our State institutions have been liberally built up, until they have become tho pride of the people. Education, public moráis, and the various branches of industry have been fostered, crimo has been repressed, suffering alleviated, and the unfortuuate provided for ; largo and important improvements have been projected, and are in process of completion, and every State interest has been generously yet enonomically cared for, witb such scrupulous honesty in every department of the State Government that even partisan calumny daro not bring a specific accusation against any. 2. We fully appreciate the extraordinary character of the financial difficulties through which the country has recently passed, and regard it as inevitable that able and patriotic Eepresentatives should have differed, like their constituencies, as to what were proper remedies in circumstances wherein they wore without specific precedents forguidance. Wo indorse as wise and timely the measure finally agreed upon by Congress, between conflicting interests and opposing theories. While we recognize in the greenbacks and National Bank notes a circulating medium far superior to any paper currency heretofore existing in tho United States, saving as it does to the people directly and indireotly many millions of dollars annually over the old State Bank system, in exchange and discounts, we yet demand that in all financial legislation Congress shall keep steadily in view tho resumption of specie payments to the end that at the earliest day practicable the proruises to pay of the Government may bo equivalent to coiii, in like amounts, throughout the commercial world. We believe that banking, under a well-guarded National system, should be free, the volume and locality of issues being regulated by the business law of demand ; and wo denounce repudiation in every form or degree, holding the pledgcd faith of the Eepublic sacred and inviolable, in both letter and spirit. 3. We would not forget the claims of the colored people of the South to the Nation's fostering care and protection. Wrested froui thoir masters' control, with freedom couferred upon them by tho govornment as a war ïneasuro and in aid of the Union cause, given the elective franchise as a means not alone of protection to themselves, but of protection to th Nation, it is now the high duty of the Government, from which it cannot shrink, without incurring and deserving the execration of mankind for all time, to protect thom in the righta and privileges of thuir enforoed citizenship. Their ignoranco is not their fault. Errors of theory and mistakea in conduct are but the legitimato fruits of their former oondition of slarory. The Government assumed the responsibility for evils resulting from these when it clothed them with the full rights and privileges of citizens. We appeal to the National Government, as the good name and fair faine of the nation is dear to it, to protect those people in their persons, property, and homes, and to próvido and secure them in the enjoyment of all eduoational advantages and privileges.


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Michigan Argus