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The Democratic County Convention

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The Democratie County Convention, for the appointment of delogates to the State and Congressional Conventions, was held at the Court House in this city yesterday, pursuant to cali. The convention was cali to order at 11 o'clock A. M., by R. E. Frazek, Esq., clmirniaii of the County Committee, when'CnAS. H Riciimond, of Ann Arbor, was elected teinporary Chairinan, and E. D. Norris, of Manchester, teraporary Socretiiry. A committee on credentials and permanent organization was then appointed, when the convention took a recess to 1:30 r. m. After recess, the convention was called to order. Committee on Credentiala reported list of dekgates, uoarly every town being fully represented, which report was adepted. The Committee also rtportud as permanent officers : President - Chas. II Riehmond. Secretary - E. D. Norris. Which report was also confirmed. The convention then took a recess for fifteen minutes to enable the several districts to report their delegates. The delegates elected and confirmed are : To State Convention - Henry W. Hogers, E. B. Pond, Chas. Woodruff, Edgar Bogardus, C. S. Gregory, L. Soles, J. S. Gorman, J. J. Robison, Geo. Riwson, A. K. Clark, E. A. Eeynolds. To Congressional Convention - Chas. H. Riehrnond, Jno. N. Gott, C. F. Ashley, E. F. Uhl, S. Parker, Samuel W. Holmes, W. H. Arnold, L. Sanford, A. E. Hewett, Jas. Doyle, Emerson Annabil, A. T. Bruegel. Each delégate was authorized to appoint his own substitute, and the delegation to fill any final vacanoies. We have no time to comment, except to say that the convention was harmoniOU8 and gave promise that the campaign will be vigorously pushed. Ir tiie men who are to meet in " Reform" Convention, at Jaekson, on Wodnesday next, the 9th inst, have honestly in view either the iinmediate or future defeat of the proud, defiaut, 'arbitrary, and corrupt Republican party, and the inauguration of a new order of things, political, financial or economical, they will hesitate long before they nomínate a ticket and demand its acceptance by the Democratie State Convention to be hold at Kalatnazoo the next day - the lOth. If these Reformers favor the cardinal prjnciplfis of Democracy : gold and silver as the basis of our currency - as the only national money in fact ; a tariff for revenue, and for revenueonly ; for the calling of halt to the schemes and devices for centralization, and a declaration in favor of home rule in all local affairs, there is no reason why they cannot strike hands with the Democracy. This cannot be done by forestalling Kalamazoo, as Baltimore was forestalled by Cincinnati in 1872. We rule out no man as unworthy political preferment because he has not held allegiance to the Democratie party the same number of years with ourself ; but it must be remembered that the Democratie rnasses are to be consulted, and that their representativos in convention must at least have an equal voice in making platform and naming caudidates. We rnake these suggestions by way of reminder, and ask the Reformers when convened at Jaekson to consider them fairly. That is all. After prolonged investigation and mature reflection, the Detroit Tribune has come to the conclusión that the financial plank in the Republican platform adopted at Lansing last week is a compromising or non-committal concern, designed to be construed "as you like it." The first reading ought to have convinced the Tribune of the now conceded fact, especially if the editor read the platform in the light of the Nelson resolution. It was seen that FEREY, Begole, Bradley, BURROWS, CONGER, HUBBELL and WlLliams needed a litttle consolation or boosting, and thought that Chandler, Waldron and Willard could make the fight without backing from the convention, and so the specie payment gun was spiked. The ways of platform makers are indeed mysterious. Tuis is the financial rosolution of the Pennsylvania Democratie platform : " ïhat a steady effort shnuld be made to bring the goverumeut notes to par with gold, and to secure return to specie payments at the earliost possible period that resumption can be effected with safety." As inüation is an effort in just tho other direction, the Pennsylvania Democracy may be considered Sound on one of the vital questions of the day. They are not infected by the blighting heresy which certain ühio Democrats havo fastened upon the creed of the party in that State, a dead weight to sink the Democracy of the land if not cut looso and thrown off. An iuflated paper currency is against the traditions of tho Democraoy, and must be repudiated. In comaienting last ' week upon the iiominations made by the Republican State Convention, we said : " And a quaer 1 shake' it was that turned up Rexford for the Board of Eduoation. His fitnesss has not been discovered hereabouts." We have sinoe been advised, by both Democrats and Republicana, that Mr. RexFORD is a thoroughly worthy and compotent man, both business habits and education entering into the estímate. Ho graduated at the University in 1866, and has since kept up an interest in stüdy. " Credit to whom credit is due " is our muxim. The Manchester correspondent of the Detroit Tribune writos thusly : " It is now very probable that Hon. JoiiX J. Robison, of Sharon, will be the Democratie nominee for Congress in opposition to Henry Waldron." If that correspondent is correct we predict that Mr. WalDron won't walk over the course. John never does anything by halves, and if he has an eye on Congress he will make lively work for tho old incumbent, and if elected will represent his constituents faithfully. Tue Beeciier-Tiltox investigating committee reported at the last Friday evening prayer meeting, reviewing the testimony and recommending the adoption of resolutions acquitting Beeciier of the charges, but censuring his weakneas and errors of judgment; aleo their continued confidence in his integrity and virtue. The resolutions were adopted, Moulton alone voting no. Next comes Tlí-TOTí's suit for damages, and the several libel suits growing out of the aflair.


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