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Fall And Winter Feed, And Care Of Cows

Fall And Winter Feed, And Care Of Cows image
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Thero are few farmeri -who enter upon any particular kind of work with the conveniences and essentials necessary to complete success. There are still fewer who ovei surround themselves with al they consider necessary to the perfeo' care of their farms, and to the ïuoat economical working and handling of its products. Tho saine rule will hold ood whero any particular branch of Agrioulture is followed as a specialty. Novertheless, wliothcr general farming be enterod upon, or somo one of its branchei 1)0 made a socialty, the processes may be siniplified, and rendered easy by attcnding to the various details in season and by forethought in providing for contingencios that must necessarily arise. One of the nocessities that must arise thia Pall, in many districts, will be providing pasture or its equivalent. This inight have been met, it' it could have been foreseen, by sowing green crops to meet the want until frost appears. After that time, there is seldom a laok of pasture, until winter sets in. To the dairyman, succulent food is a necessity, and he who does not provide for this in some way, is sure to suffer in that most tender of all places, the pocket. Where pastures are already brown, and there are many districts in the West where grass has been soant for soms time, there is no doubt of the advantage and economy of feeding bran and corn ineal, inade thin with water, to keep the cows in a thriving coudition, and in full flow of niilk ; for it is well known, if they onco shrink severely it will be exoeedingly dinicult to bring them back again. Another considoration of the first necessity is an abundance of water. If cattle are required to go long distances for water, or if they are irregularly supplied froin wolls, the want is immediately seen in the shrinking of niilk. If to this is added hurned driving, worrying with dogs, or by nies, it will not only be fatal to profits, but, the capital stook will be so lessened that tho end must eventually bo bankruptcy. Another essential point to be retnembered is, that cows should be guarded against stonns at nightj in the Suinmer, and so guarded at all times, during the t'all and winter. If these points hav been neglected, it will be of no use for tho dairyman to expect profit, whether he be the owner of ten or a hundred cows ; will the gravity of the loss be modified, if he, having a sinall dairy, do all the labor within his own family. He will simply be wearing himself and them out without pay for so doing. It will therefore be well for every dairyman who has not already done so, to ask himself the following questions : Have I provided suitable quarters for iny stock during the winter? Am I Bure that I have grain, fodder and bedding sufficient to carry thom properly through until spring? Is wator so handy and abundan t that the stock may easily obtain a full supply 'i If the questions not bo answered in a manner satislactory to the ownor of the stock, means should bo taken during the autumn to secure both i'orage and shelter, remembering always that, with warm stabling, much feed may be saved ; but that, without sufficient water, no animal can be economically wiutered. Theso questions being satisfactorily answered, there will be no doubt that the individual will exercise proper summer care, and that attention will be paid to the comfort of the cows during the storina of spring and fall. And when, as is now the case in sonie sections of the dairy regions of the West, fall pasture is not possible, it will aleo be certain that ampie care will be taken that the cows be supplied with an abundance of food. It is essentially true of milch cows, that the more they can eat and properly digest, the greater their valué. The same is true in regard to water. A deep milker is ways a large drinker,


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