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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. " ,.:jl, LEWITT, BI. I., Physioian and Sur gcon. Oflloe over Watts' Jeweliy store. Mtiin gtreet, Av.:i Albor. 1487tf PBAZEB, BARKIBIAN HA.TIILTOFI r Attorneys at Luw. Office Nos. 7 and II South [aiu sü-eot, Ann Arbor, Mich. pBASTUS 'J'IIATCIIEH, Attorney and lii Cüimselür ut Luw, No. ö Eusi Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. 138G 7ÑN ARIIOR MiníBRAL SFRIIVG8. V .Morris Hale, M. 1)., Saperl utoudunt. Office 0 baiidlnï, corner. Mann and tVotlIuron Streets. WIXES & WOBDEX, 20 South Main street, nn Arbor, Mich. , Wholesale and retall dealirsin DryGoods, Cnrpcts aud Groceries. iSltf HACK & SCHMID, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries. Urockery,&c. No. 64 South Main 3tret, yH. JACKSON, Dentist.successorto C. B. Purter. Olllce corner Main and Huron streete, over the store of R. W. Ellis fc Co, Ann Arbor, jlicli. ineatheticsadmiuisteredif reqnired. -lÜTIIERI.AND A: WHEDO1, Life and Firelnsurance Ajiente.and dealerem Real Estáte. JíceonHnrou Street. BACH A; AltDI,, Dealers in Dry Goods. Groceries, bc .. &c, No. i6 South Main Street, Ann Ubor. iirTI. WAiiNER, Dealer in Ready MadeCloth ?V iog, ClotbSj Caasimeres. Vestings, frunks Carpet Bugs, &c . 21 South Main street. TOAH W.CHEEVEK, 'attorney at llw'i OílcewithE. W. Morgan, Eaetside of Court House y c. CaBB, Dentlst, -- s, Suocessor to C.C. s ' , Jenkins. Nitrous Oxid A Gas admlnistered _N when necessary. 18l Office over h -- ' W B.ich & Abe I's # store. .'■''. ''■''■'■ -:- -■-:'"''' Xo. 20 South p E 0 C K E 11 Y GL.VSSWAIIE & CÍIIOCERIES, J. & i Donnelly? fl.iveííjíoroalarge stock of Crockery, Glassware, PUteHTre,Cntlerjr Qrocenes, te., 4c, all tobe nidal nnnsnally low prices. No. V I5at Uurou Street, Ann Arbor. ïmtf J. & P. BONJÍEI-LY. rOHN G. GALL, DBALEB II-T FRESHANDSALTMEATS, URO. SAl'SACJES, Etc, Oedorasolicited unil promptlv 311od with thebeet iieüts in ttu; m-irkct. Cor Hurón and Fourth sts. Alm Arbor, Sept. lfith. 1S09. DR. C. A. LEITER, Pliysiciaii and Surgeon, iifflcc over Watts' Jeweby Store, Main Street, Repiil' nee M Bast Hurón Street, 1469tf ANN ARBOR, MICn. T A R K N E V , MiuuifucUiriir of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLEiaHS, of every stylo, made of the best ninteriid, and warranted. lïep;iiring done promptv.ui.l prioea reásonable. Detroit Street, near Ii. 11. Depot, Ann Arbor. Mich. 314firl W. A. L0TEJ0Y, TOBAGCONIST ! Deals in both FINE EUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 E AST HCBON STREET, Next to tlic Express Office, A AUBOlt, KIOH. 1345tf ' T FEED. BROSS, MASUJ'ACTÜEEIi OF ÜUIUAGES, BV643IE8, MMBEtt WA,OI(, SPItlXti WAGOVS, CITTEKS, SLEiGHS, kt. . All work warranted of the best material. Ropuir'oope promptly ind rensonably. All work wr'anted t0 „ve perfect satisfuction. 08 South Main 1422 BUSINESS COLLEGE! ANN AIIKOR, MICH., öewiid to the Practical Education of Young und Middle-Aged Alen and "Wumen. ■ roiighmit the year. 'Evenin Clana 'jwa September to June. Instiuction accordinf; to Sr,"? Pproved plans, and mostly individual. - "i'-nts can enter at any time and k ceive sui)erior l,'ruS'U)? in Uusiness Penmanship, Cotnraercial H..I Bu Correspondence, Business Arithmetic, ngle and Doublé Entry Bookleeping, Graham's Tv Phonography, ana Practical Telegraphy, tli, "r , wIre8 PaBS directly through the rooms of ui retegraphic Departynent, affordiog the student 'S? navantage of ''Actual Office Practice." „'"'; Progresa of the student in Bookkcepinfj ia ?ny taolitated by the use uf a new Chart ontitled 'MBïaigasiir'"1 publi8hed bytua 0 t5Í tlle "llls during school hours, or address. K.POND, Aun Arhor, Micti. I l'j.ltf


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