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Letter From The Editors

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Marshall, Feb. 4, 18-10. Woorrived lierc yestcrd.iy in the cars, rif 4 o'clock. On repairing to the Court House, we found the Tcm)erance Society in session. Rev. O. P. Hoyt,of Kula, the President of the Society, fillod the chair. Il e presides with efiicienapd dignity. A discussion wns pro;roising on enibrcing the Licenco law. Mr. Kmmonsj ofpolroit, wns spcaking n favor of soamendJng a resolulion as to r ommend to Tempcrnnce men to cnforco all the laivs against Rumselling. - Ho rcTerred to numcrousjrovisicns of the - 'atutes by whicli abuses of rnmselüng fUbjecled the perpetrators to legal penalUos; Lut these provisions tvero neglected !y cotnmon consent, and no attempt was.ference to penal provisions re.spcctjng Sabbath breaking, horse racing, gnnib , Itng, &c. These laws never had been , 'breed, becausc the oflbnces were notsufh'cbntly obnoxiousto public opjnion. So il was respecting the present Licenco ( Lhvr. So fíir as he knew, it had been ' onforced in very few instances. ín Detroit he presumed the daily violations of thO law would amount to 100, and in Marshall to 25. Not a Sabbnth occurrod 1 büt the exisiing laws wéte violated in Marshall by the sale of intoxicating - ; nnr9 on ihat day. He was in favor of ( enforcing all thö penal laws on the i ject now existing, and would recommond I ;o every Temperance nmn to see that 1 these laws bc cxeculed. I In the evening, Mr. Enimons, from the s felect comtnittee, reported ii) l favor of enlorcing all ihe penal In'.v.g ' ginst selling into.xicaling liquors - lor a :" compendium of these laws to be mnde by ■' the secretary and published - and for ting at the town elections against the ' grantingof Licenscs. ! Mr. Emmons then addressed the . ence at considerable lengt h. The drifi of his remarks was in favor of keeping i k up tho meetings of the Temporáneo lias, general and local. He conipared the k Tomperance society to a steam engine. efficiënt and power ful when suppliod vviih fuel nnd hands,, and Icep.'t n repair, but [ utterly uselessand inefiective without the [ reqoisite mcans of kerping it in action. - The cause was not loosing ground at all, but was on the advance, and it did not progross faster because the meetings had b jen intormitted. Regular and periodical meetings (once a week was not too often) would put tho causa in a favorable attitude. Tho object of Temperance sorieties had been misconceived. It was'i v. .i '. viv ' i iiiul uit' i ii vuiui itj i 1 1 '. i n ■ selves, exlerminato intemperance, and Üioy had already nchievcd a splendid ; umph. The addrcss was amusing and ' inioresting to tlio hearcrs, and appeared lo us a singular mistaré of jnst reasoning ' and superficial remark. The peírlfer it ' rather popular as an orator; bul liis ' scripiion in ihis case for the renovation of ' Tempe ranee causo will uttcrlv fnil in c practico. Mo insists on ihe holding of frequent meeting"? as wns formcrly do;io. Why are not thoe meetings, once so frequent, now continuad ? IJecause the ( terest of those who nltcnded them has ; minished. And why has it diminished ? l líecause it has been found that none but ■ Temporáneo men would nttend, no new , interesling faets were presented, and the eetings were ineífective. Under these t circumstances, tlie societiescease lo meet, ( nnd they can never be induced ently to resume meetings till íhose f ings can bo made intérestingand eHicient i for good. lf Mr. Emmons can do tkis, l oio plan of frequent meetings, will be practicable; not beforo. Mr. jliíUes, of Jackson, wiihout ly opposiag the action of the society in ti favor of legal restrictions, vvas understood t; to say, that he was in sentiment opposcd to all legislation on the subjecl. lie was a n peace man and opposed lo war. lio ii compared the var on Rumsellers, now I proposed by this society, to tíie n plated war with England about Oregou. . lie was for arbítrntion or negotiation S ther than a war. No moral reform was if ever eíFected by penal enacltïionts. Men S( must bo reached thro' thoir hearts. We J cannot successfully fight thetn down. - ■;, Christ and his Apostles never called for c penal cnaetments against the wicked. - b: I3very human being can bo reached by moral influence. Even luntitics can be governed botter by kindnesa than by bolls c nnd bars.. In the case of gmg-selling, c only moral nfiucnccshould be used. The ri law was inefi'ective. ín J.ickson, no !■ censes had been granted, nnd yet there had been more liquor sold in the place in n he last 12 months than in any 12 monlhs pneloje, ruid not n single une hnd bren collecïèd. In many cnsésj perhaps 100 in he Slaie, wliere the attempt n coüect finos nf grog-seUera lind been mrtdè ii had faüed. IJe would 6g'i the UumseJlcrs wiih the iriilii - wiilj the Word of God; wonld con'x t!;em tb do right. (?ö lu ihciu ]U wirni i -quö hcarts; kfr Dp the meetings, and t!ie cause wou!;! Jirtjjjgf Mr. nii i ' n lew ■ ■ and ijrjtli ■■. f ;.ir. Ii. wii.s sii ■.( :t,w.. r .vu;:! SJlfiBon, ru'd sn o,po.srd lo .-.!) Ifgfl] onoctment-;, v:-v did ho nol ron:;ri'e i.s prbfesjídn ns : i.r.syor, lurn prcnclirr. géi n comtyenfary and a pnir nf sndrfJê-ljgaj and cc llio business n' i .'■!'.. nniug cominuniiy hy morn] stinsion? WhytJid flio ger.l!. -inn n engngo ín proseciJiiuns for CfihSinöl ÓTP ('lief , by w ïi ic-Ii penh-Jííos vvero iníTicted. atifi sí.eriíT.--. cpnstñblps a'nd jhilêracbh8tonlly oinplivrfi ? Why pul tlie rnurderor and thiff in prfenri? Lnw and 1110rnl surïaK'ii sIkjuIiI bbth be uscd. Kldor 'i'wiss iolij i!k! siorv in (lic epe!ling book about the boy in the old man's apple tree. When the young urchln vou!d not e mo duwn Por turft:, thieh slonoá musí be used. He was fur tlirowipg n $tone when it was needcd. [Great npplause.] Mr. Emmons had benn opposrd to tlie enacting oT the Licenso Lnw of Inst winter, because previoür, penal lavs had iernaincd unexecuted; butsince it bad bepn ènacfcdj hc was ibr enfurcing it uiili vigor. The society nre quite unnnimous in iiipport of the lavv. The dfifl nf nearly Bvery speech has been for enforcing it. Di is is just as it should be.