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All Sorts Of Pen-scratches

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Kate Stantoit (not Elizabeth Cady) has marked a new "speer" for the American male. She says, after describing something seen in Paris : " I wish American gentlemen would turn their attention to the high art of scientific cooking. I know many a household where lurnioil incessant reigns ; and I am uow disposed to attributo the fact to the bad cooking of the hostesaes. Let men govern the cuisine and bring in peace. Tens of thousands of men who have failed as merchants, manufacturers, speculators, teachers, lawyers, doctors, and ministers, might make good cooks. Let tfapm try.'' And oh, Kate, are these failures to sucseed in driving. woman from her stronghold? And tho women cooka, wilt they tako naturally to out-door as well as office work : to chopping and logging, plowing and sowing, planting and hoeing, cradling and rnowins;, while their now lords and masters do the work in kitchen and nurseiy? Can Kate mean all this? - Tho Detroit Post denies that the socalled " gag-law" is a " gag-law" at all ; that if a " gag-law" it had nothing to do with the defeat of Poland, its " putative fathor;" but that being a " salary-grabber" and too ''famliar with the ' Boss' Shepard" ring were the charges which laid him out. Which may be true : nevertheless the newspapers he sought to ïnuzzle, and to subject to discipline by subservient Washington courts, have just the same reason to rejoice over his defeat. - Report comes frorn Paris that Mrs' Dr. Mary Walker was recently in that city, with two pupils, astonishing the promenaders on the boulevard by a display of " large zouavo trousers, closed by gaitera, small gray palotots trimmed with black, and tall feit hats." Mrs. W. was en route for Turkey, to take the position of private physician in the Sultan's seraglio. Poor Sultan : the d -1 will be to pay in that harem or Dr. Mary Walker has been converted. - And now a Legislative Committee of Investigation, up in that model Republican State of Minnesota, has unearthed defakations and peculations on the part of ex-Auditor Mcllraith, footing up over $100,000, the school fund being the principal sufl'erer. Mcllraith puts in a general denial, charging that it is an electioneering story. The committee was constituted of two Republicans and one Democrat. - The Lansing Bepublican claims that tbe record of the Hon. C. K. Carpenter, Prohibition candidate for Governor does not show him entitled to the support of the old-time prohibitionists. Can't that Lansing mole keep his nose out of those everlasting musty records in the office of the Secretary of State 'r1 And, again, don't he recognizo tho right of a man to progress or get new light? - And this is the way a reckless ncvvspaper scribbler libéis Boston : " When Boston is termed the 'Modern Athens' the most generous compliment and exaggeration of speech is used. Boston bas no Pericles- no Parthenon ! She has only her Ben Butler and her Faneuil Hall !" If this thing is to be endured, of what use is the late Judge Poland's " press gag law " P - If the Argus has any farmer readers who yet believe in the theory of protection, and hope for higher prices for wool, onions or beans, becauso of a protective tariff, we advise them to read the aiticle in this paper - first page - hoaded, " How We Pay Our Taxes." Protectión is to the farmer, " Saving at the spigot while leaking at the bung." - If the following quotátion from the Woman's Journal is one of " the facts" we were requested (by Lucy Stoue) to copy, grasshoppers are not the only marvelous production of Kansas. The Journal says : " Mrs. Lovejoy, aged sixty-eight, resicling near Baldwin City, Kansas, gave birth to a boy a few days sinco." - The Toledo Democrat and Herald claims that Pratt, the Republican candidate for Congress in that district, is a contractioni8t, and that Hurd, the Democratie candidate, . is an inflationist. Which, if true, is at least one good and sufficient reason why Hurd should net have been nominated. - The Woman's Journal Iets a correspondent make Miss Sallie Hart, of Ohio, "a law student in the Michigan University" and then locates the said ' Michigan State University" at Oakland (Cal.). Isn't there just a little of muddie in the other statements of the correspondent? - Rowell & Co. 's American Neiospaper Reporter says : " The change in the postal law allowing the free circulation of exchange newspapers does not go into effect until Jan. 1, next." Will the Reporter point to any such law, to go into effect at the date named or any other 'i - A new school building in Detroit, located on St. Aubin avenue, near Ontario street, has been christened the "Campbell School," in honor of Judge Campbell, formerly an efficiënt member of the Board of Education. - The smoke in Conger's district indicated very little fire, - the opposition simmering down to four votes : two for Huston and two for Devine. The " ins " have it all their own way, in spite of this being an off year. - The Detroit Tribune intiinates that Henry M. Look, of Port Huron, is to be the Democratie candidate for Congress against Conger. In which caso Conger will havo to Look to his laurels, - poetical and literary at least. Gov. Bagley and Hon. C. K. Carpenter, Prohibition candidate for Governor, both attended a Grange picnic at Orchard Lake on the 4th iust. Neither made speeches. Carpenter }$ a leading Granger. All women who are taxpayers are voters at the annual school meetings in this State, and eligible to school district offices. Yet how many women voted at the elections held on Monday last ? - In Detroit, on Saturday, anuouncemont was made on 'Change, ot' the failuro of George B. Dickinson, a prominent grain dealer, with liabilities probably in excess of $50,000. The Adrián Timet ought to transfer its sub-hoading, " Our Story Teller" to its political department. There is a fitness in things which should be observod. The Fifth Cinuinnati Industrial Exposition opened on the 2d inst. This Exposition has heretofore proved one of the most successfnl in the country. - A. T. Stewart & Co. pay half a million dollars yearly for advertising. Tliey know how to "put their naoney where it will do the most good." - The " Keformors " assomblod in convontion at Jaokson, on Wednesday, Doniinated a full State ticket, headed by Hon. Ilenry Chamberlin, of Berrien, for Governor. - At tbe Massachusetts Democratie Stato Convcntion, held on Wedncsdny Wm. Gaston, of Boston, was nominntec for Governor. - Efí'oits are being mude to induce Goldsmith Maid to put in an appearance at Eaat Sagiuaw daring the State Fair next week. - Acablegram says that the eruption of Mt. 2ütnn bas ceased. The quieting effoct of Judge Poland's 'defeat. - The Michigan Conference of the M E. Church commenced its annual session at Kulaiuazoo on Wednesday.


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Michigan Argus