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"a Little Blood-letting."

"a Little Blood-letting." image
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From the Buffalo Couiier. In the absence of the President at Lon Branch a sort of " rump" Cabinet meet ing was held at Washington last Thurs day, at wbicb the reinarkable pronuncia mentó of Attorney-General Williams t Federal officials iu the South was con sidered and approved. The nierabers o: the Cabinet present were Secretarios Uelk nap nnd 13ristow and the Attorney-Gen eral. As it' to make up tor the conspicu ous absences ot' this important conferenc a personage unwonted at the Cabine board put in an appearance and too part in lts dehberatious. This was non other than Senator Zack. Chandler chairman ot' the liepublican Congression al Committee. It is not difficult t understand the significance of his pres ence at the meeting in question. He i apt to be on hand when tne ueeessities o the Kepublican party deruand a resor to desperate measures. He it was who before the war, while patriotio men wer stiaining every nerve to prevent it out break, coarsely ciamored for ' a littl blood-lettiug," on the ground that i would do the party gcod. The proposa now to place several States of' the Unioi under martial law at the will of the At torney General, is in strict confonnit; with the Chandler policy of administra tion. He sees, and apparently has causee President Grant to see, that one mor the high interests of Eepublicanism cal for ' a litcle blood-letting." Chandler i an eminently proper man to particípate in the counsels. of the Cabiuet at thi juncture. ,


Old News
Michigan Argus