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_ Circuíais. - BiH-Heads. _ Lctter-Heads. - ghipping Tags. _ Printed at the Arous office. _ Tu the bost style and OBEAP. - Don't order elaewhere before callins. - Studeuts are alrendy arrivmg in oonsuler3ble numbers. _- Wines & Wotden havo a ncir proolcimation in this week's Anous. . The market is overloaded with peachcs and gfes of homo growth. ,I;is. B. Gott, Esq. has been confined to his 1,,! sevïral days with fever. - The Dexter Union School opened for tho Fall tenn on Monday last. - Read the cali for the Democratie County (jiAvention on the second page. - Hunting parties are numerous, and succeed in tagfriiiíí considerable gaine. _ The Manchester school opened on the 31st uit, in charge of a lady principal. - Farmers havo comraenced cutting corn. Thcrc B a promise of a fair yield. - That proraised Fall revival of business does „ot seem to have reached this city yet. - At Ypsilanti, on Monday, E. F. Uhl aud C B. Whitman were elected school trustees. - The Union School at Saline opened on Monday last, the 7th inst , with L. A. Park as principal The regular term of the Circuit Court will open on Monday next. The jury will be in atliaiice on Tuesday. - The weather for a few days has benn very hot, and that long looked for rain bes not yet put in an appearance. - Bach & Abel cali the attention of the AcgOS readers this week to their very f uil stock of newgoods. See their ad. - Enough interest was aroused in the school election on Monday to excite bettiug on the result; a thing before uuheard of. - It is understood that the Republican ('minty Convention, to nominate candidates for County officers, is to ba held October 6th. - We had prepared a report of the business trausacted at the adjourned term of the Circuit Court, but it was unavoidably crowded out this week. - Extcnsive and much needed repairs have l)een made during the vacation in the rooms occupied by the Engineering department of the Uiuversity. - Chas. H. Richmoud went as a delégate to the Democratie, State Convention in place of ilemy W. Rogers, who was unexpectedly detamed at home. - The salaries paid teachers in the Ypsilanti public schools last year aggregated $9,4öö.2ü ; total expense of district (including $1,200 paid on bonds) were, $10,140.62. - E. E. Frazer, Esq., brags of raising the biggest omons and the smallest meions of anybody around these diggings. He must be gettiug ready to join the Grangers. - Company B. was yesterday ordered out for target practico, and at 1 o'clock proceeded to the iround selected, up the railroad, where finng was kept up during the afternoon. - The Literary Department of the University will be open on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd. Exaniiuatioiis ui' candidates for admission will be held Sept. 17-22. The Law and Medical departments open on Thursday, Oct. lst. - A poster has been put up in the postoffice offering a rewanl of $20,000 for the finding of Clmrhe Boss, the V ie tiro of the Philadelphia kidnappers. A chance for some of our enterprising young uien out ot employment. - The Dexter Leader suggests that R. A. lieal, of the Courier is likely to be the Repub. lican candidate for Senator, aud that Judge Beakes is likely to be pitted against hini. Another illustration of the share, " Go away from liome to get the news." - The creditors of Mr. Miller, of the bankrupt ñrm of Müier & Webster, have been cited to appear at the office of H. K. Clark, Register iu Bankruptcy, Detroit, on the 8th day of October next, at 9 o'clock A. M., to show cause wliy Mr. Miller should not be discharged. - That croquet match carne off at Dexter on Wednesday, resultiug in a tie, each side gaining two games. The decisive game will probably be played some time next week. The players irom this city were Geo. A. Gilbert and Chas. H. Manly, and from Chelsea Ed. Xegus and Geo. Crowel. - The Ypsilanti Commercial having assumed the duty of regulating and purifying our neighboring city, the Sentinel has turiied its attention to Ann Arbor, has got on track of a " fashionable murder." and proposes, if it pans out well, to " give certain parties h - 1." Well, " Lay on, Macduff." - Maj. Louis R. Buchoz, an old resident of this city and who bas mvested largely in buildings aloug Detroit streot, died on Friday last, after a long sickness. His funeral was attended on Sunday afternoou. Maj. Buchoz was bom in Metz, France, January 5th, 1809, and at the date of his death was in his 65th year. - His name was Jones. He was a peddler. He called marshal Loveland bad naines. He was " pulled" by the af oresaid Loveland. He truggled manfully, but in vaiu. He was taken tafore Justice Manly and táxed Ï8.7Ö. He refosed to pay. He lodged in the losk-up all night, and his horses at Gregory's stables. In the morning better counsels prevailed. He liquidated his little indebtedness and departed - a poorer but wiser and less profane and pugilisic peddler. The Detroit Conference of the M. E. Churoh dosed its annual session at Romeo on Tuesday. The appoiutments for this district are as fol; lows : S. BEED, TKESIDISO ELEEE. Aun Arbor- VV. II. Khier. Dixboro'- J. E. Diverty. Ypsilanti- J. M. Fuller. üakville- S. J. Brown. Augusta - F. E. Pierce. ' Milau- J. H. Castor. Saline- W. J. Campbell. Dexter- J. A. Mclhvaiuo. Chelsea- J. VV. Campbell. Leoni and Francisco- E. 1'. Pieroe. Waterloo-A. W. Wilson. Uras Lake- T. J. Joslin. Henrietta- W. M. Triggs. Piuckuey- D. R. Shier. Lima and North Lake- L. J. Whitcomb. Hamburgh- B. F. I'ritchard.' liriKhton- F. W. Warren. South Lyon - S. E. Warren. Salem and Northiiold- J. I!. Noble. Milford - J. F. Davidson. Iosco and Genoa - D. J. üdell. rniulilla- J. li. Russell. llansvüle- C. W. Austin. B. F. Cocicer, Professor in Michigan TJniversity, member oL Ann Arbor Quarterly Conforence. In other districts : G-. "W. Lowo is continuod at Manchester ; S. P. Musen placed at Sharon ; J. H. Avery sent to Duiuleo ; W. Hagadorn to l'lymouth; S. elementa to Xorthville; and J. S. Suttou to Belleyille. The following appointinents, outside of Ann Atbor .District, of some Methodist ministers formerly kuown here were made by the late Conference at Itomeo : L. It. Fisk, at Central Church, Detroit ; E. H. l'ilcher, Presiding Elden Detroit District ; J. S. Smart, at Port Huron ; ï. C. Gardner, Presiding Eider, Port Huron Pistrict ; J. C. Wortley, Monroe ; S. Clemonts, Xorthville. D. C. CUallis, a late gradúate of the Literary Department of tlie University, receiyed the appointment at. Wild Fowl and Fairhaveu, Saglnaw District.


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