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The Annual School Meeting

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The Animal Scflol (bí Dieírict No. Ono, City oí Ann Arbor (whioh includes tho wliole city and a portion of the ndjoining town), was held, pursuant to atatute, on Mouday last. The polis were opened at 10 o'clock A. M., in the Sheriff's ollico at the Court House, and continuea open untíl 2 o'olock p. m., in acoordance with the tenns of the notice and tho usual custom. Everything progressed (juietly until abont the hour of noon, when the appearanec, one following another, of three electora of the Gorman persuasión, wilh written tickets, indicated that Hiere was " soniething in the wind,"- the three tickets having thc ñames thereon of three prominent Germán citizens, two of wfaom, Messrs. Mann and (runer, had positively declined to go apon the Board. At half-past twelve carne more and more and more voters, all of the Cernían persuasión, all with the irregular, or opposition, or independent, or antiSchool Board ticket, it matten not which it is named. Immediate mensures were taken to contest the ground, scouts and reoruitiiig partits wore sent out, and on to the hour of two it was the liveliest bit of an election we have seen : at school meeting or any other election. lt was now a squad of Germans, now a squad of Amcricans, now an Irishman or an Englishman, enjoying the iun or bent on mischief, and then, sandwiched in, an occasional "American Citizen of African descent," with tho broadest kind of a grin fully dcvelopcd. With about t0 voters registered at 12 1-2 o'cloct, 493 wero scored down at 2 o'clock r. M., when thno was called, - all parties haring preserved the utmost good nature d uring the time. When the polls were closed bots were made that the "School Board ring" was "busted that the " Dutch had taken Holland," &c, but a count determinad the election of the so-ealled " Board Ticket, the following being tho figures : Xumber of billots in box, 393 ; number of votes (aggregating all thé candidatos), 1,176, as follows : For Ebenezer Wells, 227 " Elihu B. Pond, 228 " Martin L. D'Ooge, 225 " Augustus Widenuuum, li2 " Emanuel Mann, I'j7 " Leonard Gruner, 168 " Christiau Eberbach, 1 Messrs. Wells, Pond, and D'Oogo were declarod elected, after which the business meeting was proceeded with, in the Gomt room, Judge Grane having kindly adjourned court until ö p. II. The President of the Board called the meeting to order, and in tho absence of the Secretary, W. W. Whedon was chosen Clerk. The annual report of the Board was presented and read, as follows : AXXt'AL HEPOET. Tho Board of Trustees of School District No. 1, City of Ann Arbor, submit the following ruport tor the school yesn uudmg this day, September 7, 1S7 1 : II'TS. From balance to credit of General Fund, Sept. 1, 1873. Í938.81 " balance to credit of Library Funfl, Sept. 1,1873, CG.00 " Tax voted to paj interest on bonds, 2,320.00 " w " " " fuel, janitor's aerfices, iiisuraurc and incidentals, 5,150.00 ' Tax Toted i" pay teachers' salaries, 11,000.00 " Two-miU tak, ' 3,221.50 " l'riinavy School tand, 1,129.00 " Fine or Library moneys, 136.06 " Dok Lácense moneys, 815.60 Colleetions for daniagea (of Supt.), 8.00 11 Lyceums, for gas, 18,00 '■ Tultlon, Fall term, 1,421.58 " " Winter term, 1,808.50 " " Spting - i.loo.oo " Banda ssued, as per vote ni' Annual Meeting, 7,000.00, 38,207.96 l'uid Salaries of Toejs, #-17,724.12 " Bonds due Peb. Ni, 1874, t.hoii.ho " Interest on Bonds, due Feb. 18(74, 2,320.00 " for wood and coal, w 1,665.06 " for Lnsu i IS9.83 " for paintlng JI. S. Hall and other buildings, ' 536.32 " for repatra, 68.80 " for work oa othouses, 317.62 '■ tor Janltor's services, 888.00 .. tor gag, 7Ü.00 for nirniture.jipparatus, and general incidentals, 2,051.6" " for boults lor Llbrary, 4B;86 Cash on hand, eeneral fund, 1,222.00 '■ ■ Library tund, IS6.69 Total, :,207.% Pursuant to a vote of tho last annual meeting, the bouds of the district to the amountof S7,ÜOU. due February lst, 1874, have been paid and retired, and new bonds issued in the same amount, at 8 per cent. interest, 13,600 thereof being payable on the first day of February, 1879, and a like suin 011 the first day oí Keuruary, 188Ü. The present boiided debt of the district therefore remains the same as reported last year, Tweuty-nine thousand dollars ($29,000), payabie as follows : Bonds dae Febi uary lst, 187o, DO0.OP " " ■■ ' ■■ is7r,, ",ouo.oo " i' " " S11 ."1,00(1.00 " " " 1878, 5,000.00 " " " '■ i7j, ;l,500.00 u " " lü, 3,500.00 Total, 29,000.00 Of this sum theve wil! become due 011 the lirst day of February next, principal, f 7,000 ; interest on whole sum at S per cent., L2,320. The Board reponimond tiie payment of the principal by a new loan and an appropriation and tax levy for the payment of the interest. This recoinmendatiou is made 111 view of the fact that the city has an indebteduess of $6,500, to meet the current year, for Medical (Joüeye bonds carried over. Exclusive of estimated receipts from two-rnill tax, primary school money, and tuitiou fues, the Board estinïate the amouuts necessary to be raised by taxation the coming year, as follows : For Balarles of teaohen, HO.SOO.00 " interest on bonded debt, 2,320.00 " insurance, 400.00 " f,,,.] 1,6(10.00 " repairs, l.nno.uo " furuiture and incidenfsils, 1,050.00 " Janitots, 800-00 Total, 817,820.00 Xo deduction is made for the balance on hand, as there are yet some outstanding bilis, and ullowaace must be made for extraordiuary and uuforeseen expenses. In making these estimates the Board has not forgotten the rinancial condition of their fellowcitizens, the taxpayers, but they cin not see wlierea reduction eau be made and maintain the efficiency of the schools. Our teachers are paid less salaries than in the same grade of schools in other cities, and to reduce their salaries was to compel a change and the suüstitution of inexperienced teachers in their places. The last school year has been aprosperous one, but for detailed inlormation of interest, tho Board would invite attention to the Superinteudent's Keport already spread before the people. Schedule " A," accompanying this report is an exhibit of the salaries paid teachers for the school year 1873-71. Schodule "B" is a list of the teachers employed for thu school year 1874-'7ó, with their salaries. Schedule "O" is an estímate oí the probable receipts and expunditures for the coming riscal year. The terms of office of three trustees, Messrs. Ebenezer Wells, B. F. Cocker," and E. B. l'ond expire at the date of this aimual meeting. Tho new school census just completed gives the uumbor of children in tho district between the prescribed ages of fivo and twenty, as 2,398 an increase of 145 over last year's census. All of which is respectfully submittod. By order of the Board. E. B. POND, President. Jas. B. Gott, Secretary. Aun Arbor, Sept. 7, 1874. The report was accepted without objection, and pursuant to the recommendations therein contained, the following sums were unanimously ordered raised tho ensuing year : To pay bonds $7,000, by loan. By tax - to pay interes! , $2,320 . J .. _.. " teaohers, 10,600 ■1 . _ incideutals &o., SjOOO Total tax, Í17.820 This amount is $650 luss than the tax levy for the last school year. And this reduction is made after providiug for an mercase of ers over the corps now on (luty, and was made possible by the large inciense of tuition reportad over preceding years, and expected to be realized the present year. - The contost for ofíicers is only to be regrettod from the iact that it assumed tho pbaae oí natiouality or clannishness. The vote oughtto be stilL largor next year, and the yoten :n umler uo obligation to all vote the sanie ticknt. The result shows that the Board has the confidente oi the business men of the city, and we bclieve of many ii not of most of those who voted the "Teutouio ticket:" the origin oí whuii is uot ejiactly accounted for, as thero can be no good rtjason for sucli au issue. It is to be regratted that more of the electora, espeoially of the ta.v-payers, did not stay to the business meeting, hnar the report of the Board, and exercise their right and duty to consider the recommendatïons and vqte for ór BgaiaitÖM appropriations anted tur.


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