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lo Consuméis of Coal. "We would say that for the next ten days wo will take orders for good clean Scranton coal 25 cents per ton lesa than anv other dealer, or 25 cents per ton less than Detroit pricea. 2,000 pounds to the ton, well screened coal g-uaranteed or no pay. A good suupply oí Briar Hill coal we have for sale. COLÉ & THOMAS. 30 Hurón St. Mis. Doctor IIilton would inform her patrons and frlendá that she has decided to remain in Ann Arbor, and niay be íbund at her oftlce as usual, No. 88 Ann street, comer ot' Ingalls, ready to attend calis in city or rmmtry. August 2rtth, 1874. 149ÜW4 - -é M i +m - 4Kö The only place to purchase goods clieap for cash, is at the Ann Arbor Trading Association, where they ate Belling all kinds of lry Uoods cheap - to close out their Suminer stocK. 1485tf G. W. HAYS, Supt. Centaur Liiiiinent.s Have cured more woudertui caoes of rheumatism, aches, pains, swellings, irost-bites, caked breasts, burns, scalds, salt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, and strains, spavin, galls, &c, uopn animáis, in one year, than all other pretended remedies have sincc the world began. Certiflcates of remarkable cures accompany each bottle, aai will be sent gratis to any one. There is no pain which these Liniments will not relieve, no swelling they will not subdue or lameness they will not cure. This is Btrong language, but it is true. No family or stock-owner can afford to be without Centaur Liniments. White Wrapper for family use ; the Yellow Wrapper for animáis. Trice, 50 ets. ; large bottles, $1.00. J. B. liosE & Co. 53 Broadway, New York. Castoria. is more than a subslitute for Castor Oil. It is the only safe aiticle in exiütence which is certain to regúlate the bowels, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It is pleasant to take. No more sleepless mothera or crying babies. Price 35 ets. per bottle. 1481yl lleal Good Bariains ! IMEANBTJSINESS. FOR SALlMy place where I reside, on the corner oppojiit the Episcopal Church. I will either sell the plBoe or sell the furniture and rent place to a private family. Also for sale a Large Brick House, on División street, opposits Jamee B. Gott's; also fifteen cily I.ois, whii-h 1 u ill si-U cheaper than any other man dare sell. Now is tlie time to buy property bfore the advanee which is sure to come within twelve "'""1SA. DEFORKST. "HUW Tü liü WHST." - □ - This is an inquiry which every one shouid haYe truthfully anawered beíore he starts on his journey, and a little care taken in examination of routes will in many cases save mueh trouble, time and money. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Kailroad has achiéved a splendid reputation in the last three year as the leading Passender Route to the West. Start ing at Chicago or Peoria, it runs direct through Southern lowa and Nebraska, with close connec tions to California and the Territories. It is also the short line and best line to Quincy, Missouri and pi.ints in Kansas and New Mexico. Passenger on their way westward connot do botter than t taku this route. This line luis published a pamphlet entitled How to go West," which contains much valuable infor mation ; a large, correct map of the Qreat WeBt which can be obtained free of charge by addressin the General Western Passenger Agent, Chicago Burlington & Quincy Kailroad, Chicago, 111. 1461y Í ËcURËYOUilSKLF A HOME. Valuable City Lots forsale Cheap, and long tim givenforpaymeutif desired. MITT15W


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