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Important From Washington

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[Mudar lilis Iio-id, llieN. V. licrald cl" tl.r 27üi, has tlie ■ iiijj- liich must bü tacen wiili the usual aliowmcc for Cubinet runors.] Our accounts lnt. niglil froni Washington, ire o!" il kinds - there U lo Lo n re-constnicion of the Cl)inot - that ftrr. Buctioni í.-es )u tl te lunch - Uinl Mr. Bancroft gors t !3i-r!n, - tlnu Mr. Walker goos ino the For igu Dopnrtment ut' State - ttjat thcro is n ,-eiuusbienk up in ho pirty - that Mr. C;illonr i.s Ihe ".-tnr of the ;iscondnnt," and tliat ..[). (J.iss añil tlic u'ir p:iriy aro i 1 1 he (uinps. l tli aspect lo JMex can nef, accounts dif'or. One kïJ'3 tliat Paredea wil! icceive Mr. SIk'iII - nmvlir'r, ihni hé wi!l i;oi - r iiiii,!, lia t the President, intl Cübmct lmve resolved o inakó iMiwico ti. viiUü nul seulo the huii'.--, pr '!,■ Adiiy ut' Oh.-(!ivalion" wil :ro;-s ho Kio (ïriino', pud ;:uii):cl her Iodo mi. Ml is in peil eb übout Orepopj all is r.xciienooi. ftbörtt Mexiro. iho Cnbinct, and the rvc'c:iotior Jo(te VVooiivnr!.