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The Michigan Argus

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Piiblished cvcry Friday morning, in tba third Htor nf the briok bloei, corner of Blain and Jluron street Ann Akbor, Miotf. JSntrance on Huron street, op posite l.lii! (ircgory House. BIiIHD B. I'OM), Editor aad Publislicr Teriifí, Year in Adrance. [{ATES OF ADVERTISING [12 lines or less conaiderod a square.] 1 w72 w. S w. 6 w. 3 m.j 6 m. 1 year i'suTvre $ 7fll 25 150}2 75 $4 006 00 90 0 muarés 1 50 2 00 2 50 S 50 8 00, 8 00 12 0 s sellares 2 00 2 50 3 50 5 00 7 5OÜOOO 15 0 .5 oolumo 3 50 4 00 4 50 6 0O10OO15 00 25 0 , 'i column 4 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 12 00:20 00 30 0 S oolamO i 00 V 00 8 00 10 00 15 OOÍ24 00 38 0 1 colman 7 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 20 0OIS0 00 55 0 column 10 00 15 00 18 00 22 00 35 00160 00 100 0 Carda in Directory, not to exceed four Unes, $4.00 yer. Advertisers to the extent of a quarter column cm urarly rmiiriKt, will be entitled to have their carda i Directory without extra charge. Loca! editorial notices 20 cents a line. Buaines Notices 12 cents a line fcr the Hrat insertion, and cents for oach subsequent insertion. M ñinga and death notices free ; obituary notioe fivc cents a line. Yearly advertiaers have the privilege of changin their advertiseraeuts throe tinies. Additional ohang ing will be charged for. löT Advertisements unaccompanied by written o yerbal directious will be ijiiüliahud thiee months ai) oharged accordingly. Legal advertisementa, first inaortion 70 centa pe folio, 35 cents per folio for each subsequent insertion WÍK'ii a postponement ia added to an advertisemen the wholo will be charged the same as the flrst inaer tion. To bc paid for when aöidavit is made. JOH I'ISI-VTINl;. Pamphleta, Posters, Hand-Bills, Circulars, Carda Ball Tickets, Labels, Blanks, Bill-Heads, and othe varietiea of Plain and Fancy Job Printing executed with promptness, and in the beat poaaible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus