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The Democratic State Convention

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Pursuant to cali, the Democratie State Convention met in Union Hall, Kalamazoo, oh the lOth inat., at 12 o'elock noon, and was callcd to order by Dr. Fostor Pratt, chairman of the State Central Comraittee, on whoso nomiuation, Col. E. H. Thomson, of Genesee, was made teniporary Chairman. Henry Starkoy, of Wayne, was made teinporary Secrotary. On motion of Dr. Brodie, of Wayne, the following gentlemen wero chosen a Committee on Credentials and Permanent Organization : Josoph Kuhn, of Wayne ; W. T. B. Schertuerhorn, of Lenawee ; Dr. O. C. Comstock, of Calhoun ; David Bacon, of Berrien ; Col. J. E. Fisk, of Allegan ; C. W. Haze, of Livingston ; L. H. Canfield, of Macomb ; A. F. E. Brayley, of Saginaw ; and Adolph Euhl, of ïïoughton. C. H. Eichmond, of Washtenaw, moved the appointment of a Committeo on Eesolutious, consisting of two from euuh Congressioual district. The motion provailing, the following nominations wcre made by the district delegations and nrmed by the convcntion : First- Win. Adair, Andrew Stutte, of Wayne. Second- C. H. Eichmond, of Washtenaw ; Uco. L. Bachman, of Lonawee. Third- M. H. Joy, of Calhoim ; J. G. Parkhurst, of Branch. Fourth - Foster Pratt, of Kalainazoo; O. B. Potter, of Berrien. Fifth- Heury Fralick, of Kent ; M. D. Howard, of Ottawa. Sixth - J. B. Crouse, of Livingston ; Wm. Woodhouse, of Ingham. Seventh - E. E. Bently, of Macomb ; J. W. Felton, of Lapeer. Eighth - B. M. Thompson, of Saginaw ; E. F. Sprague, of Montcalm. Ninth- G. F. Stearns, Charles F. Wagner, of Mecosta. It was then moved and carried that all resolutions offered be referred to the Committee on Eesolutions without reading or debate. After whieh the convention took a recess until 2 o'clock p. M. AFTERNOON 8ESSION. Convention met at 2 o'clock p. M., Col. Thomson in the chair. Mr. Couistock, from the Committee on Credentials, reportod the names of delegates entitled to seats, thirty-six counties being represented, which report was adopted. Also, the following as permanent officers : President- E. H. Thomson, of Geneseee. Yice-1'rendents- Paul Gies, Wayne ; W. T. B. Schermerhorn, Lenawee ; E. Cox, Calhoun ; D. Bacon, Berrien ; M. H. Clark, Kent ; J. J. Bush, Ingham ; E. E. Bentley, Macomb ; A. McDonald, Bay ; Adolph Euhl, Houghton. Secretarles- Henry Starkey, Wayne ; A. M. Tinker, Jackson. Col. Thomson thanked the convention for the honor done hiin, referred to the past history of tho Democratie party of : the State, claimed for it the credit of Liying broad and deep the foundations of our educational and charitable tions, and invited harmony and unambiguous utterances. NOMINATICMVS. The convention then proceeded to an informal viva voce vote, by counties (each dclogation being authorined to cast a full vote), for a candidate for Governor, with the following result : Henry Chamberlain, of Bcrrien, - - 23!) Henry Fralick, of Kent, ó Augustus O. Baldwin, of Oaklantl, - - 8 Jonatlian Shearer, oí Wayiie, - - 30 Walter S. Beckwith, of Cass, - - - 12 Mr. Shearer withdrew his name, with thanks to the Wayne delegation, and roquested a transfer of his vote to Mr. Chamberlain. The votes given to other candidatos were also transferred, and the ' nomination made unanimous. ' Messrs. Woodman, Hoyt, and Axford ' were appointed a comtaittee to inforui Mr. Chamberlain of his nominatioa and invite his appearance before the convention ; but not being in the " big villago" he was not found. A viva voce ballot was next taken for Lieutenant-Governor, resulting as follows : Frederiek Hall, of Ioiiia, - 173 Foster Pratt, ------ 73 Jerorae W. Turner, .... 14 Edwin H. Thomson, ----- 24 Bradley M. Thompson, of Saginaw, - 2 Joseph M. Sterling, of Monroe, 1 William Browuell, - 6 J. Shearer, ...... 7 Henry M. Look, - - - - - .7 The namea of Mr. Pratt and Col. Thomson were withdrawn, and tho nomination of Mr. Hall was made unanimous. THE PLATFORM. At this point in the proceedings the Committee on Resolutions appeared, and through its chairman, Foster Pratt, submitted its report as follows : JResolved, That we arraign the party in power for its unexampled extravaganoo and corruption, and for its tional and dangerous usurpation of powers not delegated to the Federal Government, and we deinand aa lionest and econamical and just administratioa of the National offices. We demand an immediate abandonment of all efforts to rule the States for corrupt party purposes by an infamous alliance of carpet-baggers, soalawags and bayonets. We deaiand the adequate punishnient of all men guilty of oorruption and embezzlemont in office. We demand an immediate repeal of the law increasing salaries and of the infamous " Gag Law," by which the party in power seeks to muzzle a free press. Denouncing its wholesaleappropriation of the public domain, the Credit Mobilier and other corrupt corporations, we demand of the Government a careful reservation of the remaining public lands for the use and benefit of the Union soldier and sailor, and of the actual settler. We demand a repeal of the Legal Tender act, to take efifoct not later than July, 4 1876, a specie basis, and free banks with a secured currency. We demand a tariff for revenue only, free from the unjust discriminations that raise little or no revenue, crcate monopolies, unnecessarily increase the coat of living, and encourage corrupt legislation, and we domand the payment of all forms of the National debt in coin, or it jut wiiuu uue, ana an equal and just distribution of the taxes and imposta required to raso tbc noeded rovenuo. Resolved, That in the management of our State afl'airs we domand prudenoe iu the croation of taxes, honesty and oconoïny in tho expenditures of ïuoney, that wo condemn tho management of our State finances, for tho reasons : first, that with a largo balance in the treasury, taxpayers in these times should be, but are not, relieved of any of thoir annual burthen ; second, that this large balance is loaned to tho pets of a political ring, for which no adequate socurity is requirod, whilo if it bo lost the bond of the Stato Treasurer is quito too stuall toprotect the Stato ; third, that tho books and accounts of the State Treasuror being public, the Legislature has rofused to porinit them to be thoroughly examined by the representativos of the people, tho Statu Treasurer has refused to report to the Legislature the location and condition of the million of monoy in bis hands, but abore all that the political majority of tho Legislature has tolerated this rcfusal, all which aro facts woll caloulated to excite serious fcars for the safety of our money. Resolved, That we are in favor of amending our State constitution at tho earliest time possible, so that the Legislatura inay ihavo powor to rogulatu the liquor trafíic. Jlesalved, That whcn the State, iuipelled by a public neeossity, confers corporate powers to secure a public benefit, such powers must be held subject to just laws judicially interpreted, a sound public policy that protects alike the rights and interests of the State, the people and tho Corporation. liesohed, That the ruilroad and industrial interests of our State should bo identical and reciprocal, and that we have a right to such legislation as will secure reasonable and uniform rates of freight. The report was accepted, and a motion being made to adopt the reeolutions as a whoie, Mr. Bush, of Livingston, moved to strike out the resoluiion concerning the liquor traffic, and proceeded to make ti violent speech in fuvor of prohibition and agfiinst regulation. Mr. Liverinore, of Jackson, replied, declared prohibition a failure, and advocatod the policy of logislative control or regulation. Mr. Grant, of Wayne, offered the following as a substitute : Resolved, That we are in favor óf the repcal of the prohibitory liquor law, and of amending the State constitution at the earliest time prossible, and that tho Legislature have power to regúlate the liquor traffio by judicious license. Whioh, on motion, was tabled by a docisive voto, after whioh the motion of Mr. Bush to strike out waB lost. Chas. Woodruft, of Washtenaw, opposed the original resolution. He favored the submission of an amendinent to the organic law, but opposed a declaration favoring such amendment, wishing every Democrat loft free to vote as he picases. He offered the following subtitute : Resolved, That we favor submitting at the earliest possible period an amendment to the constitution, whereby the peoplo of this State may determine whether they will longer continue the prohibitory feature in the organic law, or will make provisión for the regulation of the traffic in intoxicating beverages by legislation. A Berrien dblegate raised a point of order : that a motion to strike out having failed the substituto was not in order, which point was sustained by the Chair. A motion to reconsider the vote refusing to strike out was made and lost by a small vote, when the platform was adopted with but few dissenting votes. ■ We f eel warranted in say ing that the resolution of Mr. Woodruff met the views of a majority of the couvention, and that it would have boen adopted but for the parliamentary tangió. COMPLETION OF TUE TICKET. The Convention then balloted for Secretary of State, with the following result: George H. House, of Ingham, - - 205 B. W. Schermerhorn, of Cass, - - (i( i Gr. L. Bachman, of Lenawee, - - 56 , The nomination of Mr. House was c mado unanimons. The ballot for State Treasurer was as follows : Allen Potter, of Kalamazoo, ... 30 John P. (Jook, of Hillsdale, ... 12 Williain F. Hewitt, of Marshall, - - 55 Joseph M. Sterling, of Monroe, - - 174 H. Fralick, of Kent, .... 34 The nornination of Mr. Sterling was made unaniinous. John L. Evans, of Gratiot, was nominated Auditor-General by acclamation. The ballot for Ootnmissioner of the State Land Office resulted aa follows : Chaun cey W. Green, of Oakland, - - 285 I. R. Monroe, - - ... 8 Mr. Green accepted in a short speech saying he was a Democrat and nothing olse, and a representativo of the agricultural interest. The ballot for Attorney-General ted as follows : Martin V. Montgomery, of Eaton, - 183 Andrewr T. Mclteynolds, - - - - 113 H. C. Eiggs, 12 C. A. Stacey, ------ 4 The nomination of' Montgomory was made unaniinous. An informal ballot was taken for Superintendent of Public Instruction, as follows : Duane Doty, of Wayne, ... 239 J. M. B. SÍ11, Wayue, .... 61 Mr. Doty's nomination was mado unanimous. On the informal ballot for Member of tho State Board of Education the result was as follows : E. W. Audrews, Bay, - ... 159 Edwin F. Uhl, Washtenavv, - 73 Carroll S. Frazer, St. Clair, ... 28 Mr. Andrews was declared the unanimous nominee. This completing the ticket, the followiug resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we cordially recommend to the voters of the State the candidatos nominated by this Convention, and ask all opposed to the present administration of our State and national affairs to cooporato with us in their election. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Dr. Foster Pratt, of Kalamazoo, was unanimously chosen chairman of the State Central Comtaittee, and the following from the different districts : First- William Brodie, Robert E. Eoberts. Second- H. J. Redfleld, Monroo ; Geo. D. Bachman, Lenawee. Third - Fidus Livermoro, Jaokson ; J. G. Parkhurst, Branoh. Fourth- E. A. Briggs, VanBuren ; J. B. Fitzgerald, Berrien. Fifth- M. E. Mills, Allegan ; George B. Cooper, Ionia. Sixth- J M. Hoyt, Oakland ; C. W. Haze, Livingston. Seventh- O. B. Atkinson, St. Clair J. M. Wattles, Lapeer. Eighth- II. F. Sprague, Montcalm ; A. McDonald, Bay. Ninth- A. P. Swineford, Marquotte; Georga F. Stearns, Mecosta. Mr. Allison, of Cass, moved a suspension of the rules, to enable hini to offer the following resolution : Resolved, That the amendment to the constitution, enfranchising women, to be subraitted to the electora this fall, oontemplates equal nni exact justice, ig in harmony with tho foundation principies of our governinent, aud ought to be adopted. Which suspension was refused by an almost unanimous vote. The Convention then adjourned sine die. A Washington grand jury has at last found indiotinents against five of the con8pirators in the safe burglary case. They are Assistant District Attorney Barrington, who still claims to have the confidence of the District Attornoy; B. W. "Wiiitelv, lately of the detective service ; A. B. Williams ; Zertjth Germán, of Newark, Now Jersey, and Mioiiael Hayes, an inraato of the Washington jail. The Hkpublicans are rejciciug over ;heir victory over in Maine on Tuesday. last. It was so unexpected that they can ïardly oontain thomsolves.


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