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The "reformers."

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Th3 " Keform Oonvention,'' held at Jackson on the 9th inst., was not a very largo body. It met at the hour appointed, and wascalled to order by Hon. John P. Cook, ui whose motion Col. A. T. McKkynolus was appoiutod Chairnmn pro tem. A. A. Dorrance of Coldwater, was chosüii Secretary, and thoso same oíScers were aftorwards made permanent oflioer. The fullowiug candidatos were noiniiiated : Guvernor-B.cnry Chamberbiin, of Berrien. Gover nor - Jororae W. Turner, of Shiawassee. tiecretary of titate Ghiurgg H. House, Ingham. State Treanvrer- William F. Hewitt, of Calhoun. Auditor General - Col. Fmterick M. Holloway, of Hillsdale. Gommüsioner of the State Land Office - Chauncey W. Green, of Oaklunil. Attorney Gnieral - Andrew T. Mclteynolds, of Muskegon. Superintendent of l'ullic JiiatrttcHon- Duane Doty, of Wayne. Memier of Board of Education - Carrol S. Frazer, of St. Clair. The following State Central Committee was appointed : Fred A. Baker, Wayne ; Geo. W. Underwood, Hillsdale , W. W. Woolnough, Calhoun ; Geo. II. Muidoch, Berrien ; John C. Blanchard, Ionia; Byron G. Stout, Oakland ; Carroll B, Frazer, St. Clair ; J. Wesley Griffiths, Montoalm ; A. H. Maynard, Marquette. The following is the platform adopted : Believing that it will be impossible to secure such reforms of adminiatration and changes of policy as will restore tho honesty and economy of the early days of the republic through either of tho politioal parties heretotore trusted with power; tired of shuffling financial experimenta aud false standards of value ; and deeming the encroachmenta of Federal authority upon the powers for a long time exercised exclusively by the States prejudioial to our liberties, we will perfect our organization as a National Keform party, and present candidates upon the following platform : First - Eeduction of the nurnber, and diminution of the power of offices under the National Government. Second - A reduction of salaries paid, to such an extent that no fund for politioal purposes can be raised by assessments upon officeholdeis, and thatno office shall be sought on account of its einolumonts. Third - Political opinión should be neither a reason for an appointment to office nor a ground for removal therefrom. ; but frequent changes should be made to secure purity of adininistration. Fourth - A prohibition of recorumendations or solicitations for office by auy Senator or Eepresentative in Congress, and the election of all local and Federal officeholders by the people, Fiftb. - A speedy return to hard money as the only standard of value. Sixth - All banking, State or National, should be made free. Seventh - A tariff for reverme and an equitable system of taxation, 'which shall cause a classes of property and every species of capital to bear its just proportion of the burdens of the Government. Eighth- An adherence to the principies adopted at Lansing, August 6th. , During the session of the convention speeches were made by Col. McEeynolds, Ex-Gov. Blair, and others. , In the Suprema Court of Wisconsin a decisión was renderod on Tuesday, maintaining the validity and constitutionality of the Potter law, and entering a decree compelling all railroads in the State to comply with its provisions. ïhis is the law which assuinos to establish uniform rates for passengers aud fraight. The decree takes effect the first day of October, and no prosecutions are to be made for violationa of the law before that day. The managers of the several railroads accept the situation, and say that they will do their best to conform to the regulations thus held valid, though they protest that it will be impossible to serve the public as well as heretofore. President Keep, of the Northwestern Eailway, says that his road cannot live up to the requirements of the Potter law and furuish first-class accommodations, and that he will at once takorueasnres to take off all first-class coaches, stop all work on the line and in the shops except for repairs, and reduce the working force to a minimum ,strongth." A fair trial of the law may open the eyes of tho people and insure future satisfactory legislation. Col. A. T. McEeynolds, the nominee of the " Keformers" for Attorney-General, has withdrawn in favor of the Democratie candidate, Hon. M. V. Moxtgojiery, whose name he requests the Central Committee of the " National Eeform Party" to substituto in his stead. He suggests that the Democratie platform is satisfactory to. the " Eeformers" ; that the noniiuation of four candidates on the " Eeform ticket is a generous couoession to the new party; and that the withdrawal of his associates and the unión of the opposition upon the Kalamazoo ticket would help the looal opposition tickets, and givo " a hope that victory will perch upon our banners." The Democratic Convention for the Fourth Congressional District was held at Hiles on Tuesday, and Allen PotTER, of Kalamazoo, was unanimously nominated. Mr. Potter ran against Mr. Bukrows two years ago, but was unablo to overeóme the large majority to which his opponent was entitlod. He is a better man than Burrows, stands on a better platform, has no taint of inflation in his garmeuts, and will make a good run. We predict that the " Columbiau Orator" will not get over 5,000 majority this trial. - The Eighth District Convention was held at East Saginaw on Tuesday, and George F. Lewis, of tho Saginawian, nominated. Geoboe is a capital and popular fellow, and ought to make ' ley " hunt his hole." - Both the above couventions reiterated the enunciatious of the Kalamazoo platform. A Gkand Bai'IDS telegram of the 1 lth inst., to the Detroit Free Press, saya : " A judgment was rendered in tho United States Court to-day against tho Township of Camden and iu favor of the First National Bank of this city, in the sum of $888.27, interest duo on ruilroad bonds." By what procesa does the First National Bank of Grand Eapids, a resident oorporation, get standing in the United States Court 't It may be all right, but the method is what we are af ter : just for information, you know. The State Fair opened at East Sagiuaw on Tuesday. The attendance is reported large and tho exhibition in tho sevoral departments good.


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