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The Detroit Leader saya of the last "sliuk-pot" emptied by Moulton upon an unoffending and long-suffoijng peoplo: "According to bis own story he would lmve gone on conniving at tho ruin of countloss feraales, shiolding the alleged criminal froru the consequoncoft of crimes too horrible to be nauied in the columns of a decent newspaper, cherishing the great culprit as his most intímate and valued friend, but for the fact that he was accused of levying blackmail. If Beecher desorves punishment for yielding to the force of his passions, hovsr inuch more doos Moulton deserve it when he, without the excuse of passion, conspires to protoct the pillager of femalo virtue. If he tells the trutli, his own position in relation to Beecher and his crimes is just as odious as that of the procuress, whof for a few paltry dollars, will throw innocence into the arma of lechery. But whether true or not, his statement proves Moulton a villain. We believe he is alse a liar." That hits the nail fairly on the head. - The Detroit Post objects to tho word " regulation " as used in the resolution of the Democratie platform, favoring the submission of an amendment to the organic law. It thinks it may mean license or taxation or prohibition. Exactly : it is just the word, leaviug the Legislatuie to select the wisest and best methods of dealing with the liquor trafile, and tying that body up to no impracticable scheme. The flaw in the present prohibí tory clause is that it looks to no legislation absolutely short of prohibition, and that being found impracticable or impossible all is at sea, with free trade and nothing but local and spasmodio restraint as noto, líogulation is the major proposition, and includes everythiug. - Moulton's last story being true, Beecher has been the vilest and most licentious of men for years, without shame, and boasting to Moulton of his amours and crimes ; and yet Mrs. Moulton has contiuued her membership iu Plymouth Church, aud to receive the sacrament at Beocher's hands, and Mr. Moulton has welcomed hiin to the bosom of hisfamily. - The Grand Eapids Democrat is and has been about the only Democratie journal in the State leaning toward the heresy of inflation. But the Democrat comes down handsomely since the Kalamazoo Convention, protesting just alittle against the wording of the finaucial plank to ease its descent. We quote from the Democrat in another column. - Gen. Butler hus made the recent outbreak ia Louisiana the occasion, or excuse rather, for announcing himelf a candidate for re election to Congress. If he would have retired but for the outbreak, the Louisiana hot-heads have unintentionally wronged the whole people in their attempts to tight their own ivrongs. - And now the South Carolina Ee publicans have thrown Moses overboardmd made one Uhamberlain thoir can-, lidate for Governor. To change heads is lot always to better administrations, - e8pecial]y down in South Carolina whero the entire dominant party is struck with the black rot. - ïho Pontiac üasctte ia an inflation journal, Zack Chandler is not : and yet the Gazette gives Ferry the cold shoulder and calis Chandler " Michigan's favorito Senator." What is the bond of syinpatny ? Why these antagonistic yet congenial spirit f - If anyone can curofully read the latest and longest statement of the " mutual friend " or go between, Moulton, and not come to the conclusión that he is a vile calumniator both of men and women, in short a consuinuiate liar, it is useless to argue 'with such. - JRev. Dr. Seymour, rector of St. Mark's Churoh and professor of theolcgical history in the Creneral ïheological Seminary of New York, was eleoted Bishop of Illinois on the 16th. A " High Church " victory. - The Tribune says of Butler's late speech at Gloucester, Mass., " It was spiced with an abundance of sophistry and impudence." Without which it wouldn't have been a bit like Butler. - The Dexter Leader says that Hon. M. J. Noyes, of Chelsea, will probably ba renominated by the Eepublicans of that district for the lower and larger branch of the Legislature. - Senator Scburz supports thePeople's ticket (in Missouri), but spits on the currency plank of the People's platform. He can 't go an irredeemable currency or repudiation. - Dr. S. B. Thayer, of Battle Creek, one of the most prominent homeopathio physicians in the State, died on the 16th inst., aged 60 yoars. There has been a revolution, an almost peaceful revolution in Louisiana. The Kellogg usurping Government has been " retired," and the McEnery Government inaugurated, Lieut.-Gov. PeiíJí at its head in the absence of the Governor. The revolution, untimely and perhaps unwise, is no doubt satisfactory to much the larger portion of the people of Louisiana. But then the President refuses to recognize the new regime, has denounced the revolutionists as rebels, (though there is not the least doubt that they are the legal officers of Louisiana), has commanded them to disperse, and instructed Lis military to sustain Kellogg, who holds or held office only through the fraud of a United States judge. We shall see what we shall see. The Battlo Creek Journal " put its foot in it" a day or two ago by oharging that Col. Ajídrew T. McReynolds, who presided over the " Keforiu Convention " beid at Jaokson last week, and was nom■nated by that oonrention for Genoral was " one of the most prominent coyiperheads during the war." And the editor of the Journal is a moniber of Congress and prcsumal to be a man of intelligence. Yet every other man in the State knows that Col. McReynolds sorved his country gallantly in the field in the lute war. Judge Benj. R. Cuktis, of Massachusetts, one of the ablest jurista in the country, and formerly a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, died on Tuesday last, of hemorrhage of tho brain. He read the dissenting opinión in the fainous Drod Scott case, was one of President Joiinson's counsel in his irupeachment trial, and was the Democratie candidato for Senator at the recent election to fill the vacancy causod by the death of Senator SUilNER. I , Tuis Detroit J%M is in groat tiilm]utioi, and the souroe of ita grief is traced tó the Democratie Convontiun liold at Kaj amazoo last weck, and wliich convention liared to adopt and proclaini a msolution in favor of a taviíf solely for revenue and of oourue againsit proteotivo dniies' leviod not to put moiif-y in the v.-mlts of the Treasury department, but to enrioh tli o manufacturéis of New England by whatever nauio callod, or the minera of Pennsylvania. The Pott is frantic in it8 appeal to the farmers whose wheat ig t0 be destroyed in value by the wheat 0{ Canada, and to the wool-growers who are to be ruined as sojn as Congress shall adopt the Domocraiic reoommendation ïhe thunderiugs of the Post give evidencó that the Kalamazoo shot hit the bull's eye, and we really hope that it wil! con tiuue to keep that faot before the peopk' The wool-growers of the State are coa' ing to gee that the duty on wool is a verv small sop thrown to the whale ; that it j, sand thrown iuto their eyes, that thcy may not see what is abstracted from their pockets in the shape of taxes upon iron steel, woolen fabricar, and numerous other articles consumed by them, on which the duties paid to the Oovernment are smal] and the increased profita to tho manufac turing rings large. They begin to see that the hot end of the protection poke, always burns thoir hands, and that theh interest and safety is in throwing pro. tection to the doga, and in letting eren tub stand on its own bottom. Lot the Pott rave.


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