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-A. IE jP IL. ETOIST'S American Cyclopseflia. New Ucviscd Edition. Undr.Iy ruu-rillen by the ablest writcrs on every subject. Trintod from now type, and illustrated wlth Several ï'houaand Engravinge aud Maps. Tuk work originally publisbed nnder the title of The New Amt.kican Uïoi.oi'miua was completed in 18f3, aince which time the wide circulntion which it has attailied in all paris of the United States, and the -ï-ii il developments which have taken place in every branch of scienco, literatura, and art, have induced the editora and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough revisión, and to imsue a new editiou entiihwl Tuk Ammiucan Cyclop&dia. Within the last tun years the progrese of discovery in avery depaitmeut ol knowledge has made a new work of reterencn an imperativo want. 'I iie moveuienl of poliUcal alfinrn has kept pace wil h the discoveries of cience, and their fruitfuf applieidion to the industrial and useful arts and the couvemeucc and reiineineut of social lile. Cjreat wars aud consequent revolutious have occurred.invulving nation! cbfinges of peculiar moment. The civil war of out n country, which was at its heiht w hen the laat volume of the oíd work ppeared, has happily been ended, and a new course of commercial and industrial aotivity has been commenced. [,!ir;,'e accessions to our eeographical knowledge have been made by the iudefatigable ezplorers of África The grent pofittcal rovolutions of the last decade witb tliu natural result of the lapse of time, have bruuf;lit iuto public view a multiturie of new men whose namen are in uvory one's mouth, and of whose hves every one is curious to know the purticulars Oreat battles have been fought aud important sieifes maintainod, of which the details are as yet preserved only in the newspapers or in the transient pnblioations of the day, but which onght now to tako their place in permanent and auAhentichistory. ín pfepftHng the present edition for the press, it has accordinglybeen the aim of the editora to brine down the information to the lateBt possible dates, an3 to furmsh an accurate account ot the most recent discoveries in soience, of ever j fresh production in literature, and of the newest inventions in the practical arts, as well as to give a succinot and original record of the proeress oí politlcal and historical events. Tho work has been begun after long and careful prehminary labor, and with the mostample resources tor carrying it on to a successful termination. None of the original stereotype plates have been ased, but every page has been printed on new tjpe forminjrin fact a new Cyclopsedia, with the nm plan and compass as its predecesor, but with a far greaterpecuniary expenditure, and with such improvem!nts in its composition as have been suggested b7 'ouRer experience ana ealargod knowledge. J he ïllustrirtions which are introduced for the flrst time 111 the present edition have been added not for the sake of piotorial effect, but to give greater lucidity and force to the explanations in the teit They embrace all branches ol science and natural history and depiot the most famoua and remarkable features of scenery, architecture, and art, aswell as the vari'18 prooeases of mechanics and manufactures. Altnough intended for instruction rather than embellishment, no pains have been spared to insure their artistic excellence; the cost of their execution is enormous, and it is believed they will nnd a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyolopmdla and worthy of its high character. ' This work is sold to Subscribers only, payable on dehvery of each volume. It wil! be completed in aixteen large octavo volumes, each containing about 800 pages, fully illustrated with several thousand Wood lngravings, and with numerouscoloredLithographic Pricc and Style of Binding. In extra Cloth, per vol. $j oo In LltWSry Leather, per vol. 6 00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol. 7 00 In Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol. R 00 t Morocoo, antique, güt edges, per vol. 10 00 In Pull RuBsia, per vol. in 00 Four volumes now ready. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will be issued once in two months. ♦Specimen pages of, the Ambbican Otclopsdia, showing type, illustrations, etc., will be sent gratis on applioation. Fihst-Class Canvaüsin Agents Wanted. Aödress the Publishers, ' D. APPLfJTOlV & CO., 549 4 5,il Broudway, N. Y. ' ■" -: 'S ■ ■jM CARBÖLIC DISINFECTING 80APS. For washlng Horses, Cattle, Plgs, Dogs; Kllls Fleas on Dogs, Destroys Llce on Cnttie and Horsas, Tlcks on Sneep. Death to Bed Bugs and Roaches; Cheaper and bet terthan all Powders. CARBÖLIC TOILET SOAPS Whlten, Beautify and Cleanse thr skin from all impurities. CARBÖLIC MEDICINAL SOAP CURES L 9k OTHER Salt-Rheu.-n I I Cutaneous And all S S DISFASES. CARBÖLIC PLANT PROTECTOR. Affords complete protectlon to p'ints Vlnes, Trees, &c, from all Bugs, Fleas Plant Llce and Parasites. Without InJury to Vegetable L!fe. Never falls. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP The most eflfeotlve cure and preventive ei Scab-It kille all Cads-TIcks' etc. The increased growth and welght o fleece encouraged by lts use more tha equals the cost of tho dip. r.üCHAN'fl Carbollo Boaps and Compounds al. aregenuine. All others are base imitations . Torthless COLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS'TTHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF DETROIT. J. S. FARRAND, - - - President. W. A. MOOHE, - - . Vice President JOHN T. LIGOKTT, - - Secretary. L. M. THAYER, . Gen'l Agent. Assets Januari lst, 1874 $500,335.41. The people of Michigan can no longer afford to pay tribute to Eastern Statea by placing their Life Insurance with Enstern Companies, who by their charters are compelled to loan their monny in their own ytates, thus becoming a heavy drain on the resources of the State, when we have so reliable and well manaed Life Company as the MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the business of the Company was increased Forty-cight and one-half per cent. of the total amount done the previous flve years This shows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE has the Confidence of the People. The losses during the year 1873 were only PIFTYF1VE per cent of the amennt the mortality tables cali for, showing great care in the eelection of ite risk. Durlugthe year 1873 there was a macerial reduction in the ratio of expenses showing CAFEFUL MANAGEMENT. The Michigan Mutual issues all the most desirobl forma of Life and endowraent Policies. Dividmtls Declared and Pald at Ihe end of the First Polity ïear and each year thereaften All Policies non-forfeiting after one Annual Premium has been paid. All Enrtowment Policios are convertible into Cash at the eud of any year after the ttrat. ReliaMo indcmnity al lutvisi Cash iiiii's can be. procu red of the ITIicliiiran 'I ut nul I.ifr. GEO. L. FOOTE, Dia't A?ent, Ypsilanti. J. Q. A. Skss.d.ns, Aíícnt, Ann Arbor. GEO. E. Foote, Airent at Dexter. MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., Pliysician and Surgeon, Office and Residente No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. B3 Offlco Houra- 8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. m."SB Bcfermces- Prop. Saof.ii, Puof. Palmek. 14!)3yl ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBEBS WANTED. More Merchante and Business men, who knowing their own interests will advertise in the Argus. (JET TOUR BILL-HEADS, CIKCULAE8, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the Argus Office. GET YODK LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEF8, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workmt-n, AND REASONABLE PRICES !SP A WOED TO THE WISE. i P y? '. W;:!k-r's ínüíoniia Vin- ""■ " Pñt ■! Vogefijble n, mnile cliirfly FróVn Micruative utIir CoiumI m thcluwí t ñuiL'i-s oi" tliefiicr■■■n N'vi[(1.-i mcwntaiuH of California, the iieilidmil propertici of wliicli are Bitracta tiici-cfniiti .vitUout tlie use of Alcoliol. iiicsti(in i.s iliiiost duilvíiskeil, "Wiat s tile cause of the nnparalídeu h:iiec-es.s of Vinf.gvü lin-TEU.s?" Our luiswer ia, thai .hev remove the canso of, imá l: pp.tient recovers his henith. Tliey oi-e t1 ,Teit blool purifieran.l íi life-rfytng píi cipln, ii perfect Itcnovatorand ínvi&ofirtoj of the systeni. Kever bnforeinthe . )f tlie world luis a meáiciiie been eom pouüleil possessing the reinarkublr .Liesuf VisKGAiüiiTTKHsin bailigtl]siek uf disease man is lieir to. Tliey iro a entle Purgative as well as a Tonio, relicving Congestión or lüflammation of tlie Liver nul Visceral Organs, in BiliousDiseases. I finen vill enfíygoot health, I6t them use Vixegau IjIttjü'.s as a medicine, and avoid the uso of aleohoüc stimnlants in every form. R. II. MiJWSAM) &. '., Druggists and Goneral Ageuts, San FrauciBCíi, California, and cor. Washington and Charlton ötö., New Yorfc. Sold by all Drugglsts aud Dcalcni. TUT YOUE MONEY WIIEEEITWILL DOTIIE MOST aOODA. A. TERRY HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN TIIE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DK F Y CO xVl IJ E TIT1O N ALSO, A FÜLL LINE OF GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOODS i3 Cali hefore purchasiug. 1 8 South Main Street. MFj Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in Ihe conditions of a oertain mortgage, dated the twfcuty-flrst day of August, A. IJ. 1872, made and executed by Timothy Keuedy and Johanna Kenedy, hia wif'e, of the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Thomas J. Hoskins, of the same placa, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the twenty-second day of August. A. B. 1872, at nine o'clock and twenty minutes, a. m., in liber 45 of morlgages, on page 220, whlch said mortgage was on the twenty-ninth day of August, A. D, 1874, duly assigned by Thomas J. Hoskins, to liichard Beuh.m, which assignment was recorded in the Kegister's office of said county of Washtenaw, on the twenty-ninth day of Angust, , A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock a. m., in liber 4, assignments of mortgnges, on page 377, and whereas there is now due and unpnid at the date ol this notice the sum of sixty-one dollars f61.0O), and no suit or proceeding at law ot in equity bas been instituted torecover the same or any part Ihereof : Notice is hereby given that on Savurday, the ttfih day of December, A. D. 1874, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the front door (south side) of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgajre, I will sell at public auctiqn, to the highest bidder, the premises described in saia mortgage, or so much thereoi 88 may be necesaary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage at the date of this notice, with interest and costs and expenses allowed by law, and also an attorney fee of twenty dollars as provided in said mortgage ; the following is a deaeription of the premises as given in said mortgage and to be sold pursuant to the above notice to wit : All thut parcel ol land known and desciibed as the north tour rods m ijpidth off the south twelve roda in length of block tour north, in range two east, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, said land being bounded westerly by Allen's creek, and easterly by Second street Dated, September S, 1874. RICHARD BEAHAN, 1494 Aasignee of Mortgagee. and Attj. Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT having been made in the conditions of a certain mortguge (whereby the power contamed therein to sell hab become operative}, exeeuted by " Allen H. Risuon, Trustee for the benefit of my children," of Saline, Washtenaw county, Michigan to Comstock F. Hill, of said county, and dated the flrst day of April, one thousand eight hundred and soventy-one, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of said Wanhtenaw county, on the seventeenth day of April 1871, at 11:30 a. m., in líber 46 of mortgages, on page 140, upon which mortgage and the note acoompauyingthe same there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of seventy-threo dollars and ten cents ($73.10), also an attorney fee of thirty dollars provided for in said mortgage, also there is to become due on said mortgage and said note the sum of one thousand dollars with interest at the rate of ten per cent. per annum, from and alter April first 1874, and no suit or proceedings at law or in chancery having been inxtitu ted to recover the same or any part thereof , Notice is therefore hereby given : that on Saturday the twentyeighth day of November next, at eleven o.clock in the forenoon, at the aouth door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court for said eounty), I shall sell at public auction to the hi"}iest bidder the premifees described in said mortgage or so much thereof as will be necessary to satisfy 'the demanda of said mortgage, together with ten per cent. interest and all legal oosts and expenses, which aald premises are described as follow, to wit : All of Iota three, four, ñve, six, aeven, eight, and seventeen in section flve of Allen H. Risdon'a addition to the vilhige of Saline, in said county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, oontaining four acres and nmetynine huudredths of an acre of land more or less. Dated, Ann Arbor, September 1, 1874. COMSTOCK F. HILL, D. Cbameh, MortKBife Att'y for Mortgagee. 1494 ÖTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit i IJ -in Chancery. James L. Mitchell, Complainant vt. Lucy E. Mitchell. Benjamin F. Hudson, Cathaii ine P. Hudson, John A. Mitchell, Chauncey E. Mitehl ell, John P. Marble, George E. Southwick, Frank (}. ] Rnnsell, Assignee of said Southwick, Defendanta. i Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the county of Ann Arbor, on the 3dth i day July, 1874, upon proof by anïdavit on flle, that c aaid defendants Lucy K. Mitchell, Benj.imin F. Hud sou, Catharine P. Hudson, John A. Mitchell and u Chauncey E. Mitchell reside out of the State of Micha ïgan, and do reside at Atchison, in the State of Kand aas; that the defendant John 1'. Marble resides out c of the State of Michigan, and does reside at Worcesr ter, in the State o( Massachusetts : It is, on motion t oí Ji. ). Jieakes, üaq, Solieitor for complainmn, or dered that the aaid defendants Lucy E. Mitchell ' Benjamin F. Hndson, Catharine P. Hudson, John A Mitchell, Ohaunccy E. Mitehel], aud John I'. Marble nppeur in said suit and answor the biU of complnint Ihercin, witliin three months from this date; and also that this order be published once in each wek for six week in succesaion, in the Michigan Argüs anewapaperprintedinsaid county, the flist publieation to bu within twenty days from this date J. F LAWRENCK, Oircuit Court Commissioner, Wahtenuw County, Michigan. H. J. Bkakeb, Sol'r for Comp't. CA true copy.) 1491w6 Real Estáte for Sale. UTATE OF MICH1OAN, County of Washtennw, ss. J In the matter of the estáte of Ann White, deceaeed. Notico is hereby given that in pursuaiice of au order granted to the undprsigned administrator of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judge of l'robate for the county of Washtenaw, on the second day of September, A. D. 1874, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Anu Albor, in the couuty of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday the twentieth day of Üctober A. D IS74 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that dny tsllbject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existini; at the time of the death of said deceased, the followíuk described real estáte, towit: Village lot number two (2), and two roda aud eight feet irom oif the northerly Bide of lot number flve (ó, in block mim bernine(ï)), and f routing on Wall atleet in Brown and Fuller's addition to the village (now city I of Ann Arbor, in the county oí Washtenaw and State of Michigan. Dated, September 2, A. V. 1874. 1494 JOHN. N. ÖOTT, Administrator. T AKE NOTICE ! Wool time and "after HarveHt " both puesed. I have hnd muny promises f payment at thwne (Üdm. I am now ready, ïf you are not. I ask you to make yourself ready on 8hort notice, if you re not ready, I will take right hold and help you. The pay I muat Ihave. Mj' creditors dernand it. Putting it oiF on account of low pricea of produce, dont pay iny debta. Yours. 1493m3. M, RO0ER8. Mortgage Sale. rEFAULT having been made in the conaif J acettainmortfiage (whereby the bo,,"'0''' n said mortgage has become operativej el, !' '' '■Allen II. lüHdon, Trnrtee, for the beS""1 b chi dren " oí Washtenaw county, Sute í to Bitas M. Kerr, of Buflalo in the State ,'?"' York wlnch mortyaffü is dated the tw,l Nei dy of March, A. 1). 1872, and recorded i" ÏÏ V" tcrs oihco of the ooonty of Washtenw ' twcnty-Hixth day of March, 1H72 atl-20i. „ " 44 of mortgsgea, on page 7H(i, and th.-re bn .'f libi to be doe and unpala on naid mongage and tí'" accompanying the same the turn of tive hnnli V" twenty-one dollar and sixty-six cents fisii iï "' the ram of three hundred dollars with f. J' al the rato of ton per cent from the twentT-,í!í?' ' oi March, A. I). [874. whichhas become duebv da: of mud dofault, and the election of „aid mort." makmg the whole sum due on said morto? 8a8 nota at the date oí this notice to be eihti?V and thirty-four dollars and sixty-six oent, f attorneyv fee of thirty dollarn as proviSa T said inorteaKe, and no proceedings at law mi "! ' ceryhavine been mstituted to recover th.1 imy part thereof : Notice is therefore hcrehv ffi that on Saturday, the tweiity-cighth day of vPTen bernext at eleven o'clock in the forenoon „ day, atthesouth door of the Court Houw i Wil city of Ann Arbor (that being the place ZVh theC.rcuHComtfor said county ofPwíC' wül sell at pubhc auction to the húrhest S '■' premise de.cribed in said mortgage or i thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy aid L a with interest, costa and expenses, whi?hDS"": are described ,vs follows, to wit : All of lot ÍÍ "ï seven in section four of Allen H. Risdoni ÏÏS? to the village of Saline, in the county of V? lot naw and State of Micliigan. WmI"Bated, Anu Arbor, September 1, 1R74 D. öuB, ELIZA M-K, Att'y for Moi-tgagee. 1494 i. Mortgage Sale. WHlCUIiAsaerault has been made in the coy, by KijakW. Morgan and lucy W. S. MmiuV wife, toSUaa H. Dorólas, hearing date the foft1? dayof february, inthe year 1872, and rocortS the office of the Register of Deeds in uau?,ï county of Watttenaw in the State of Michii h the sixteenth day of February, in the yeaMri" I.,l„.r 46 oí Mortgage., on pagibl, by wWch d Í ' the power of sale eontained in said morteace h, ï' come operal i ve. and there is claimed to be d npaldoniaMmortgatRt the date of thi, „„? the sum of two thonsaud and sixty-six doLï7 fortr-seTen cents, and no uit or proceedin f au been tnstituted to recover the same or 17 thereof: Notice istherefore hereby eiven tt Monda y, ihk Stoob day of November Vvrl SD ten o'clock in the forenoon, bv virtue of the m.!' " said mortgage eontained, said mortgage will Z , , ': closed by a .Ie of morteagefl premises, or Z partoi tliwn, at ' public vi:ndue to the higheit [SS at the : south door of the Court House in the ciu , Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw (that Si' the place where the Circuit Court for said coum,"! held) ; said mortgaged premises''are described ü iÏ tow, to wit: Afl those parcela of land lyim. Z 7 city of Ann Arbor in said county of Washtenaw Í M, ..1 .Michigan, known and described asBlorhs fourteen, fifteen, seventeen (except lot onei ,1' block twenty in Onmby i Page's addition : aïd.i. aUthe land lylng between the center of the l Huron au, Min, lair mili race below the du, ,S aboje the Woolen Factor, said block fourteen „ tending northerly above the dam and easteriv t Í.' center of the river, and including the share ofi' dam and water power appurtenant to the rightii 1 ly lnk, Of said river at said dam ,ft the privileges and appurtenances. " Dated, August 6th, 1874. A.FK,-,r, SILASH-DOl& Attorney for Mortgagee. 149Otd !fl Mortgage Sale. rEFAU]T having occurred in the conditimiíi -L certain mortgage, dated the sixteenth dn' November, in the year one thousand eight hnad)' nd sixty-eight, executed by Samuel M Bnrtv ind Amanda Bnrbank, his wife, of the to'woihVj Aun Arbor in the county of Washtenaw mi St,ï of Michigan, to James W. Hinchey, of thetoimi. í íut?am ln the =onty of Livingston and S of Michigan, aud recorded in the office of theli ster of Deeds of said county of Waslitenaw otT seventeenth day of November, in the yearoietbi' and eiglit hundred and sixty-eight, in liber thir ' nine of mortgages, on paae three hundred Z eighty-three thereof, on which mortgaee tbei7i laimed to be due, at the date of thi. notia um of one thousand one hundred and ninetwn'di"' ars and sixty cents, and the power of sale ntmü n said mortgage having become operative byieiM )t such default, and no auit or proceedinm st 1 ha ving -bron mstituted to recover the debt iemaiim secured by said mortgage or any part thereof ■ Ki ticéis therefore hereby given, that by virtueofttt power of sale in said mortgage contained, andof tíi Btatute ín such cuses made and provided the itii mortgage will be foreeloBed by a sale of th mat gaged premises m said mortgage, described u W. wit: All that ceitain piece or parcel of lamí mtuatedin tbe township of Ann Albor, rantji! Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known and V scnbed as follows, to wit : Being a part of the o west quarter of section thirty in township two of ruin six east, beginning at a point in the quarter lint is the center of the road leading southwesterlY frw the city of Ann Arbor ; thence Bouth aloní lie quarter line of said seotion twenty-three chsiiimi torty-four links to the quarter post; thenw l along the scction line eight chains and eiehty-iOTt links; thence north parallel with the quarter lint twentyone chains and seventy links to the nterol said -road ; thence along said road to the pljce I begmnmg, containing twenty acres of land, 01 so much thereof aa shall be necessary to satiify tbe amount due on said mortgage with ten per mt mterest thercon and legal costs and an attorney ( of flfty dollars covenanted for therein, at the ontk door of the Court House in the city of AnnArbor, in snid county of Warhtenáw, that bemg the plus of holding the Circuit Court for said couDty, m iHDRSDAT, the FIFIH DAY OÍ NOVEMBEE SÍ one o'clock in the afternoon of said day ■ that uid sale will be made subject to the payment o tl leveral inslallments of principal Hnd interest Kcnml y and yet to beeome due on eaid morteaee Kated, July 28, 1874. _. „ „ JAMES W. HINOHTI, H. H. Harmon, MortSMS Atty. for Mortgagee. 148'Jtd iïlecüoii Notice. SIIERIFF'S OFFICE, Washtenaw Coran,) Ann Arbür, August 81, 1874. To the Electors of Uw County of Washtmaw: Tou are hereby notifledthat at the ncit Gcnenl electiun, tobe held on the Tuesday succeeding tke lirst Monday of November next, in the State of Miebïgan, the following otticers are to be elected, tú.: i (lovfrnor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor General, State Treasurer, Commíssioner the State Land Office, Attorney General Superi tendent of Public Instruction, a Mantel of theSti Board of Education in place of David P. Mayhe' who was appolnted to fill the vacancy causedbvtl death of Daniel E. Brown, whose term of office i expire December 31st, 1874 ; also a Representatie I C'ongross for the Second Congressional District of tk State to wliieh Washtenaw County is attached; ll a Senator in the State Legislature for the Foon Senatorial District consisting of Washtenaw Count; as provided by Act No. 128 of the Sesslon Lawj i 1871; also three Kepresentatives in the State Legii latín-e, agreeable to the provisions of Act No. 146 1 the Session Laws of 1871. Also the lnllowing county officers: one Sheriff, on í'uunty Oerk, one County Treasurer, one Regislero Deede, one Proseeuting Attorney, two Circuit Coor Commissionert, two Coroners, and one County Sur VL'yor. Yon are also hcreby notified that at said Genen Election. thefollowing ainendnients to the Comtllt tion of this State are to be submitted to the people the State for their adoption or rejection, pursuant l the requirements of the Constitution, andtheresolt tlons oi the Legislatura submittingtheni, viz.: " An Amendinent relative to the qualifications ol Electors," to be substituted, in case of adoption, fe BOmoohof Sectlon 1 of Article VII. as precedes the proviso Hierran, in the present Constitution oflk State, as it now stands, and substituted for Section 1 of Article VII. in the amended Constitution, ifthf lattiT is adoptcd, as provided by Joint Kesolut No 2, of the Sessiou Laws of the Extra Session í 1874. Also, tlic "Amcndments to the Constitution of th State of Michigan," which are to stand, in case oí adoption, u the l'unstitution of the State of Mickigan, and to supcrsede each and every other pre-elIstlng provisión of the Constitution of the State f of Michigan, as provided by Joint Resolution 4 said feession Laws of 1874. MICHAEL FLEMING. Sheriff Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havingr been made in the conditionn' a certain mortgage executed by Solon Ck Adelaide Lewitt tto becure the puichase pnce ' anda therein deseribed), on the flrst day of May,'11 1S67, and recorded in the omee oí Register of Dek for the county of Washtenaw and State of MitM' Ban, on the eeventh day of May, a. d. 1867, Liber 30 of Mortguges, op page 491 ; and dulj f signed by said Aaelaide Lewitt to Bilas H. Dougto on the :ath day of April, 1870, which assignment M recoided in said Regiater's office in Liber 2 of Awii11' ments of Mortgages, on page 601, on said 26th dar' April, 1870; and lurther ossigned by said SilM H. Uouglass to Irene Clark, on the 24th day of Deoeol a. d. 1873, which last assignment was recorded said Register's office on said 24th day of Decemlet 1873, in Liber 4 of Assignments" of Mortgages, o: page 180; and was further assigned by said Ire' (Jlark to Orange K. Young, on the 23d day of MarA 1874, which last ussignment was recorded in said RS' istcr's office ou the üth day of April, 1874, in Literi of Mortguges, on page 46S, by which defanlt tin power of sale contained in said mortgage ha beconK iperjitie, on which mortgage there is claimed to te lue at the date of this notice, for principal, inwrwt ind msurance, and Attorney fee as provided for laid mortgage, the sum of one thousand eight b"' ired dollars and tifty-iive centa, and no suit or pro:eedmg at law er in equity having been institutedl ecover the amount dueon said mortgage or any Va1 .hereof : Now. therefore, notice ia herebv lïiven thst by virtue of the power of sale contnined in aü mortgage, I shall sell at public auction at the o'1 door of the C'ourt House in the city of Ann Arborthjit being the building in which the Circuit Covïl for said county of Washtenaw ia held on Satubda' THE TWENTY-FüüRTH DAY OF OOTOBKB NEXT, t W o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the followiof premises described in said mortgage, vüs.: All tbo8 certain trncts or pnrcels of land situKted in tbe citr ol' Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw sofl State of Michigan, known and described as the e"1 three-fourths of lot number six (6, and the west hul' of lot number seven (7), in block one (1) north o' range six ((i) east, according to the recorded ls' ' the village of Ann Arbor, in said county of Wshtnaw, or so much or euch part or parts thereof as sbflH be necessary to satisfy tho ainount due upon '' niortgage. Dnted July 31, 1871. OBANGE R. YOUNG, Assifliee. A. J. Sawyer, AU)-, for Assignee. H69K1 Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for ih ■ Count] of Waflhtenaw- Id Cbancery. MfJ Urii'srli, 'onijihiinant, tb, Louis Briesen. iHfendantlt wtifttaotorily appearlngby due proof by affidavit j to thi.s cuurt, lliat the defendant, Louis Briesch, w formerlj a résldeni of thla state, and is now absent rliri-iiom, and that lus present place oí' resideocP j fannot be aacortained, on motloo of P, L. Pei j counsel for the compuinant, lt ia ordered that the I ;iil ilcfcndant, Louis Brieech, cause his appearaitf in ilii.i t -aust lo be enterad vithlo tliree. numths froB die date of thla order, a mi that in of his appearance he cause his answer to complainant's bilí tobe tiltil, and a eopy thereofto be served on the couiplaiant's SoUdtor withln twenty days after service of ■tij .y oi'xuM bill, and a notiee of (nis order; and iodefauit thereof that aid blll be taken as etmfcaaed by hf said dafendant, Loola Brieach; and lt is further rdered that withln twenty days said coniplaiuant ■:mst' a aotiée of this order to be publishea iu tJ Michigan Argus, a aOWSpaper prÍTitcil and published n said county, and tliai said publication be continu □ B&ld paper ! Icaal once osch week for six succesivr weeks, or that thfl a oopy of this order to ..■ peraooaUy serred at Least twenty days btifore the aia time preacrlbed lor his appearance. Dftted thlfl second day of September, A. D. 1874, ,P. L. PAGE, SoUcitOT for Coiupl't. A. D. Crane, Circuit Judge. (A true Copy.) 1495"


Old News
Michigan Argus