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The Michigan Argus

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Published every Frirlay morning, in the third story f the briok blocK, corner of Main and Tluron streeta, aW Abbob, Mioh. Entrance on Uuron street, optory House. .:i,IHU H. POND, Editor and L'ublislier. Ten1. 82.O0 a ïcar in Adrance. TiATKS OF1 ADVKRTISING: [12 lines or lesa considerad a square] ,.." f w.i sw. iw.jtw. 3 m.j 6 m. 1 year. " i,, 150 2 00 2 50 3 50 0 00 8 00 12 00 fKlamn liM KM l 60 6 00 10 90 W 00 25 00 '"'i . , 4 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 12 00 20 00 30 00 ["ooluOHl 5 00 7 00 8 00 10 00 15 00124 00 38 00 JSotaBO 7 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 20 0030 00 55 00 '■;,,„.„„ 1000 16_00 I8O5 :i 0 tJW i'.mm iranio "cdin Directory, bot to exceed four Unes, $4.00 a year. idvertiserstotheoxtontof a qnarter column om o „„■;,■. coniroci, wül bc entltled 10 have their oard in pirectory without extra charge. Lood eilitoiial notioee W Mnte a line. Business Noticcs 12 oéhtfe a line for the tirst iusertion, and 6 cent for eu'h Bubsequenl ineertion. jfarriage má death notices free; obituary notices fli,. ivnts a line. . Y.arlv advertisers liave privilege of chunginR hiiriulVertisDmonts three times. Additional changnz wiU be chartfed for. S?" Advertisements unaccompauied by written or rerbal directums will be published thiee months aud clKUired aceovdiuijly. Legal advertisementa, flrst insertion 70 cents per folio, 39 cents per folio for oach subsequent insertion. VFhen a poatponemant i adáed to an advertisement (he whole will be charged the same as the flrst insertion. To be paid lor wlien affidavit is made. job PitiBrTUve;. r-imphletn, Posters, Hand-Bills, Circulars, Cards, Rail Tuitets, Label, Blanke, Bill-Heads, and other v uii-tii-1 of i'laiu auil t'ancy Job Printing executed witli jiromptm.'ss, and in the best possible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus