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State Legislature: Senate

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Tuestlny, Feb. S, 184G. AFTERNOO.V EKSSION. Tlie Snmlc took up the billl to provide fpj the snle of céitoin unsold tx lonHs and foi o:lior porpogee, mxl tlie nmendments made n cóiinroittce of' ihe whole wcrc consiilered. 8 Mr. Allen moved tn rpconumtt tlie bül te the comnijtlee vvlio reportcd t, wiih nstroctions so to nmciid it, bs to give oivnera the rig-ht of redeiiiplion wit Kin tvo yeor?, by pnyiig tlie fnxos in'ercsi, &cc - nfter the expira - tiuii of tlmt time, ihe lund.s ;o bc sold at the stale land '(Tice. Tliis iDotion gave rise to a debele in whicti Messrs. A!len, Ilowell, Litilejobn and otlier participulee!, when the qnestion was taken and lost, and Uie bilí read a third time anr passed. The bil! auth uizod tlie Auditor General te piy to the couiity of Hilládulo certain moneyj paid by saiii couin y for bowntips on wolf scalpi ivas Uien read a liiird time uid pat-sed. On moiion of Mr. L'Ulejohn, the ScnaK took op the bill to rqitaJjze tlie valuation ol property bel ween tlie sevërql cuiiniies, nnr !p-u8tab)jsh a mioiñum for purpose of tnxaMr. Thmber moved to strike out f lie first Hlioi) of the bilí. 'l Mr. Litílejohn went uto nn expía nat ion of 1 ie bilí nnd the neceshity ivhich existed for l 2ton upon ihis Liil)j'Cf. l The qneiHin was fully debntod by Messrd. 'huroer tinfl Allon, wlicii the former Sena!1 r wlbdrew Iiis motion to strike out the fi.-s: ' ÏCtiÓj). Mr. Hu.-h lii"ii movod that t lie hiíl be ií) nilely pos'potted, nnd sustfiÍHeJ hia reèolur on by a speech of 6onie ength. [The nilf tïftefl tljG afrr.entf) vnJue of thc iXÍ ole prrtpérJy ofeacli coun'y frr the last ght yo-irs, ns t!ie avorago five yen's to c rnifi, wliich the Stipervirors of tío diflerent -iiTiiip.-? .-bnü ippnr'.iiin Ritinnnr dilVt-rent. lownc lipsiiftlioir respective oiiniic?. ItnlsoproC (?ed that no wild htuls sh.-ill be vulued le.s . tan l,2i prr rere,] 'I 'ho nueii'ii ui'Od iho indefinKè post pon - mnt km dbbáted at sume léiigibj nnd thei; i iid iiKn he léblèi The Séh't'të then resolved i'sclfinto com( lineo f I he vv:i.i. Mr; Cliipinan ín lluS haic, and cóñsMcréd vnrions l;l!snnd resolu - ' un?. Aii)iji;g the f'o'mcr was die bi'! for (lie bolition ófthe üfficejof Actit' CommisMonor ( f inirriial Tniprovernent, ond thencn of two oracncal Engihecrs - fïne for tüc : JouUicrn aru! the ollicr for tlie Central Ruil. o;id, wlrc'i was oxiensively Mr,miR-ed by c Wessrs. liowell, Thurber, Allen, ttnah nnd i )onlon. Mr. Littltjohn ofierrd nn öinéndmént provi l ünjï fir the e'ection. in joint convention of ( he twi Iuuisrs, of-thrce Coinmissioners of l jitèrrial Improvemcnt, une of whom, at leisl, ' 0 b a [metical engineer, nnd providing1 also !mt no stute officer can be eligible to said fficp. Before the question wns taken therpon, the t remmittee rose, reponed back the bilis nnd e 'esoiutions wliicli had been cor.sidered. ond ? isked leuve to sit agoin on the bil! abojishing ] he oflice of Acting Commissioner of Internal ' mprovement Sec, whieh wns ngrerd to. 'J'ln: Sennte took i:p the bill to eq'ialize the aluation of proporty belwren the several otinties, nnd csiaolUh Us miuimüm for pur oes oftnxation. The question being on the indcfinife postL ionemcn of tho biil, it was lost, yeas sx ( in'yseJglit. , The bill was then omended by strikin c ut the word "eight" and ínser! ih the word r ;six," so tliat the valua'tion for the last G inser' 3d of 8 yonrs ëhould be taked as the basis of lie nvr-rnfie upon which the minimum valúal on is to be made. l HOUSE OF REPRESKíNTATJVES. Wedne?day. Feb. 4, 1C46. p On tnotion of Mr. Walker, Resolved, thal S ereafter the morning session of ihe House laJI entnmence at half past nine o'ciock. P Tilles 1 nnd 2 oflhe revisión wereordered 1 a thirJ reading-, were read n ihird time by icir titlef-, and ordered to be transmitted to ( ie Senaie, according to joint rule6 recomnion „ ?d by Judiciary comniittee and adopled by h e House. ., The House went into comniittee of the f( hole on the revisión, Mr. Blair in the chair. e TitleS, chapter 12- Of certam state offi'' rs. e; Section 1 fixes the salary of Governor at t( teen hondred dolJars. ' Section 6- The amendment of Judiciary, :ing tho salary of Secretary of State at 800 Hare, nnd allowed a deputy who shall be p, id a salary of 300 dollars, and ehull employ te i assistant librarían durhig the sessions of a c iegislaturc at his own expjnse. The r lary of tlie Stato Treusurer was fi.xcd at n 01000 dolJars, and.nay nppoint a deputy at a i salory of 700 dollars. Judicbry commit'.ec recommcndcd an amendmeiil lixing salary of deputy at five hundred doünrs. Mr. Walker opposed the omendment. A great deal of moncy had to be handled by the deputy; it requiresa perso-i capable of distinfriiishinsr betwéen goud and bad money. Tha dm ios of the office required qunhfications that woujd command a sajary of more than fiv hund red dollars in any business establishment in the cily. Mr. Noble, from nformation he had re ceivcd since the cotana ittee reported, wasettisficd that the ofiice of the deptity Trcasurer and assistent Auditor, rpquired such ]nbor reeponsibility and tatenis as could not be ob tained nt fii'e hundred dollars a year. Amendmrnt negntived. Auditor Genkral- salury fixed at 1000 dollars a year. On the subject of clerks in the Auditor'a office oiul thrir salaries). Mr. Noble slntfd thnt two'principal clerka wero required in the office vvhose duties wero vory mportam. The supernumerary clerka were copyists and only eniIoyed occasionnlly. Their services mighi be obtaincd for 350 dollars a year. Mr. Walker consideed it bad policy to fix (he salaries ofclerk so low as tvould make constant changos n tho.e offices. Mr. Noblo concurred eo far s the principal clerks were coiicurred. Mr. Grovos wns in fa'or of fixin# the salaries ns low as possible, but would not have them sö low that persons properly qualified conld not be obtnjned. The chief clerks have not only a great doal of business, but a grest deal of care. The duties cannnt beperfurmed. exceptby rrteh poisessing good business taïenls. Ho behevcd the clerks could hard.'y get nlong with ihe salarles they now have, It might be no disadvan'age 10 tlu slnte to giveto a iood clerk onu'hnndrcd dollars over what might be considered a bare compensation. fhecmnmiUee adopled G00 dollars ns tho shlúry ofendí of thetvo principal clerks, and 400 dollurslo ossistant clerks. Attdrmíy Gk.nkual - Amount of snlary adnpted by cominiitf-e i00 dullan. The sectinns reltuïf 10 offic al oath and bon Is of State officfrs; Aiiminl Roport9 of State Auditors; Óf the State Library, and of the Aöjuwmt Gênral, were jrono throflgh The . sabiry of the Aijiitant General was fixed at two hundred dolliiru. Tbd couimittcc reported progresa. AKTBUNO.. Ou motion of Mr. VVnlkor, tlie ÍIoupc went int o cormittee of tlie whole 011 the bill to ap portion nnew. the Repnentntivc and Senators nmong the severa I counties nnd diólricis of Ihe staie. Tle bül ia bascd 011 the ratio of flve thous■iiid Itiree hun(lrd,ond ninkes tlie number of Repjeeentatiyes tJO cn.l Senntor.s 20. And af'ier pending the alternoon iiï iIífcussion, v.iihoul lakiiig nny question, the coinmiuee roae and ceporttd progress. Tliursday, Fel. 5, 184G. Sfnate - A number of petitions wero presented and referred to appropriate committees. Mr. Videto, from the committe on claims, reported adversely to the petitioa of David Pago, claiming rernuneration for the destruction "by lire, of a ware house, at llic hufrning of the depot, in thia village, whiöh report was agreed to. ir. IIowolI, from the judiciary commiitoe, reported an additional joint rule, uhich was ngreed to, providing that tho enrollingcüiiimittees of the two houses hall make snch arrangements for enrolling the proposed revisión, as wil] ensure that an equal portion be enrolled in eacli branch. O;i motion of Mr. Dentón, the Senato reconnclered its vote on the acceptnnco oPíne report of the comtnittce on claims, adverse to the petitiun ' of David Page, and the report and petition were ngain referred to the same committee. On motion óf Mr. Videto, the Senato toók up the bill to equalizé the valuation of property between the several counties and to establish its minimum for the purposes of taxation. After considerable discussion and sundry amendmentSjthe Senate took a recess. Aftejinoox.- Mr. Thurber moved to fiüthe blank in the bill for the equalization of the value of property among the several counlies, with 00 cents per acre, as tt minimum value of wild lands, which was ogreed to, and the bill then ordered to be engrossftd and read a third time. The Senate tijen went into committee of the whole on titles 1 and 2 of the revised statutes. After some discussion, the committee rose, and the Senate went into executive session. House. - Sundry petitions were ' sented, among which were one from the county of Kent for the extensión of tho elective franchise to colored people ; and one eacb from the counties of Washtenaw and Livingston, for sale of the public works. The House went into committee of the wh' Ie on the part of the revised statutes relating to Counties arid County officers. Mr. Pierce moved to strike out the proviso lirriiiirig sessions of the Board of Supervisors to 15 days. Lost. Mr. Noble moved to strike out that part providing for appeals from the board of Supervisors on claims disallowed. Mr. Chubb said - the provisión ought to be struck out. It would only injureotie class, tho professional men. It would prevent litigation. The peoplehad confidence in their boards of supervisors. Many unjust claims are laid before the boards of supervisors, and whenever a man is defeated on such claim, lie will appeal to a court of justice. You cannot get a decisión from any constituted body more judicious than from a board of supervisors. Mr. Hand said - I am opposed to this gag law. It would be erecting a tribunal not a legal one, and giving it more power than any legal tribunal. To protect the rights of parties baving claims against a county this right ought to be retained. Appeals from inferior tribunals ought not to be restrained. It is tho