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APPLETON'S American CyclopaÉa. New Reviscd Etlifion. tintirely rewritten by tho ablest writers on every subject. Printed from new type, and illuwtrated with Reveral Thonsand Engravinge and Mapa. The wort originally publishcd nnder the titlc of Tuk New Ameüican Oyclopdia was completed in 1863, si net; whieh time the wide cireulation which it has aUaiiied in all part of the United States, and the wignal developments which have taken place in every branch of science, litoruture, and art, have induced the editors aud publishers to mibmit it to an exact and thorough revisión, and to issue a new edition entitfcdTiiK Amkkioan Cvci-oi'cdia. Within the last ton ynarH the prorrns of diseovery in every depaitnient of knowledge haa made a now wurk of refere wee an irapwative want. 'i he moveinent of poïitical affnirn has kept pace v.ith the discoveries of weience, and their fruitfulapplicaüon to bbe induwtrial and ueeful nrtB and the CöüvsfnioBce and rciinpnipnt of social life. Oreat wars (unl noiiHequcnt revolutions hnve occurred.involvint; natioiml chances of peculiar moment. The fïivil war of our own country, which was at its height when voluiin1 ot the old work Hppeared.has ]i;i]pily bi'CTi Hinlt'fl, and a new coure of commercial aml ïmiuKtrinl activity has been commenced. Larn ftQcessiona to our Lreographical knowledge have been made by the indnfatigable explorera of a frica. Thegreat poïitical revolutions of the last decade, with thu natural reeult of the lapso of time, have brouprht into public view a multitude of new men, whose uaraes are in every one's mouth, and of whose lives evury one íh curioua to know the particular. ÍTieat battles have been fought and importaut siegee jnaintiiiued, of which thedetails are as yet preserved only i" the newspapere or in the transient pnblioations of the day, but whicli ought now totake their place in permanent and authentiehistory. In preparing the present edition for the prees, it luie aecoiüinlybeon the aim of the editore to bring down the information to the latestpossibledatea, and to fumi-sh an accurate account ot the mostrecent dicoveries in Bcience, of ever j fresh production in literature, and of the neweet ibventions in the practical arts, as wellas to give a succinct and original record of the progress of poïitical and historical eventa. The work has been begun after long and careful prehminary labor, and with the mostample resources ior carrying it on to a succeseful termination. None of the original stereotype plates have beo n used, but every page haa been printed on new type, fortting in fact a new Cyclopsedia, with the sime plan and compasa as ita predecessor, bnt with a far greater peeuniary expenditure, and with auch ïmprovementBin itecomposition as have been auggested by longorexpenence ah.iealarged knowledge. The illustrations which are introduced íor the flrat time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucidity and force to the explanatione in the text. Tbey embrace all branchea oi scienee and natura] history, and depict the most famoua andremarkable features of scenery, architecture, and art, as well as the various processes of mechanica and manufactures. tnougn mienaea lor ïnstrucuon ratner tnan embellisïiment, no pains have been spared to inaure their artistic excellence ; the cost of their execution is enormous, and it ia believed they will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopsedia, and worthy of its high character. Tïiis workis aold to Hubscribers only, payabïe on delivery of eaeh volume, lt will be nompleted in sixteen lare octavo volumes, each containing about 800 pages, fully illustroted with several thoueand Wood Bngravings, and with numerous colored Lithographic Mapa. Prïce and Style of Binding. In extra Cloth, per voi. $5 00 In Library Loather, per vol. 6 00 In H alf Turkey Morocco, per vol. 7 00 In Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol. 8 00 In Full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, per vol. 10 00 In Pull Rusaia, per vol. 10 00 Four volumes now ready. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will be iwsued once iu two mooths. %Speciraen pages of. tlie Amkrican Cyclopjidia, showing type, illuHtratioiis, etc, will be sent gratis, on upplication. First-Class Canvassinci Agentb "Wanted. Address the Publishers, D. AIM'Iin A CO., 54 0 A 551 Broadway. iV. T. B&ft'c m . J s, sVh InMnifTr P ■'- CARBOLIC DISINFECTING SOAPS. ForwashlngHorses, Cattle, Plgs, Doga; Kills Fleas on Dogs, Destroys Llce on Cattle and Horses, Tlcks on Sheep. Death to Bed Bugs and Roaches; Cheaper and bct terthan all Powders. CARBOLIC TOILET SOAPS Whiten, Beautlfy and Cleanse sklit from all Impurltles. CARBOLIC MEDICINAL SOAP CURES Jp m OTHER Salt-Rheum H I Cutaneous And all Wf DISEASES. CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR. AfTords complete protectlon to p'ints Vines, Trees, &c, from all Bugs, Fleas Plant Llce and Parasites. Without Injury to Vegetable Life. Never falls. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP The most efTectlve cure and preventlví oí Scab It kllls all Llce-Cads-Tlcks' etc. The Increased growth and welght o. fleece encouraged by its use more thar equals the cost of the dip. Bcchan's Carbollc Soaps and Compounds al ) are genuino. AU othera are base imitations Torthless. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTSrpHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF DETROIT. J. S. FAERAND, - - - President. W. A. MOOKE, - - - Vice President JOHN T. I-HÍUKTT, - - Secretar}-. L. M. THAYER, . Uen'l Agent. Assets Jannnrr lst, 1874 $500,335.41. The people of Michigan can no longer afford to pny tribute to Eastern Statea by placing their Life Insurance with Eastern Companies, who by their charters ure compelled to loan their money Ín their own States, thua becoming a heavy drain on the resources of the State, when we have so reliable and well munaired Life Company as the MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the businenp of the Company was increased Forty-cielt and one-balf per cent. of the total araount done the previouK five years This shows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE has the Oonfidence of the People. The losses during the yetir 1873 were only PIFTYF1VE per cent of the ámcunt the mortality tablea cali for, showing great care in the selection of its risk-. During the year 1873 there was a macerial recluction in the ratio of expenses showing CAFEFUL MANAGEMENT. The Michigan Mutual issues all the most desirablc 'orms of Life and ondowment Polioies. DiTidends Derlarcd ind Pald at Ihe end of the First Polir j Year and each year thrrcafter. All Policios non-forfeiting after one Animal Premium lias been paid. All Endowment Policios are con vertible into CaBh t the end of uny yeur after the first. Iti-liabln iniloiiinity at lowest Caab ratCN i in be procnred of the Tl 11 liii:ii 'I il I nul I.iiV. CrEO. L. FOOTE, Dis't Agent, Ypsilanti. .1. ü. A. Sf.ssions, Agent, Ann Arbur. (EO. E. Foote, Airent at Dexter. MUS. H. J. HIJLTON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Office and Residence No. 88 Ann Street, corner of IngalU, Ann Arbor, Mich. 83" Office Hours- 8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. m."B3 Xtfcrences- Pbof. Saqeb, Pbof. Palmeb. H93yl ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS WANTED. More Merchants and Business inun, ivlm knowing ttieir own interests will advertise in the Akgus. GET YOUR BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the Argus Office. QET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEPS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workmt-n, AND REASONABLE PRICES ! t A WOED TO THE WISE. 1 üaS i'r. 5. W..i';;'is ('alif'onii.'i Vin[V'.'H are n p'irly Vegetable ■ ) ■■ '.': m, itiiide chi.'fly from the nativo ;i riis l'o'iMil on Êheltfwei1 ftingen of tbeÈÜcr:i N "Vüiin niouiitaiiis of California, tlie iRiTicinnl )r(i))(rti!H of wliicli are oxtract'1 Üii'L'ffi'DjD without tlie use of Alcohol. L'L(! iincHtiou ÍM iiiniost daily asked, "W'liat ■ the cause of the iinparalloled success of '■ ín :o,ü llnTiins?" Our answer is, tliat ,li : remove the causo of disease, and the [mtieut recovers his health. ïliey are the Teat btood purifleranrl a life-giving prin■iiilc. :i porfcot líenovator and Invigorator f ijio systom. Nevcr before in the history f the world has a medicine been compoiindfd possessing the remarkable qual ii uu of Bitters in healing the sick of every disease man is heil' to. They are a gentle Purgative a3 wcll as a Tonic, relieving Congestión or Inflammation of tho Li ver and Visceral Organs, in BiliousDiseases. Itnicn Avill pnjoypjoon health, let tbean nse Vinegae Bittees ac a medicine, lid ivoid the use of alcoholic stimulants ia every form. n. H. McDOJVALD fc CO., Druggists and General Agenta, San Francisco, Califoruia, and cor. Washington and Charlton öts., New York. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. T)UT YOÜE MONEY WHERE IT WILL DO THE MOST GOODA. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN Til E LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PKICÊS T O DE F Y CO JV1 P E T1T1O N ALSO, A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FÜBNISHING GOODS Cali hefore 'purchaüug. 15 South Main títreet. ffifl Mortgage Bale. DEFAULT hnving been made in the conditions of a certain murtgage, dated the twenty-lirat day of August, a. D. 1872, made and executed by Timothy Kenedy and Johanna Kenedy, hia wife, of the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Thomas J. Hoskins, of the sme place, and recorded in the office of the Register of Ueeds, for the county of "Washtenaw and .State of Michigan, on the twenty-second day of August. A. D. 1872, nt nine o'clock and twenty minutes, a. m.. in liber 45 of morigages, on page 20, which said mortgnge was on the twenty-ninth day of August, A. D, 1874. duly aasigned by Thomas J. Hoskirt.s, to Richard Beahan, which aaaignment was recorded in the Kegister's office of said couiity of Washtenaw, on the twenty-ninth day of Anglist, - A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock a. m., in liber 4, assignments of mortgaffes, on page 377, and whereas there is now due and unpaid at the date of this notice the sum of sixty-one dollars fi6'.00j, and no snit or proceeding at law or in equity has been instituted torecover the sarae or any part Ihereof: Notice ia hereby given that on Saturday, the üfth day of December, A. I). 1874, at eleven o'clock in the forerioon of that day, at the front door (south side) of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Wushtenaw, and Otate of Michigan, by virtne of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I will selï at public auction, to the highest bidder, the premises described in said mortgnge, or so much thereof as muy be necessary to aatitfy the amount due on said mortgage at the date of this notice, with interest and costa and expenses allowed by law, and also an attorney fee of twenty dollars as provided in said mortgage ; the following is a deseription of the premises as given ín Baid mortgage and to be sold pursuant to the above notice to wit : All that parcel oí laúd known and described as the north tour rods in width off the south twelve rods in len'th of block four north, in range two east, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, said land being bounded weaterly by Allen'á creek, and easterly by Second stieet. Dated. September 3, 1874. RICHARD BEAHAN, 1494 Assignee of Mortgagee. and Att), Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage (whereby the power contained therein to sell hnb become operativo), executed by " Allen H. Riscion, Trustee for the benefit of my children," of Saline, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to Coinetock F. Hill, of said county, and dated the rtrst day of April, one thousand eight hutidred and seventy-one, and recorded in the office of the Kegister of l)eeds of said Washtenaw county, on the seventeenth day of April 1871, at 11:80 a. m., in liber 46 of mortgages, on page 140, upon which mortgage and the note uccompanyingthe same there ia claimed to be due at the dato of this notice the sum of seventy-three dollars and ten cents ($73.10), also an atlorney fee oí thirty dollars provided for in said mortgage, also there is to become due on said mortgage and said note the sum of one thousand dollars with interest at the rate of ten per cent. per annum, trom and after April lirst 1874, and no suit or proceedings at law or in chancery having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof, Notice is therefore hereby given: that on Saturday the twentyeighth day of November next, at eleven o.clock in the forenoon, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court for said county), I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder the premites described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as will be necessary to satisfy the demands of eaid mortgage, together with ten per cent. interest and all legal oosta and expenses, which said premises are described as follow, to wit : All of lots three, four, flve, bíx, eeven, eight, and seventeen, in section flve of Allen H. Risdoc's addition to the villiige of Saline, in said county of Washtenaw and State oí' Michigan, containing four acres and mnetyitine hundredths of an aere of land more or leas. Dated, Ann Arbor, September 1, 1874. COMöTOCK F. HILL, D. Cramer, Mortgagee. Att'y tbr Mortgagee. 1494 STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit - in Chancery. James L. Mitchell, Complainant, i's. Luey E. Mitchell, Benjamin F. Hudson, Cathaiine P. Hudson, John A. Mitchell, Chauncey E. Mitchell, John P. Marble, öeorge E. Southwick, Frank O. Kussi'il, Assignee of said Southwick, Defendants. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the county of Wasotenftw, in Chancery, at Ann Arbor, on the 30th day July, 1874, upon pi-oof by sffidavit on file, that said defendante Lucy K. Mitchell, Benjamin F. Hudnou, Catharine P. Hudsou, John A. Mitchell, and Chauucey E. Mitchell reside out of the State of Michigan, and do reside at Atcbison, in the State of Kansus; that the defendant John P, Marble resides out of the State of Michigan, and does reside at Woreester, in the State oi Massachusetts : It is, on motion of H. J. Beakes, Esq, Solicitor for complainant, ordered that the said defendants Luey E. Mitchell, i Benjamin F. Hudnon, Catharine P. Hudson, John A. ( Mitchell, Chauncey E. Mitchell, and John P. Marble, i appe;ir in said suit and answer the bill of complaint therein, witliin three months from this date ; and ■ siso that this order be publiuhed once in each week for six weeks m succession, in the Michigan Argur, j a newspaper print ed in aaid county, the fiítet ( catión to be within twenty days from this date. , J. F LAWfiENCE, f Circuit Court Commissioner, Washtenaw County, t Michigan. , H. J. Beakes, Sol'r for Comp't. i CA truc copy.) 149Iw6 t r ■ - -- r Real Estáte for Sale. Q TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaBhtenaw, m. l3 In the matter of the estáte of Ann White, deceased. Notice is hereby giros thnt in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned administrator of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judtfü of Probate for the county of AVashtenaw, on the second day of September, A. I). 1874, there wil! be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the eouth door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday the twentieth day of October, A. D. 1874, at ten o'elock in the forenoon of that day fsubject to all encumbrancea by mortgage or otherwise existing at tlie time of the death of said deceased, the f olio wing descnbed real estáte, to wit : Village lot number two (2), and two rods and eight feet from off the northerly aide of lot number ilve (;'), in block num ber niiie f9), and fronting on Wall street in Brown and Fuller'a tiddition to the villuge (now oity) of Ann Arbor, in the county oi Washtenaw and State of MiehiHn. Dated, September 2, A. I). 1S74. 1494 N. GOTT. Admiuistrator. npAKE NÖTICE ! Wool lime and "after Harvest" both pussed. I j have had mauy promises of payment at these times. ■ 1 am now ready, if you are not. I ask you to m.nke yourself ready on short notice, if you are not ready, j I will take right hold and help you. The pay I munt have. My creditors demand it. Putting it off on account of low pricea of produce, don't pay my debts. Youre. 1493m3. M. ROGERS. asg-" J iijmim jgMgi Mortgage Bale. DEFAULT haring been raade in the conditions nf acertáis mortgage (whereby the power of sale n said mortg&ge om b"'(iaeoperativej, executed hv ' Allen II. liisdon, Trustee," for tbfi benefit of m childrcn ' of Washtenaw rounty, Ptate of Michigan o BüiaM. K.rr. oi Bnflalo, in 11,o Ktate of New York, which mortgage is dated tbe twenty-sixth lay (-f March, A. Ij. 1872, and n oordod in the lu-eis tns office of the eounty t Washtenaw, on th twenty-aixtb day of Maroh,1872,atl;20 p. m. laliher 41 of mortgagea, on page 780, and lhre bein clnimed ti. be due and anpaid on said ïnortgage and the note Hecuxnpanyfag the sinne the gum of íive hundrcd and twcwty-one dollar and sixty-six centa C$821.66}, nW, the siim of tinte hundred dollars with interest ut ■ oi' ten percent fromthe twenty-sixthdav of March, A. I). 1.S74, wluchhahbeeome duebyreason of eaid default, and the election of said raortgairee tnaking the whole ram 1ur on said mortgage and note ai the dateof thisnotioe lo be eiht hundred and thirty-four dollars and siity-six cenU, also en attonieya fee of thhty dollars aa ptovided for in said murtg&ge, and no proceedillgB nt law or in chnncery haring been instftuted to recover the sum nr any part thereof; Notteeis thetefore hereby givcn thaton Saturday , the twenty-eighth day of Koven bernext, at eleves o'clocli ia the forraoon of said day, at thesouth door of the Court House, in the eityof Ann Arbor (that being the place for holding tin; Circuit Court for said couïtty of Wanhtenaw) I will sel] at publio auctionto the highest bidder the premisee detcribed in said mortgage or ao much thereof as shall be necensary to satisfy said anionm with interest, costa and expenses, -which premi&es are describen usfoilows. towit: AH of lot number Beven in section four of Allen H. Risdon's addition tothe villagcoï Saline, in the oouaty of Waant n;iw and State of Michigau. Dated, Ann Arbor, September 1, 1874 KMZA M. KEIIJi, D. CBAMXn, Mortgagee Att'y for Hortg-agee. 1494 Mortgage Sale. ijfTHEREAS "iri-uiít aas been made in the eo&& t T tioii of a certain morteage made aud executed by Elijan W. Morgan umi Lucy W. S. Morgan, his wife, to SUas Tí. Douglaes, beartng date the fourteentfa öayof I'Vbruarv, in the year 1872. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deecb in and tbr the coaDty of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan n teenthday ol February-in the year 1872 in Llbei 16 of Mortgagi s, on page 256, by which default the i k v. . r of sale containeu in said mortgage has locóme operativa, aad there in claimed to be due and unpald on said mortgage, al the date of this noties the som of two thouaand and sixty-flix dollars and fortyeven cents, and no snit, oi proceeding at law has been instituted to recover the s&ine or any pan thereof: Nottoe istherefere kereby gires, thaton MONDAY, TILE 8EC0ND DAT OF NOVEMBER NKXT, at ten o'dock in the Foren oon, írv frrtueof the power ia said mortgage contained, saidraortgage wül e fonclosed b ii" mortgaged premisas, or .sume pari of them, at public vendue. to the higheet bidder at the south door of the Court House in the city oi Ann Arbor, in said county of Waehtenaw. (that heine the place where the Circuit Court for sala county fi hela) ; said morteaged prer eecribed as ïu. lows, to wit : All tnose pareéis of land lying in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw and Btate of Michigan, kno n and described aa HlocksKo. fourteen, fifteen, seventeen (except lot one), and block twenty. in Ormsby & Page's uddition ; and also all the land lying between the center of the river Hm rmi and the Sinclair mili race below the dam and above the Woolen Faotorr, said bioGk fourteen vxtendingnortherly above the dam and eastczly to the center of the river, and including the share of the (i;un and watej pov ■ : ppurtenam t the right bank, or westerly bank, of said river at said dam, with alí the privileges and appurteuances. Dated, August 6th, 8ILÁSH. DÓUGLA88. A. FELCH, .Mortgagee1 Attorney for Mortgage. l I Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT having occurred ín tlie conditionofa oertain mortgage, dated the sixteenth day of November, in the year one thousand eight bnndrtd and sixty-eight, executed by Ëamuel M. Burtiank and Amanda Burbank, hiswife, oi ilie towiiBhip of Ann Aibor in the county of' Wachten aw aud State of Michigan, to James "W. Ilinchey , of the lowmhip of Putnam in the county of Livingston and State of Michigan, and recorded in the office of the Etgiöter of Deeda of said county of Washtenaw, on the seventeenth day of November, in the year one thouand eight hundred and &ixty-cight, in liber thirtynine of mortgages, on paffe three hundred and eighty-three thereuf, on which mortgage there ia claimedto be due, at the date of this notice, the sum of one thouatind one hundred and nineteen dollars and sixty cents, and the power of sale contained in said mortgage having become operative by leagon of such default, and no snit or pioceeding-s at law havfng been msutnted to recover the debt remaining secured by said mortgage or any part thereof : Notice ia there ƒ ore hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage conttuned, and of the statute in such cases made and provided, the said mortgage willbe foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged preaoiaes in said mortnge, described as folIowst to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenftw and State of Michigan, known and described as follows, to wit : Being a part of the southwest quarter of section thirty in township two of range six east, beginning at a point in the quaiter line in the center of the road leading southwesterly from the city of Ann Arbor; thence south along the quarter line of said section twenty-three chaina and forty-four links tothe quarter post; thence weet along the section line eight chaina and eighty-fievrn links; thence north parallel with the quarter line one chains and seventy links to the cenlerof said road ; thence along said roud to the place oi bezinning, containing twenty acres of liind, or so much thereof as shall be necesaary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage with ten per cent interest thareon and legal costs andan attorney fee of flfty dollars covenanted for theiein, at the eouth door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in snid couniy uf "Vrhtenaw, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county, on Thuksimy, the rii th dat of November kkit, at one o'cloek in the ufternoon of said day: that said sale will be made subject to the paymenr of the aeveral installmrnts oí principal and interest secured by and vet to become due on said mortgage. Dated. July I'S, l'-Ti. JAMES V. HINCHET, H. II. HaewoU, Mortgagee. Atty. for Mortgagee. 148ütd Eiection Notice, SHEKIFF'S OFFICE, Washtenaw CowTy,] Ann Arbor, August 31, Í8T4. To the Electora of the County of Washtenaw : You are héreby tki üu-d tha4 ut the bext (leneral election, to be held on the Tuesday Bucceedixj the tirst Monday of November aext, In the state of Michigan, th$ foilQwing officers are tobe eiected, vit: A Governor, LieuteDan i Grovernor, Becretary oi' Siate, Auditor General, State Pi i : mei "i the Stat f1 Land Hfice, Attornej resentí, Baperln tendent of Public Instruction, & Member of the State Board of Education in place of David p. Ifayhev, who was appoinb '1 to 611 vftcancy cauaed by the death of Daniel E. Brown, whose term of office will expire Deeember 81st, 1874; alsoa Representative in CODgreas for th agre$sional District oftliis State to which Washtenaw County is altached; also a Benator In the State Legislature for the Fourth Senatorial District consisting of Waahtenarfr as provided by Act Nu. 128 of the Session Lawsoi 1871; also tluM'o Repreaentatives In the Btate Legifr lature, agreenble to the provisions oi' Act No. 140 of the Seasion Lawa óf 1871. Also the fbllowing county orheers : one Sheriff, one County Clerk, one County Treasurer, one Registrf Deeds, one troseeuting Attorney, two Circuit Court ((inirnissioners, twoCoroners, and one Cminty Surveyor. You are also hereby notified that at said General Election, the fbUowing amendmeata to the ('onstitution of this State are to be suhmitted to the peopleof tin1 State fór their adoptloD orrejectlon, purauantto tl ie requirements of the Constltuuon. and the reaolfr tiona of the Legislature aubmitting them, viz. : ' Au Amendment relativo to the qualiflcatlons of Electora," to be substituted, in eaae of adoptíon, for bo much of Section l ui' Aniel.1 VII. as precedas tbo proviso fcberein, in the present Constitutiod of this State, aaitnow stands, and Bnbstituted i ir Section 1 of Art iele VII, in the amended Conetitution, if tbe latter is afiopted, as proviáed by Joint Kesolutlon Ko2, of the Sesaton Laws of the Extra Session of 1874. Alsu, the l Aniendnients to the ('nnstitutkm of the State of Michigan," whicb are to stand, in case of adoptlon, aa the Constitution of the State of Michigan, and to supersede eacn and every other ])re-ex isiiiiíí provisión of the Constitution f the state of of Michigan, as provided by Joint lirsnluüon No. 4, said besaion Lawe of 1874, M [CHAEL FLEWXNG. Sheriff. Mortgage Salo. DEFATTLT having been iiüii'e in the conditions of a certain mortgage executed by Solon Cook to Adelaide Lewitt (to secure the purchase price of lande therein described), on the fint day of Blay, a.i 1S(", and recorded in tlie office o l Register of Deeds for the ooonty of Washtenaw and Btate of Michigan, on the seventh day of May, a. d. 186", in Liber 36 of Mortgages, oc page-4yi; and duly aaBignedbyaaid AmJaide Lewitt to Silas H. Douglas, . on the 2ö"th day oi' April, löTO, which assignment was recorded in said Register's office in Liber 2 of Assignments of Mortgages, on page 5Ü1, on said 25th day oí April, 1870; and Jurther aasistied by Baid Siias HDouglnss to Irene Clark, on the 24th day of December a. d. 1S73, wliich last iissig-nment was recorded in said Register's office on said 24th day of December, 1873, in Liber 4 of Assignments of Mortgages, on I page 180; and was further assigned by said Irene j Cltirk to Orange 11. Young, on the 23d day of Marcli, . 1S74 , which last assignment was recorded in said I ister's otiice on the 'Jth day of April, 1874, in Liber 6" of Mortgayes, on page 46S, by which default the power oí sale contained in said ïaortüge has become opcrative, on whi;h mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice, for principal,' interest and insurance, and Attorney fee as provided ior in said mortgage, the sum of one thousand eight hundred dollars and lHiy-iïve cents, and no suit or proceeding at law er in equity having been instituted to recover the amount due on s&id mortgage or any pnrt thereof : Now therefore, notice is hereby gïven thftt by virtue of the power of snle conlained in wid mortgage, I shall sell at public auction at the sentth loor of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor- bhat being the building in whicb the Circuit Court for said county of Waahtenaw is held- on Satuuday, 1HE TWENI "Y-Ï'OURÏH DAY OF ÜCTOBEB NKXT, iit tCÜ 5'clock in the ioienoon of tliat day, the followini tremises described in said moilgüge, viz.: Alltbose :ertaiu truets or pareéis of land sitinitcd in the city f Aun Arbor, in the county of Hashtenaw and tate of Michigan, known and described as the east Ihvee-fburths of lot nnmber six (6), and the weet hal' f lot number eeven(7),in block one (1) north oí ange six $) east, according to the recorded plat of he village Of Ann Arbor, ïb said county of Wasbtetaw, or so much or such nart or pruts thereof as shall e necessary to aatisty the amount due upon eaid aiortgage. lnU-a July 31, 1874. OHANGE It. TOTTNG, Assignee. A. J. Sawyer, Atty. for Assignee. Mofitd Chancery Notice. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for O the County of Waahtenaw- In Chancery. Marï Briesch, Complainarit, ts. Louis Briesch, Defendant It satisfactonly appearing by due prooi by ïffldant tothls court, t Imt the defendant, Louis Bnesch,J formerly a resident of thia State, ;uil is now abseol therefrom, and tbat his preseal place of realdenM i-uiiiMit be aacertained, on vaóiXon of P. T,. Paiie, oouoflej for the ooniplain&nt, it l orderéd Hüit wfi sald defendant, Louis Brieacb. cause bis appearance in thlscauBeto be entered within three months in1"1 the date of tbts order, and ih:ii in case of hls app"" anee ha cause bis answer to complainant'a blll i."0 Aled, ::in a copy tbereofto I1 served on the complalBant'a Solicitar within twenty daysafter serrioeof oopj "i said bül, and ■■■ notice of tnisorder; and indel'aul't thereof tnat aald bill be taken aa i esi the said defendant, Louia Briesch ; and il faftirthej ordered that within twenty days said eomplainM laiiM1 a notice of this order to be publishea i" íitfí Mivhiyuii Argot, & newspaper printed andpublieow in suil oounty, and thai sald publical i"ii be continuoa [n said paper al leaal once eacb weel for sii 8CCJ' -ivr weeks, 01 U( Bhe oause ■ oopy of ilii oraerto x persomillv .l■(l al leasl twenty daya beJore tne ■aiti time prescribí 3 for hia apf arance. Dated this seeond daj of September, T. l'4; P. L. PAGi:, Solkitor lor Compl't. A. D. Ceajte, Circuil Judge. ,,„-.■ (AtrueCopy.) 14!iü"5


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Michigan Argus