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' BJSINESS DIRECTORY." W.W. LEW1TT, ÏTf. D., Physician and Surgeon. Ottice over Watts' Jowelry Store, 31ain Street, Ann Arbor. 1487tf FKAZCR, IIABKIJIAII HAMILTON Atturneys at Law. Orh'cu Nos. 7 and 9 South Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich. KASXfJS THATCHEB, Attorney and Counselor at huw, Ho. 6 Easi Huron Street, Aun Arbor, Mich. 1386 ASÑ arbor mineral spRiives. Morris Hale, .VI. IJ., Snporf atendent. Office in niildimr, corner Mann aud WextHurou Street. WIIVKS WORDEN, '20 South Main Strest, Ann Aruor,. Mich., Wholesale aud retail dealers in Dry Uoods, Oarpets aud öroceries. USUf 11 ACK & SCHMID, Dealers in Dry Goods, .11. úioceries, Crockery, &c. No. 54 South Main Str.'t't. 17" H. JACK.SON, Deutist.succeseorto C. B. ♦'V Porter. Ortlce corner Maiuand Huron streets, over the store of R. W. Kllis & Co , Ann Arbor, vnestheticsadministered if reqnired. aüTíIERIAND A: WHEDON, Life and 5 Pirelusurauce Agents.and dealerein Keal Estáte. Jfflceon Huron Street. BACH & ABEL, Dealers in Dry Goods Groceries, 4c &c.,No 26 South Main street, Aud Vrbor. W.H. rANKK, Dealer in Reedy MadeCloti iug.Clotbs, Casaimeres. Vestirgs, Trunlis Uarpet Baga, &c. 21 South Main street. VTÜAR W. OHEEVEK, "attorney at law ! O Moe with E. W. Morgan, Eaat sideof Coart House öau-ire. 1331 T C. CA Rit 4 Dentist, -. Succesaor to C. C. N Jenkins. --. Nitrous Oxid . Jjiv Gas adzniiiistercd i -Utí - "sL__. wlt:'n Beoesttny. f ■ Office over [■. VBaoh & A bel 's Jr store. - 'fS-y -f' ' j Xo. 2f Soul li v- v_j J-'' Aluin St, nEOCKEK Y GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly? Have in store alargo stock of Crockerj, Glassware, PlatedWare.Cutlery Groceries, &c, ie, all tobe eoldut unusuaUy low prices. No.12 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. 1128tf J. & ï. DONNELLT. rOIIX G. GALL, DBALEB I1ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, SATISAGF-S, Etc, Orderssolicitedandpromptly illed with thebest meats in the market. Cor Hurón and Fourth sts. Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th. 1869. DR. C. A. LEITER, Physician and Surgeon, Offlce over Watts' Jewelry Store, Main Street, Residence 58 East Huron Street, 1469tf ANN ARBOR, Micn. it akküeï, E3&!k Mïinufacturer of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLEIGHS, of every style, made of the best material, and warranted. Kepairing done promptly and prices reasonable. Detroit Street, near K. R. Derot. Ann Arbor. Mich. 1446rl wTa. lovejoy, TOBACCONIST 1 Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Siruff, Pipes, &c, AT ÍÍ0. 7 EAST Hl]OX STREET, Next to the Expross Office, AMN AKKOK, 1TIICII. lS45tr T FRED. BROSST" MANUFACTUREK OF CARKIAGES, BUCtilES, LIMIBËR U A;OAS, sr:n; u Aiosf cijtteks, SLEItiHS, &c. All work warranted of the best material. Repairintdone promptly and reasonubly. All work warranted to give perfect satiáfaetion. G8 South Main street. 1422 BUSINESS COLLEGE! ANN ARBOR, MICH., Devotvd to the Practical Education ofYoitng and Middle-Aged Men and Women. Pay Classes throughont the year. Evening Classes from September to June. Instruction according to the moet approved plana, ;tnd mostly iüdividual. Htudeots can enter at any time and receive superior inatniction in Business Penmanwhip, Commercial Law, Biuhwu Ooiraspondoaoe, liusiuess Arithmetic, Hingle and Doublo Entry Bookkeeping, Oraham's Htandard Phonoyrraphy , and Praotical Telegraphy, Main line wires paM directly through the rooms of the Telegraphie Deparlment, affordin the student every advantuge of "Actual Office Practice." The progresa of tlie student in Bookkeeping is greatly facilítate-! by the use of a new Gfaaart entitled tl Bookkeeping at One View," just published by tli9 Principal of this Colleg-e. Cali at the rooms during school hours, or addresa, C. E. POND, Ann Arbor, Mich. 14ü3tf


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