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■ - And tbis is bow the ünpeoanious Carpenter tried fo coax an additional f1,000 fee out of Kllogg, haviug alrendy bagged $.3,000 : " Dcar Kellogg: lam desperately sbort. Can't you send ïna 11,000. If so it would be a Godsend. Youra truly, Matt Carpenter - August 1, 1873." As Matt turned againat Kellogg, it is to be presumed tbat the " Governor's " purse had been drained dry by Butler, Chandlor, Cushing, Carpentor & Co. - Win. B. Stroug, late of-tho Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, and ono of tho most popular and efficiënt railroad officiers in the "West, has been appointed Assistant General Superintendent of the Michigan Central Railroad, in place of U. H. Hurd, resigned. Mr Ilurd returns to Massachusetts. - On the 2 Ith uit. Gov. Moses, of 8. C, made a cali upon the President for troops to aid in maintaining the peace at Edgefield ; the troops were refused, and irninodiately came the annouucement that the troubles were ended, and that the negroes had returned to their homos. Poworful effects of non-action. - The New Yoak Tribune says that Moses W. Field, the " Lord Dundreary " of the House, and now seeking a re-elec tion, is " well caleulated to shine in private lifü," and adds that his" constituents ought to seo to it that he is allowod to do so." That fellow's head is level. - Gen. Woodford, of New York, has resigned his soat in Congress, bocause of the insufficienoy of his salary. That ruse will not go far towards reconciling the tax puyers to the salary-grabbers. - John H. Bradley, of Washington, who was " pitched over tho bar" during the Surratt trial in 1867, to appease the thin-skinned and offended dignity of the court, was readmitted to practico on Monday last. - Geo. A. Mark, who graduated from the University (scientific), class of '58, has attained to the honor of being the Republican candidate for County Surveyor in Hillsdale County. - That spirit, " Kitio King," has departed from Blissfield. Good, substantial, worldly huggiug proved unacceptable to Katie and party. - The Supremo Court of California bas decided the local option law unconsrtitutional. Another set back to the crusaders. - The "Mutual Priend " has been criminally indicted by the grand jury of Brooklyn, for libel upoli Miss Edna Dean Proctor. We have only a word to say to the delogates who will constitute the Democratie County Convontion, called to meet in this city on Wednesduy next : and that is to enjoin harmony and wisdom. The Republicana have no hopes of succes3 in this county save throughdissension in the Democratie ranks, and it is on prophosied dissension they aro building. Let them, be disappointed. And as a means to this end, let personal and local jealousies, bickerings and fault-fmdings, be laid away until after election. Look the field over, and select competent candidatesfor every position ; honest men,BOTH IN politics AND business. Let no locality claim or grasp the lion's sharo ; no unfit mau be nominated because of imagined political services or because he has been " worked up" by agents having " axes to grind." Naturally there will be more candidates than offices, and as but one man can be nominated for each office, all candidates should go into the convention with good feeling towards each other, and pledged to give their successful opponents the same cordial and hearty support they will claim if themselves successful. Acting upon this principie A number one TICKET MAY BE NOMINATED AND ELECTED. We invite the attention of tho Democrats of this city to the cali for the several Ward Caucuses to be held on Tuosday evening next. In the primary meetings is the place where the first steps towards bringing out fit candidates and securing good tickets must bo taken. The primary meeting is the place where individual preferonces may bo expressed. If theso meetings aro poorly or ineagerly attended, if they are left to " be ruu" by designing men f'or personal benefit or in the interest of factions or rings, the stay-athomes will havo on!y tlienisolves to blame, and must not complain if candidates are not noiuinati'd to their liking, or such as they may think will promoto and advance the best interests of the party. Then go to your Ward Caucuses and aid in securing good, careful, faithful, dincreet delegates to represent you in the County Convention ; delegates who will act for no olique, from no mere selflshness, but for the party - fok the pf.ople. An " official " report of Senator CHANDLEllVFlint spoeoh (the same one that he will peddle out to an Ann Arbor audience to-morrow ovening), makes him say : " lioferring to the ' third term,' Senator Ciiandler said that Domocrate were talking a great doal about it, but that ho had never heard a Republican ever montion a third term." Perhaps, after all, thoy niight conoludo to have one." The Sonator's ears aro not as long as report crodits him with having if he has not heard the " third term " discussed in Itepublican oiroles. Nevortheless, the admiasion or assertion that " they might conolude to have ono " is just what wedosire toputon record now. It is the conclusión to which Ropublican reasoning tends, and Eepublicanlegislation and Administration action unite in a design : to forcé a " third term " upon the '. try. i In tiie Seventh Congressional District, Enos Goodrich, of Tuscola County, has been nominated by tho 1 cy. Mr. GooDRlCH waa one of the pioneer3 of Genesoo County, and was a merabor of the House in 1847, and of the Sonate in 1852. He is of a family noted for ability and sterling integrity, and if eleoted, - as he ought to be.ovor Coxgee, both a salary-grabber and an inflationist, - he will inake an efficiënt and trustworthy meixibcr. It 18 now intimated that the constitution of the new Maino Logislature is such that tho re-election of Senator Hamlin ia by no uieans certain. The Democrats have made oonsiderable gains in both branches, and acting with tho Independents (about twcuty in number) may hold the balance of power between the two Ropublican factions and díctate the choice. And it was in Maine that such large Ropublican gains were boasted of.