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Hill's Opera House. Announcement Exteaordinary. i Musical event of the season. Caroline Richings Bernard's MUSICAL UNION Will give a grand Costume Concert, Friday Evening, October 9th, 1874. Commencing at 8 o'clock. Eighteen Unrivaled Artists including Caroline Richings Bcrnard Mrs. Henrl Drayton, of the English Opera. FIERRE BEBÜTAR, W. L. Tomlina. of New York, Famoua Orcliestrial Orgauist. T. OT. llrown, of Brooklyn, Correctly named the Musical Joker on the Piano. And the renowned Quaker City Quartette. Enthusistically endorsed by the press throughout the coun,ry as being one of the finest Combination Conipanie.s hat has ever visited their respective cities. ilm Ksioil .... 50 ets. llescrved Seafs ... 75 ets. ïo be had at Fiske & Douglas' book store. 1497w3 ÜÖiTWATCHES FOB, $15. A Solid Uk Gold Watch, Warranted in perfect order, and guaranteed to keep correct time for four years, OKTLY $15 I These Watches aro Ín every respect of appearance and durability, equal to our $175, 18k, Gold Watchea, and cannot be detected from them. Agenta and fewelers are making largeprofit on them- tney readly sel! for from $50 to $75, and often bring $100. A Ine sample sent pust paid, to any addreaa, ou receipt of price. To assure satisfaction to all, we will refund any person'a money it the watch ia returned without damage within one week after it is received. Addröss, Itew England 'utrli Co. 1497m6 120 Tbemont St., Boston, Mass. This is an inquiry which every one shouid have truthftilly answered before h e starts on hisjourney, and a little care taken in examination of routen will in many cases save much trouble, time and money. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad hae achieved a aplendid teputation in the laat three years aa the leading Paasentfer Route to the Weet. Starting at Chicago or Peoría, it runs direct through Southern Iowa and Nebraska, with close connections to California and the Territoriea. It is alao the short line and beat line to Quincy, Missouri, and points in Kansas and New Mexico. Passengers on their way westward connot do better than to take this route. Thia line has published a paxnphlet entitled How to go West," which contaius muoh valuable information; a large, correct map of the Qreat West, which can be obtained free of charge by addressing the General Western Passenger Agent, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, Chicago, 111. 1461yl FurnaceS BAFGES & STOVES, For Wood, Hard and Soft Coal. w í i li the latest improvements. KEUISTERS, VENTILATORS, &c. Eatimatea for Heating and Ventilatiug Promptly furnished. Bliss & Walls, 82 Lake St., Chicago, III. (Sena for Circulara.) 1406m.3 i 000 Bushels of Wheat Wanted. I offer for Sale or Exchange for farm produce, my house, containing 7 rooms, buttery and closets, woodshed with -well and cistein in it, a good barn and all neceasary out buildings. Also two acres ol land, a good bearing orchard and garden well fruited. l'osaesöion giveii Immediately, For particulars aprly to E. STILINU, 2H East Huron St., Ann Arbor. lBro' ÏDOE SALE. A 8ADULE HOESE. 9 years oíd, bay color, Vermont Morgau stock, and in perfect condition. Apply to GEO. S. MORRIS. II B. öthSt., Ann Arbor. U97M


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