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ROOFiNC! THIS ROOFING IS DURABLE AND WATERPROOF ; VERY FLEXIBLE ; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKS AROUNU CHIMNEYS AND CONNECTIONS BETWEEN WOOD and BRICK. This Roofing has been in use flve years and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! Thia paint will preserve ehingled roofs an indeflöite period, and is equally adapted to tin or iron roofs. Itis flrc and water proof! This paint will be put on by the Company or sold by the gallon, with instructions how to apply the same. DLjT No Coal ïar is used in eitlier. We solicit the public patronage. All work will be wsraanted. All Communications should be addressed to the HUTCHINS ReOFINÖ CO., T. O. Box 222, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Itesidence 43 South Thayer Street. 1478tf TV"EW BAKEEY! El. STILING, Would infoim his numerous friends and the public generally, thjit he have fltted up the store Iately occupitd by J. C. Watson & Co., 28 East Hurón St., as a lïakerv and Confectionery Store, and hope by a strlct attention to businesa to merït and receive a share of patronage, rarticuhu: attentiou will be paid to tliu lce-Criim Departmetit, Wedding Cakes, ryramids, all kinda of Fruit C!akos, and Ice-Ureani furnished families or parties on short notice. Fresh Ftuita and Confectionery always on hand. (Joods delivi.'red free of chargo to any part of the city. ltemember the place, No. 28 East Hnron Street. Ann Arbor, May 27, 1874. KjmLING V[ ÖTÏCE ! The annual tneeting of the Mutaal Fire [nsurance Compooiy wiH be beid at the Courl lloiisi', 011 SATURDAY, 0CT01ÍEB 3d, '74, ;it il o'dock a. m., f'nr the pnrpoae of the electlon of umcers and the transaction of any lawl'ul buaiI ma; oodm befbre the meetiog. A CuU iitttniiaiH-H of meinbers of ttie oonApany is áeaíred, Aun Axbor, September 15. 1S74.' I 1 S. SIIK1.DON, Srcy. DOFT READ THIS! ïhat ever relLible dealer, WM. WAGNES h:a in store a full stock of Rendy-Mmle FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Which must and will be sold al PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Also a full stock of Cloths, to be GUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Btyle and Work warrantcd to suit. Also a Pull Line of Furnishing GooiTh. CALL and C. VV31. WAGNER, 21 South Main St. Ann Arbob. 1496 TAMBS McMAHON, Justice of the Peace, Office in new block, North of Court Honse Money collected and promptly paid over. INSUBAÏTCK -A-GJ-EISTT. Trinmph, assets, $T2T.9O3 II Norm Ulaaonri, " iur,..u7.9i Hibernia, 3r)ü,oou.oo EKAL ESTÁTE. I havo 80 aeree of land '.i of a milo trom the city mits, flnely iocated for fruit or garden purposes. Also 40 aerea. Also 10 acres, with house and barn,and a Hyel 8tream of waterrunnim,'tliriigh the bürii yurd. 00 acres, a mile ont. 1 will sell any or all the above clieap, or excharge forcitproperty. 1374 JAMES McMAHON. nrÁKB NOTICE ! Wool time and " af tor Harveat" botb pnssed. I have had muny promises of payment at these tima, I am ïiow reiuly, if you are not. I ask you to miike youraelf ready on short notice, if you are not ready, I will tuke risjht hnld and hslpyou, The par Imust have. My creditors demnnd it. Puttin? it off on account of low prlcea of pruJuce, don't pay my debta. Yours. UQ3m8, M. EOGERS. ■JIVE (IEESE FEATÜWKS PIBST QUAIilTT (' ;ntntlvon, h.und indfor saleby bacb abel.


Old News
Michigan Argus