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Will Chandler Answer?

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From the Grand Bapids Democrat. i On the seventh inst. Senator Chandler : is advertised to speak on the political questions of the day in this city. He has been speaking through the State tor the ( last ten days, beginning at Mint. He , has repeated over the same oíd speech from the text, " By their fruits ye shall know them," and it is to be presumed he will speak the same piece when he visita this city. He has intimated repeatedly i that Grimt cannot be spared, that he is ' needed with his mailed hand in the South to-day, and probably will be in 1876 for the same reason. We desire to ask him a question. We have subdued the rebellion, overturned Davis, Lee, Jackson, and Breckenridge, in which good work Chandler bore a noble and conspicuous part ; now we would like to have him teil us who he and his party have given us in their ' places. We have had nine years of delibérate statesmanship ; what has Mr. , Chandler to show the paople of Grand Rapids for it? Who are at the front in the South as the advisers, counselors and ' managers ? Who are the men, who, in ' place of Davis and Lee and Jackson, i have been placed at the head of ofiices ? , Will Chandler teil us ? We can teil him, and in telling him may help him to teil ' the truth to the people. They are Kellogg, Warmouth, Moses and Whitemore ' and such as they, a class of men who : would disgrace the worst who can be fished out of the slums of any city. Mr. Chandler, we address you i ally. It is nine years since the last gun was fired at Appornattox, nine years j since your party came into full possession i of the government. Your party came into the noblest opportunities ever vouchsafed to any party almost a decade ago. The South had been punished, terribly punished, for its rebellion, and to your party was given the mission to heal up old wounds and bind up the brokenhearted ; to give direction to the misguided white men of the South ; to protect the blacks ; to so manage as to make emancipation a success and a benefit both to the whites and blacks ; to revive the paralyzed and destroyed industries of the South, and, in one word, to save the South to the nation and itself. You loved the Union, or this was your boast all through the war, and every instinct of brotherly kinduess, patriotism and an enlightened statesmanship should have prompted you to so manage affairs as to make anarchy impossible and the Union what it was in the olden time, a unión of affection, pride, honor and interest. This is what should have been done ; behold the South to-day, under the control, as one of the leading Senators of your own party reeen tly said, of " ignoran t, weak and venal men," as showing what you have done and evidence of what you will continue to do if re-elected to the Senate. In view of these and such as these facts we ask the voters of Michigan to vote for Chandler to " step down and out," for God alone can save the nation when he and such as he have seats among the counselors of the nation.


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Michigan Argus