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Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. TOLEDO, SAGINAW AOT) NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and relitvble connections made at Wayne Junction with trains of the Michigan Central R. K. ThreetrainB North and two South daily except 8unday. Time Gard of Jonk 23d, 1874. GOINO HOBTH. Wayne, lcave 1.16 p. . 6.05 p. m. 10.35 p. u. Holly, 2.66 " 7.2S " 12.57 A. M. Flint, 8.50 " 8.15 " 4.68 " Kast Saginaw, 5.15 " 9.32 " 6.25 ' Saginaw City, 5.20 " 9.37 " 8.45 " BayCity, 5.55 " 10.10 " T.35 " Reed City, 8.30 " 12.15 P. H. QOINQ SOUTH. Woyne, leave 3.00 p. M. 7.25 i. M. Monroe, 4.1Ü " 8.38 " Toledo, arr. 5.10 ' 9.3 " 8ANKORD KEELER, AiaH 8upt. J. P. Gen'i Ticket Agent. T?IEE IN8UEANCE. FRAZER, IIARRIMAN & HAMILTOIX'S OFFICE OVER SAVING8 BANK, Ann Arbor, Michigan. We can now carry fulllines in SAFE and TRUST - WORTHY Companles, and our rates are reasonable. We are now carrying the best business riska in the city. We invite the Public to examine our Registers and judge tor themselves of the kind of business we are doing. We make a Bpecialty of Dwelling House Insurance, and can give low rates, and good indemnitï We represent the following well-known Companles: The Westchester, - Organized 1837, Assets, $655,000.00, Jan. lst 1874. The Allemannla, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Aaaets (472,000.00, Jan. lst 1874. The Lancaster, ol Lancaster. Pa. Organizad 18S8. Assets 337 ,000.00, Jan. Ut 1874. The Michigan State, of Adrián, Organized 1859, Assets $304,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The National Fire Ins. Co. of Phil. Assets $667,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. Penn Fire Ins. Co., of Phlladeiphia, Assets $41S,020.28, Jan. lst, 1874. The Watertown Fire Insurance Company, of Watertown, N. Y. AsseU $556,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. The Watertown was organized in Dec, 1867, since which time its premium receipts and loases have been as iollowa to wit : Premium Receipts, Losaes. Jan. 1,1868, i month - - $1,204 28 " 1869 --- - 29,833 44 $1,856 00 " 1870 - 45,642 69 5,297 42 1871 ■ - - - 55,605 16 13,314 61 " 1872 - 141,417 OS ST.C16 97 " 1873 - - - 514,965 19 63,169 65 18T4 ... - 352.Ü28 01 105,296 04 Cash premiums received in 6 years - $740,695 89 LoSBes in 6 years - 220,946 39 Actual lossea less than 30 per cent of premium receipts. Excess of premiuum receiptf over losse $519,649 50 INCBEASE OF Í.SDH1S. Jan. 1, 1868, assets witb $100,000 capital.. $101,354 31 Do. 1869, do 122,684 66 Do. 1870, do. 148,431 47 Do. 1871, do. - - - - 158,893 98 Do. 1872, do. 338,63 13 Do. 1873 do. - - - - 441,500 54 Do. 1S74. do. 656,849 54 ïhis shows a steady average gain in asseta of over $7.r,00 each year. Official statement of grosi assets and llabilities Jan. 1,1874. towit: Gross üfficially admitted assets - - $556,849 90 Umciully calculated h.ibilities, including reinsurancefund ... 217,104 61 Suiplusastopolioyholder - - $340,745 39 If this record is evidence of bad management, aafety and proüt to polioy and stockholders would wish that other companies had a little of it. The policy and practice of thU company have been steadily 10 increase ita financial sohdity, by which justly tocommand the conñdence of the public. To this end all surplus premium receipts have been rt; tained, allowing the stockholders only legal interest on the assets. The interest on Us invcsted funda pays all dividenda, leaving all surplus premiums for the addltional security of the policy-holders. All we ask is that the people shall investígate for themselves, and we do not fear the resul t. FRAZER, HARRIMAÏf & HAMILTON, Office over tbe Nuvlmrv llunk, 1476m6 Ann Arbor, Micb. HARDWOOD & BASSWOOD LUMBEE FOE SALE. THE subscriber has on hand a good assortment of OAK, ASH, KLM, BASSWOOD, WHITEWOOD, and other varieties of Lumber, from lA in. to 3 ia, thick. ALBO. Pence Post, Sqnare Tircber, Plank and Oak Studding of all aizes kept on hand oi made to order on short notice. Particular attention given to CUSTOM SAWING. Fence Posts planed, Oak Pickets kept on hand and sawed to order. MOULDINGS of different patterns sawed to order. FARM GATES kept on hand and sold cheap. Particular attention given tq furnishing billa of timber of different lengths aud sizea on the most reasonable tfrlUH. SAWS GUMMKD ON SHORT NOTICE. LOG8 WANTED. I am preparad to pay CASH for sound Oak, Ash, Basswood and Whitewood Ijogs delivered at my mili or will buy and meaaure Logs in tho woods within six milen of the mili. ■'"All persons indebted to the late flrm of Wlnes & Hallock will pleaae cali and settle thoir accounts at the Mili. J. 1. HALLOCK. No Porsoii cn;i t:ii;e lioso Bitters accordinp to directions, atid rciivin long unwrll, providod t.heir boneR arn not destroyod by mineral poison or o(ln r njeaiifi and vital orpans wnsted beyond repair. Grnteful Tlionsanils prbciaim oar lïrTTEBS Ule most wonderiul i: i; jii ant that ever su8taín'edthesinkingn;fsft 'tu. Bilioiis, RemiHi'iil, and Itit'óvniittOllt Bovors, wluch 'artí so prevai-]' in tbe valleys of our great rivera througli out the United States, speei:iliy tlinpe o.1 tbe Mississippi, Oliio, Missouri, lilinois, Tenncssee, Cumberland, Arkansan, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Poarl, Alabama, Mobilo, Savanpali, Uoanoke, James, and many othors, with tlieir vuwt tributarios, througbout our entire country during tho Sumiller and Autumn, nnd r nvirkably so during seasons of umisnnl 1 at and dryness, nreinvariablynccomimriiodby extensive derangempnts of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal vísoei.'á. Ín their treatment, a purgativo, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, „s essen tially necessary. Thero is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Waxkeb's ViKEGAii BiTTEiiS, as they wMl speedily removo the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the liealthy íunctiona of the digestiva organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Head ache,Pain in tbeShoulders,Coughs,Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour liructations of the Stoinaeh, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Atta;ks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the región of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful eymptoms, are the offspring3 of Dyapepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcera, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Ggitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, et. In these, as in all other constitucional Diseases, Walkeb'b Vineqab Bitteks have shown their great cuxative powers in the most obstinate and intraotable cases. For Inflainmatory and Chronic Kheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Eemittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Sueh Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.- Persons engaged in Paints and Mineral, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To fniard against this, take a dose of ajük's Vinegab Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Kingwoi-nis, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name "r nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelminitics, will free the systena from worms like these Bitters. For Feniale Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, these Tonio Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. J aun dice. - In all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its removaL For this purpose use Vikeqab Bitters. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it wheu it is foiü ; your feelings will teli you when. Keep the blood pure, and th health of the system will follow. k. h. McDonald t ♦., DroiggiBts aud General Agente, San Francisco, Califor ola, aud r. Washintjtou aud Cbarlton Sta., New York ïulcl br uil Ui uuiííst and Ueiilor. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! The $pring Campaign OPENSD IHARIST. BULL, THE CLOTHIER, Has just arrived and oponed the great One-Price ST A.R CLOTHING HOUSE. IN MARTIN 'S BLOCK. Where you can now find the Laigewt, Finest and inoat Complete Stock of REAÖY-MADE CLOTH HATS, CAPS, TUÜNKS, AND Gents' Furnishing Groods, Every before offered in A n Aabor. Notrouble to snow GoodH at the Star t'lothiiiff House, No. 33 South Main öt., Eaat side, And Arbor, Hich. GEORGE BULL. 1478tf TAME8 McMAHON, Justice of the Pea.ce, Office in new block, North of Court House Money collected and promptly paid over. INSURANCE AGICTSTT. Triumph, aseets, $727,903.11 Nortn Missouri, " (145,417.91 Hibernia, " 350,000.00 RKAL E8TATK. I have 80 aeree of land % of a mile from the city imita, önely located for fruit or garden purposes. Also 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with hnuse and barn.and a lirel stream of water running through the barn yard. 60 acres, ft mi Ie out. 1 will soll any or all the above cheap, or exchang 'orcit property. 1T4 JAMES McMAHON. I IVE ÜEE8E FEATHjükS PIBST QTJALITY Cntntlyon hnnd and for saleby BACESf ABEL. APPLBTON'S American CyclopaÉ. New Ruvlsed Edition. Kntirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every ■ubject. Printed from new type, and illustrated wlth Several Thousand Engravinge and Mapa. The work originally publiBhed under the title of The New Amebican Cïüi.opdia waa completed in 1863, Bince which time the wide circulation which it has atlaiued in all parta of the United States, and the signal developments which havo taken place in every brauch of science, literature, and art, have induced the editors and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough revisión, and to issue a new edition entitled The ameiucan Cïci-opatDiA. W ithin the last ten yeurs the procreas of discovery in every depaitmeut ot' knowledge has made a new work of reference an imperative want. The movemeut of political affaira ha kept paee with the discoverieet of aoience, and their fruitful applieatiou to the industrial and useful arts and the convenience and retinemeut of social life. Great w.-irs and consequent revolutiona have occurred, involvin national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our own country, which waa at its height when the last volume of the oíd work appeared, has happily beeü endod, anG a new course of commercial aud industrial activily has been commenced. Lnrge acccssions to our geographicnl knowledge have been mude by the indofatigable exploren of África. The great political revolutions of the last deoade, with tlie natural result of the lapse of time, have brought into public view a multitude of new men, whose names are in every one's mouth, and of whose lives every one is curious to know the particular. Great battles have been fought and important sieges maintained, of which thedetails are as yet preserved onlv in the newspapers or iu the transient publications of the day, but which ought now to take their place in permanent and authentichistory. In preparing the present edition for the press, it has accordinily been the aim of the editors to briui down the information to the latost possible dates, anc to funiiflh an accurate account ot the mOBtrecent dis coveries in science, of ever} f resh produotion in liter ature, and of the newest inventions in the practica arts, as well as to give a succinct and ori(,nnal recott of the progresa ol political and historical eventa. The work has been begun af ter long and caref u prehminary labor, and with the most ampie resource ior carrying it on to a successful termination. None of the original stereotype platea have bee nsed, but every page has been printed on new tjpe forming in faot a new Cyclopeedia, with the sam plan and compass aa ita predecesaor, but with a fa greater pecuniary expenditure, and with such im proveniente in its composition as have been suggcste by longer experienee ana enlarged knowledeo. The illustrationa which are introducid for the firs time in the present edition have been added not fo the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucid ty and force to the explanations in the text. The embrace ! áll branches oí science and natural hittor and depiot the most f amous and remarkable feature of acenery, architecture, and art, as well ai the van ouBprocessea of mechanica and manufactures. A thouG;h intended for instruction rather than embe lishment, no pains have been spared to insure the artiatic excellence; the cost of their execution enormoua, and it ia believed they will find a welcom reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopsedia and worthy of ita high character. This work is sold to Subscriben only, pnyable o delivery of each volume. It will be completed in aix teen large octavo volumes, each containing about 800 pages, fully illuatrated with several thousand Wood Engravings, and with numcrous colored Lithograph Maps. Prlce and Style of Bindingr In extra Cloth, per voi. 5 00 In Library Leather, per vol. 6 0 In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol. 7 00 In Half RuBsia, extra gilt, per vol. 8 In Full Morocoo, antique, gilt edges, per vol. 10 00 In Buil Rusaia, per vol. 10 00 Four volumes now ready. Succeeding volume until completion, will belssued once in two montha .'Specimen pages of the Amkrioan Ctclopjedia showing type, illuatrations, etc, will be sent gratis on application. Firbt-Class Canvabsino Aoehts Wawtïd. Address the Publishera, . APPIETOK & CO., 549 & S51 ItronilM n j . . V. CIVEN AWAY IF IT WILI NOT INSTANTLY RELIEVE SeufaiT"1 A Deafne.6. Neuralgia, JB B Catarrh Spralns, H ■ plalnts and Brulses, H W a„ 8lmMa Cuts, Burn, W HV Dlsea8e8. Chllblaln, H WF WILL KILL The worst cough In qulcker time than any other preparatlon In the wond. We win will refund the moneylfwedo not glve Immedlate relief. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ONLY HARMLESS DYE. Acts like aE3íK the most a charm ! m g natural Neverfails flj jjk shades to M WS of Brown ly produce H SfF or Black t BY ONE APPLICATION. 'pHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF DETROIT. J. 8. PARRAND, ... President. W. A. MOÜRE, - - - Vice President JOHN T. LIGOETT, - - SecretaryL. M. THAYEft, - Gen'l Agent. Asscls Jauuary lst, 1874 $500,335.41. The people of Michigan can no longer aflford to pay tribute to Eastern States by placing their Life tnsurance with Eastern Compunies, who by their charters are compelled to loan their monny in their own States, thua becoming a heavy drain on the resources of the State, when we hare bo reliable and well manaed Life Company as the MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the business of the Company was increaied Fort jreifrht and one-balf per cent. of the total amount done the previoufi flve years Thia shows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE has the Confidence of the People. The losses during the year 1873 were only PIFTTFIVE per ceiit of the amcunt the mortality tables cali for, showing great care in the selection of its risks. During the year 1873 there was a maeerial reduction in the ratio of expenses showing CABEFUL MANAGEMENT. The Michigan Mutual issues all the most desirable 'orms of Life and endownient Folicies. ivilinls Declared and Paid at (he end of the First Polity Year and cacb year thereafter. All Policios non-forfeiting after one Annual Premium has been paid. All Endowment Policiea are convertible into Cash t the end of any year after the flrst. Rellable indeinnit at lorest Cash rates eau be procured of the michiean nutual,-. GEO. L. FOOTE, Dis't Afrent, Tpsilanti. J. 0,. A. Seskions, Agent, Ann Arbor. Geo. E. 1'ootk. Agent at Dexter. MRS. H. J. HILT0N, M. D., Pliysician i'iiid Surgeon, Jfflce and Residmce No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. 3 Office Hours- 8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to 4 r. m.-I Rtf trences- Prof. Saokb, Pao. Palmib. H93yl


Old News
Michigan Argus