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The Michigan Argus

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publishnd overy Friday morning, tn th third tory t the briok block, oorner of Main and Huron strest, nn Aiiuoa, Mioa. Entrañes on Huron atrMt, opposite the Gregory House. CARR & GOULET ESITOBS AND PüBLISHERS. 1ri, %2.O0 a Vear In Adrance. (UTK3 OF ADVERTI8INO: [12 Unes or lesa considered a square] ""Tíace. 1 w. 2 w. 3 w. 6 w. 3 m. 6 m. 1 year. , , ., ire # 75 tl 5 $1 50 2 75 ?4 0" ♦6 0" ♦ 9 00 1 50 3 00 2 501 3 50 a 00 8 00 12 OU ! liaan 2 00 2 50 3 50 5 00 7 50 10 00 15 00 .J oolutnn 3 50 4 00 4 Í0 6O0 10O01S00 25 O0 ,.,1 column 4 011 5 00 6 00 8 00 12 00 Í0 00 30 00 'in 5 00 7 00 i 00 10 00 15 00 1 00 38 00 .8 ooluma 7 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 30 00 55 00 10 00 15 00 18 0(1 22 00 36 00 60 00 100 00 Caula in Directory, not to exceed four hnes, 14.00 a -wr. Artvert.isers to tho extnt of a quarter column on a .rnr'y omtraet, will be eutiüeii to havo their cards in Directory without extra charge. Lsoal editorial notices 2o centí a line. Business .Vonces 12 cinW a line for the flrut iusertion, aud 6 jenta fot eiioh subsequent insortion. Mairiii'ie and denth notices ïree; obituary natioe ?its ii line. ï'enrly udvertisers Ivu-e the privilege of ehanginfr tbeir ,i ivrrtisfiinuuu iluee time. Additioual chüngui' wiil be cl'arped for. 1VÏP Advprtiseraents unaccorapanied by written or i-ovbiil direcuoiis will be puolished thiee moutha aod tbargod liccoidiuííly. Legjil advertiaemtint.B, flrsit insertion 70 cents per t'olio, Só cents pur folio for eaoh subeequent iuertiou. Wnen i poslpouement is added 10 an advertisement ihe wliole will be ohnrged the same as the nrt insertüm. To he paid ior when utüdavit ia made. JOK FRINTINO. Pmnphk'tw, Posters, Hand-Billfi, Circulara, Carda, [l.ill Tiolcet, Labels, ülanks, Bill-Headu, and other rartotiea of PLün und Faney Job Printing executed A'irli promptnMti aud in the beat posaible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus