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BÍTSÍNE3SDIRE0T0RY. líU. LEWITT, ín. D., Phyician and Sur Vf ijuon. Ottiee over Watts Jewelry Store, Muiii Straat, Ano Albor. i87tf tiRAÜBR, II dr HAMILTO Attomeys t Law. Orfioe Noa. 7 and Uouth Sl.iiu streel, Ann Arbor Mich. l.lilASTtJS TIIATCHËR, Attorney and Vj Counselor nt Law, No, 5 Busi Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MicU. 138 il AUROa flli;i!.ll. SFRINGS. A. Morris iLilu. vl u., Supori otondeut. OlHce ,q DiiiKiiiiir, coruc-r Muiin and iVentHurou 8treeti. iITIIfES WORDE, SOontn Malnstreet, VV Anu Ar 'or, Mich-, Wholesale aud retatl dealers in Ury Gouds, Carpeta and Grocerle. 135ltf ACK Ar SCil.TIIO, Dealers in Dry Good. .il úrocerius, (Jroctery, c. No. (4 bouth Main Strvet. j H. JACKSOÍV, DenHt ancceseorto C. B. if Porter. Uiüce corner Muiuaud riuron streets, ovpr the store ol" E. VV. Elli& Co , Aun Arbor, Miestheticsadmiuistered if reqaired. rTUEBJLANJ &. WHEDOH, Life and 9 Circ Insurance -treiits,and dealerdn Keal Ktute. Jüiceon Hurou Street BACII AilËL, Dealers in Ory Goods Qrocerics, Ac &c.,No 26 South Main Street, Ann Irbor. Il W. WAiiNKIl, Dealer in R.-ady MadoCIoth 1T a;,L'lotb8, Cassimere. Vestlug, irunks Oarpet Haga, c 21 .outh Mainstreet. SJO AH W. OHBEVEk" 'attosney at law ! Oiloe with E. V. Morgan, Enstside ofCourt House .Sqinre. 1331 VIT O. C.iKK, Denlisl, f. Suocewor to C. C. Jtiikins. ."ífíX. Nitro u e Oxid ■ ' ._ je"1 Gasadminiatered Tuíí -m. wlien neces8ary ' - íw Office over J - 'J Bar.h & A b e 1 ' 8 f y'if'YTl 26 S o u t h AJLj'- A-i-" Main tit. Trockeky u GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnellyi HareiaitoTQ alargestockof ;ocker, Glassvrnre, Plated Ware,':ntlery Grocerie, dfcc, Ac., all tobe udat annnnally low prtces No. U lia'sl Uuron Slreet, Ann Arbor. IlfW J. de V. DONNELLV. fOHN gTqALL, DEALEE IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, HRÍJ, StUSAGES. Ktc, Orítcrsíolicitert and promptly llled with thebest méate in the market. Cor Hurón and Fourth t. Ann Arbor, Sept. lt;th. 1809. 1ÖR. C7 A. LEITER, Pliysician and Surgeon, Offlce over Watts' Jewelry Store, Mnin Street, Reaidcuce 58 Eust Huron Street, lütf ANN ARBOR, MICH. MUS. 11. J. HILTON, M. D., Pliysician and Surgeon, Office and Residente No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingall, Ann Arbor, Mich. KT Office Hours- 8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to 4 r. M."O8 Rrferencrt-TRor. Saoeb, Pbo. Palmes. H9:iyl W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBAOCONIST I Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Stmfï, Pipes, &c, AT XO. 7 EAST HUROX STKEET, Next to the Express Office, ANN ARBOR, KUCH. 1345tf FRED. BKOSS, MASDFACTÜEEH OF ÜIUtl.VttES, Bl'GliIGS, M'VBER WAGOH8, srunc u,vvs tirnus, SLEIfiHS, &c. , All work wurranted of the best material. Eepairlnpilo:ie promptly and reasonably. All work warrSted to give perfect satiifaction. 68 South Maio trevt. 1422 BUSINESS COLLEGE! ANN ARBOR, MICH., Devoted to the Practical Educatwn of Tovng and Middle-Aged Men and Women. pT Chases throughout the year. ClasteB ■rom September to June. Instruetion accordinif to we muit pproved plans, and mostly individunl. ptuauiits Ciin enter at any time and receive superior innruotlon ín Business Pemnaniship, Commercial ffi UuainesCorrespondence, Business Aritnmetic, "ngle and Doublé Eutry Bookkeeping, Oraham's vnd.ird l'honoirranhy and Practical Telegrnphy. Main line wires pass directiy throuRh the rooms of Mie Telnuraphic Department, affordinK the tudent evCTj adrantaife of " ictual Olflce Practice." I ne progree of the ituJent in Bookkeepin ia grPtly tvoüitated by th ue of a new Olüirt entitled ' Bookkeepin? at One View," juut publihed by the Principal of this College. ■í VÍÍvhe t00Iaa durin school hour, or ddrew, E. POND, Aan Arbor, iliob. lSti


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