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Wilt lie published every Munday murnmg, ju e Ann Arbor, Michigan, by j, FOSTER Si DELL. o Fok tk Michigan State Anti-Si.aveky So n CIITT. SI TEKMS. , Oxe Dollar a, inadvance: if not paicl. in ndvance, Two Dollaks will be invariably required. ET Oíd subscribers cail have their papera at C One Dollar a year, by forwarding that amount. ti and pnyin nrroaragesi fi All aubscribcrs w;ll be expccted to pay within the yenr. f TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. Fpr each line of brevier, (the smallesi type,) P ,thë íírét insertion, 3 cents. o For each subsequent insertion, 2 censa. For thrce mcintha, 7 cents. (j) Fói 8ix months, 10 cents. Fór one year, 15 cents. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. n: Legal Advertising by thé iolib. te AU ndvertisement8 mnsl be nccompaiiied by Qj WRiTTKN directions for ihe time of inseition; oihterv ia they will be cbarged for till ordeied out. Cl O All Remiitunces and Communicaiioni dl ihould bc addreesed, Post paid, p CTSigkalok Libkrty: Ann Arbor, Mi cintro


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