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FULL LINE - OF - all kinds of Sewing Machine iS'eedits AT WINES & WORDEN'S. 150UÍ pOR SALEA COOD COW. ruin: vio. Apply at First ofBee over SavingB Bank. TUT YOUE MONEY WIIERE IT WILL DO THE 1VCO T A. A. TERRY has a füll stock of HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATESTSTYLES. QUALITY AND PRIOBS TO DE F Y COMPET1T1OW ALSO, A FCLL LINK OF ÖEUTS' FÜRNÍSHING G1ODS Í3F Cali hefore mrchasing. 1 ó South Main Street. _á=J T IVE U.BESE FEATHiüKS PIBST OTJA-IilTTT 3jntnt)yonhand and íorsaleby BACHfr ABEL. 1874' 174. FOR FALL AND WINTER ÜÏfiSÜ SOODS - GO TO THE - FARMERS' STORE! We are now showing the Isrgest stock of Dry Goods Ever brought to this city. Whioh were boiih'lit ut PANIC PRICES! And will be sold at Tanic Prices FOR CASH. Don 't fail to CALL AND M FRItt Nü. 1 8 South Main St. Ans Akbor. G. W. HAYS, Slipt. ■ iKMuBïB'iï6?' ' - ■ ' ' -■ 't' r''% 'ir e Briggs House, Randolph St. and Fif'.h Ave. CHICAGO. This weil-ltnown Hotel, rctmift up"n the cl 1 sï t. Itfl all the modern c mveniences - Passeng.T I : Rooms, Hot and CoM Water in e.ich IU .. Et . I) Furnished, and locüied in the business centre of líic . . y TERMS: $3.00 Pr Day. RICKCORDS 1 HUNTOON. - Propretri, SherifFs Sale. BY VIRTUE of one execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for thecounty of "Waahtenaw, to me directed, ftud hearing date September twenty-eecond, 1874, wherein Johü Clancy ia plaintiff and Charles Holder is defendant, and for the want of goods and chattels to levy upon, I have tbu day levied upon all the nght, title and interestof the defendant above named, in and to the following real eatate, to wit: Lot nuniber ten (10) in block tbree C3) north of Huron street, in range two (2), according to the recorded plat of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, which I 8hall f xpoBe for sale to the highest bidder, as the law directe, at the south door of the Court House in aaiü, city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, December the eighth, A. D. 1874, at eleven o'ciock in the forenoon. Dated, October20,1874. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. 1501 By Wm. H. McIntybe, Iep'y Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of one execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Conrt for the county of Wiishtenaw, State of Michigan, to me directed, wherein John Clancy is plaintiif and Patrick Kellf and Kliza Kelly are defeodants, and for the want of goods and chattels, I have this day seized and levied upon all the nght, title and interest of Patrick and Kliza Kelly aforesaid, in and to the followiDg deecribed property, to wit : The east half of the southeast quarter of section thirty ; alao the northeart quarter of the southeast quarter of Bection twentfnine, all in township number one south of range su east, Washtenaw county, State of Michigan, which above described property I shall expoee for sale at public uuction, as the luw directa, to the hiiliegt Didder, at the aouth duor of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the eighth day of December, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock a. m. of aaid aDated, October 20, 1874. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1501 By Wm. H. McIntybe, Dep'y Sheriff. Estáte of Martin Gausz. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, v. O At a session of the Probate Courtfor thecounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Haturday, the seventeenth day of October, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy four. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Martin Gausz, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifled, of Christina O. Gausz, praying that a certain instrument pow on tile in tbis Court, purporting to betbe last will and testament of aaid deceased, may beadmitted to Probate, and that Administra tion of paio estáte may be granted to the executor nained ín said will or to an Administrator with the will annexed. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monny, the eixteenth day of November next, at ten ck in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing f ?■■ d petition, and that the de visees, leñatees and j in t law o' aaid deceased, und all other panonn inteiested in aaid estáte, are required to m rPa' a session of said comt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, und show cause, ïf any there be, why the prayei of the petitioner ahould not be granted ; And it 1 further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendunc y oi said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing copy of this order to be published in the Micïtiga Arffus, a newspaper printed and circula ted in smd oounty, three aucceasive weeks previoub to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH Y. CHEEVKIÏ. 1501 Judare of Probate. W. L. SIVTELD, Colloctor and Real Estate ! Especial attentiou given to the colloction of accounts. MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. tS Office in McMahon's Blook, rear of C0"rt House, Auu Arbor, Mioh. l4Mm


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Michigan Argus