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- If you have beoorue of age, or a oitizen, or have ohanged your residence since the last election, you must make personal application for registration to-morrow, in the ward or towa in whioh you now reside. Neglecting to register you will lose your vote on Tuesday next MlcHAEL Flemixg has made a competent, faithful, prompt, and gentlemanly Sheriff during the last two years. He was, by Democratie usage, entitled to a eecond term, was nomiuated almost unanimously by the convention, and should receive every Democratie vote. Iiiree inspectora of election are required at a general election, and as there are only two aldermen or inspectora in city wards, it will be necessary for the electors present at the opening of the polls, 8 o'clock a. M , to elect an additional inspector. Two clerks must be appointed by the inspectors of each ward. The depaetment clerks are all being shipped home from Washington : an evidence that the Republican doctors have a sick patiënt. It maybe well to inquire and find out whether these clerks have voted in Washington. They can't have two voting residences. It is the DUTY of every elector to vote. No eleotor oan vote after the clock strikes the hour of five on Tuesday afternoon next. Don't be a sluggard and requiro to be sent for. Vote in the foren oon if possible, and then stir up your neighbor who always procrastinates. Eemember before voting next Tuesday, that by Republican legislation the balance in the State treasury is over one millian dollars ; that it is farmed outat fonr per cent. for the benefit of the " Treasury Ring"; and that money is worth ten per cent. to the tax payers of the State. Inspectors of electioii should remember that the law now requires that the canvass shall bo made and completed im medialely after the close of the polls, and without adjmirnment, and the result publicly declared. In DIïtebent towns in the State the woinen suffrage women have arranged to be at the polls, - with hot coffee, enticing smiles, and woman-suffrage ballots, on Tuesday next. J. Willabd Babbitt has been tried as Circuit Court Commissioner, and found competent in every respect. No Democrat will scratch his name. ■'■■ - - ►■ LOOK out for bogus tickets on Tuesday next. Examine your ballot, and be sure that it is just what you want. Then vote it. Abe THEKE two better candidates for Coroner in the field than Dr. Kapp and Dr. Ashley? We rather guess not. Then vote for thein. Vote for Wilbitr, the Democratie candidate for County Surveyor.


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Michigan Argus