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CGEOBB, M. ., Physician and Surgeon. Office and residence No. 7 Washington Street, i'uur doors east of Main, Ann Arbor, Mich. $1OO REWARD! STOZiBKT On the night of October 23d, 1874, from Z. M. Barber's barn, in Leoni, one torrel, five-year old Mare, flat-footed and a littie lame in one fore foot, newly shod in front and unsliod behiml, weighiug about 1,000 pounds. One boot-box open Buggy, with spring back, painted black, genring striped blue, and box striped with gold leaf, patent wheels, ö. H. Gale's name-plate on back spring bar, and an old single hurneas. $50 Heward will be given by the owner for the return of the property, and iöll will be paid by the Sheriff of Jackson County for the arrest and convlction of the thieves. IRVING THOMPSON, 1502w: W. B. BEOWN", Shciiff, Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS deftuilt has been made in the contlitioBs of a certain indenture of mortgage hearing date the seventh day of Jauuary, in the year 1871 made by Mary Gore, of the city of Aun Arbor Washtenaw county and State of Michigan, to John' T. Halluck, of the same place, and raeoided in the office of the Register of Dceds ui' said couutr ,j' Washtenaw, on the day last nieutioned, at 12U o'clock p. M., in Liber 43 of Mortgagcs, on page 845, which said inortgage wasdulyassigncd hv said Join T iiallock to Wilham Hulbtrt, on the 24th day of Jaouary a. d. 1872, and the instrument of the ássígnment thereof reeorded in said itegister's ollicc, on I lic l wenty-fourth day of August, a. d. 1H74, at ten o'cloek a m., in Liber 4 of assignmcnts of mortgages, on page 370; and was agaiu duly assigned by said Hullicrt to Christian Eberbach and Emanuel Manu, of said citv of Ann Arbor, on the twenty-second of August a d 1S74, and the instrument of assignment thereof re corded in said Kegister's office, on the twenty-fourth day of August, A. D. 1874, at 4 o'clock p. si., ïn of mortgages, on page 520; and tlicre is due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this noticc the sum of flve hundred and ninety-four dollars and thirty cents, together with tliirl'y dollars in said mortgage stipulated and agreed to Be paid u an altorney's or solicitor's or collectiou fee, in case proceedings should be taken to foreclose said moi amounting in all to the sum of six hundred and twenty-four dollars and thirty cents, whieh is nmv claimed to be due thereon, and no snit or procedklK at law or in equity has been instituted to recovar tin debt secured by said raortgage or any part thereof : Notk-e is therefore hereby given,.that by virtu'e of the power of sale in said mortgage contaioed, wi ili fonx-Iose said mortgage by sale at pul. lic reodoe I" the highest bidder, on Monday.tbe twcniv-urth 4ay of January, in the year 187ñ, alten of Uh cl.u 1; iii the forenoon of said day, at the south door of the Court House in said city of Ann Arbor, suid Couri House being the place of holding the Circuit Court within said county of Washtenaw, of tbc prenn'ses in suid mortgage deKIJbed, iiamelv: All f hit puMbered seven (7) in block number ono fl) in Ormaty A Page's addition to the city of Aun Arbor, agrccahlc to the reeorded plat thereof. Dated, Aun Arbor, October 27th, 1874. CHRISTIAN EBERBACH EMANUEL MANN, A. Felch, Attorney Assignees. for Assignecs. 1502td Mortgage Sale. llfHEREAS Jumes McMahon and Fannie McTT Mahon of tlie city of Ann Albor county of Washtenaw and Stato of Eichigan, on the eighth day of Maroh, in the year of our Lord, one tbousand ei;;lit hundred and seventy-one. executed a mortgage to Samuel Batchinaon, of th State ot New York, to secure tho payment of certain principal Bod interest money therein mrntiond wluch mortgage was recordod in the office of th Register of Deed in iaid county, on Ihe seventeeuthday of Maren, A. 1). 1 B7 1 , at four and onehalf o'clonk p. m. of nnid day, in liber 43 of mortgages, on page 432. and wbereas default has been made for more than thirty days in the paymeut of an installment of interest money which becamedueon the eighth day of Hoptcmber, A. D. 17:; by reason Wheleof and ptlrsuunt to the term of said mortgage saiil moitgHgeehereby electa th at so much oí said piinrapul as remains unpaid, with all arrearages ol interest thereon, sbull become due and paya ble lmmediately, and whereas thcre is claimed to be due and unpaid on snid mortpage at the date of this notice flve 1 h'. ii: -and eight hundred and sixty-six dollars and ftfty-eight cents for principal and interest also an attorney's foe of thirty five dollars, ghould any proceeding be taken to foreclose the same, in addition to all other costs ; and no uit or proceedings having been instituted eilher in law or equity to recover the same or any part thereof : Notice is thereforo horeby givén, that On the twenty-third doy of January next, at two o'olock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Aroor, (that being the plaoe of holding the Circuit Court for said county), and byvirtueof the power of salecontained in said mortgage, I ehall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the premises doscribed in said mortgage, to satisfy the amount of principal and interest abova claimed as due, with the charge of such sale and attorney's fee ofthirty-flve dollars: All those certain pieces or paicels of land situated in the township of Ann Ar bor, county of Washtenaw and Htate atoresaid, known, bounded, and described as follows to wit : Being the west fraction of the north-west fr'actionai quarturof seotion numher seventeen (17) town namber two(2J south of range numbersix (6) east, containing sixty-nine acres of land (except nine aore sold to Jonn L. Tappan) alao the east half of the southeast fraotional quarter of section seventeen (17) townsliip number two south of range number six (fi) east, coutaining about seventy acres, except ten aores sold to Fralick and ten acres sold to Roas; also all that part of the south half of section number seventeen (17) township number two south of range number six (6) east, lyinir between the railroad and river, north of the line, containing about sixty-seven acres, eontaining in all one hundred and sixty-seven acres of land. Dated, October 30, 1874. SAMUEL HUTCHINSON, John N. Gott, Mortgagee Att'y for Mortgagee. 1502 Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS Augustus F. Blanchard and Helen E Hlanchanl of the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and Stak: of Mirhipan, on the second day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight nundred and sevcnty-tliree, executfld a mortgage to Ëlmira I'. Howe, of the city of Ann Arbor, county aforesald, to secure the payment of certain principal and mterest money thcrein mentioned, which mortKge was reconlod n the office of the Register of Deedd in said county, on the second day of July A 1. 1873, at 2 y, o'clock p. m. of said day, in litar 49 of ïuortgages, on pagu 431, and wiiereas default iiiií iwvn inane lor more man tnirty days in the payinimt of an instalhuent of said interest money which became due on the second day of July A. D. 1874 bv roason whereof and purauant to tbe term of said mortgsge, said mortgagee hereby electa that so mucli ofnaid principal u reñíalas unpaid with all arrearages of interest thoreon shall become due and payable immediatoly; and whereas there is claimed to 1)0 due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of tbis notice the sum of oue huudred and seveuty dollars and forty cents for principal and interest, also thirty-flve dollars as a rcasonable solicitor or attordey !■(■, as ofteu an anyproceedingsshould be taken to foreclose said mortgage, and no uit or proccediugs havtng becn lnstituted ritbor in law or equity to rerover the sanie or auy part thereof : Notice is thereforp hereby given, that on the twenty third dav of January next, at two oVlotïk in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Coiirt House, In the eity of Ann Arhor, county aforesaid, (that belng the place in nhicb the Circuit Court for said county is held) and by virjue of the power of sale contained in said raortgage, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder the premises described in said mortgage, to alisfy the amount of principal and interest with the charges of sale and the attorney's fee of thirty-five dollars : All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate and bcing in the city of Ann Arbor, county of ;i 'li tiMiaw and State aforesaid, and describod as follows, to wit : BeiDglot iiuinber ninetcen (19) in block Qiimbet five (5) south of Huron street and range immber scven (7) east, according toa plat of Mayn:iid aml Muriian's addlUon to said Ann Arbor.county of r;ishtt'iiaw and State of Michigan. Dated, October 30, 1874. ELMIBA P. HOWE, John N. Gott, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1302 rpALM ACE'S Tlie ChristianatWork. " THE BEST Itllll.Illls PAPEB. a choice or TWO Beautiful PKEMIUMS. An Illuminated Pobtfolio of Twelve Gems by Hendschel, each 8JxlO4 in., or the supurb Chromo, " The Twins, "22x28 in., after Landseer. Price $3.25, includingpostage. Ko Extras of anyiind. Without premium' í' peb ankum, ATTKiMTlON, AUEJVTS! Tileral cnmmissions and exclusive territorv. Samples iiud eiroulurs tree. Send postal card at once to HOKATIO C. KIN(J, Publlsher, Box 5lü., "Vciv York. DON'T READTHÏsT That ever reliable dealer, Wffl. WAGNER has in store a full stock of Ready-Made FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AVhich must and will be aold at PRIOES TO SUIT THE TIME. Alao a fall stock of Cloths, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER, Style and Work warranted to suit. Also a F uil Line of Furnishing Goods. CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 South Main St. Ann Akbob. 1496 riCHIÖAM CESTTRAL RAILROAI). 8UMMER TIME TABLE. Paxscngertrainsnow loave the several stations, aa follows OOINO WEST. á g a jj m M 2 s - w N STATIONS. _; W ágil o '3 S1 -3 M S ï u - L j ö ■ rt S_ _fl_ _M_O_ S A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M , Detroit, leave, 7 0010 00 2 00 4 10; 5 4010 00 ïpsüaiiti, 8 ÍSÍ11 101 3 08 4 30 7 10; Ann Arbor, 8 50ll 26 3 27i S 50 7 45 11 35 Dexter, 9 17 3 50 6 20 8 10 Chelsea, I 9 35 1 4 10 8 30 - GrassLake, 10 0J p. m. 4 41 9 00 Jiickson, 10 38 12 35 5 10' 9 35 1 00 P.M.j A.H. EalaiQHZOO, 1 58 i 3 05, 8 20 ! 12 26 ühicilgo irrive, 7 ,!:'i 8 00j 6 30 8 00 OOINO EA8T. WloLaL is n i 3 s ïa &■ sie i i 3 Q O si! H 5 C J A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Chicago, leave, , 6 00, 9 00 S IS 8 00 I M. A. M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 11 05 1 35 5 00 2 35 lp. m. ! Ia. m. Jnckson, 2 33 4 05 8 00 12 30 5 10 raus Lake, 3 08 8 31 Chelsea, S 33 8 69 a. If. Dexter, 3 60, 9 17 6 .-5 Aan Arhor, 4 13 5 10 9 45; 1 55 6 30, 7 00 Vpsilanti, , 4 35 5 27 10 10 2 15 6 50 7 2S Detroit, arrive, i 5 55 t 30 11 20 3 S0 8 00 8 45 The Atlantic and Paciflc Express run belween Jackson and Niley on the Air Line. The Knlamnzoo Accommodation runs eastduily; west daily except Buturday. Dated, May 24, 1874. FULL LINE - OF- nll kinds of Newing: Maolüne IN'eertlts AT WINES & WORDEN'S. 1501tf The PEOPLES' DRÜGSTORE OLD MAMI OF R. VI7. Ellis & Co., PURE Drugs and Liquors of choiee selection. Dye Stuffs, Painta, OÜh and Brushea oí all kinda. Lrtrge aesortment of Toilet Goods and superior l'erfumeriea. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS aspecialty, of ïiemann's, Kolbe's, and Ford's man utacture. hS%3ê&1&!$%g men of experience at n" No 2 Main St., Ann Aubok. HALE & TREMAIN. 18741874. FOR FALL AND WINTER nm goods - GO TO THE - FARMERS' STORE! We irenow shown g the lsrest stock of Dry Goods Ever brought to tliis city. Whirh were bought ut PANIC PRICES' And will be sold at Panic Prices FOR CASH. Don't fail to CALL ffi Í PRItm No. 18 Socth Main St. Ann AnBon. G. W. HAYS, Supt. CLOTHiNG! CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! The Spring Campalgp OPENED IN EARNEST. BULL, THE CLOTHIER, Has jast arrived and opened the great One-Price STA. IR, CLOTHING HOUSE. IN MARTIN 'S BLOCK. Whore you can Dow'find the Laige&t, Finest and most Complet ötock of RBADT-HADB CLOTHI1 HATS, CAPS, TRUNES, AJÍD Gent Furnisñing Groots, Every before offered in A n Aabor. No trouble to anow doods at tlw Star tüothiiitr House. No. 33 South Main St., East side, ind Arbor, Mich. 6E0RGE BUIL. U78tf


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Michigan Argus