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A forctiisic of winter: the weuther thi __ Wanted nnmediately at tho Aboüs omce : u, Qwuaand uew subsoribors. __ A new sidewalk is being built, on the west sjeot' Fifth stroat, between Detroit and Aun treets. _Jj. Colbj-, the "C. O. D. Grocer," has estal)i-5hed a meat-market in conneotion with his store. __ _ The much prayeu lor rum came on niesday, tiaátvü in quantity though procious in _Thencw and magnificent residence oí C. jf ,ck, 0I, Foirtli street, is fast approaching completion- _E. Harper, of Lodi.has the reputation of tieing the best looking member of the Board of Supervisors. _ Prof. M. C. Tyler will deliver the next disurse of ths Sabbath afternoon series at Univereity Hall. _Hon. G. W. Julián, of Indiana, addressed .1,,, Woinan-Suffrage Association of this city, on jyiday evening last. __ A chimney-sweep is the latest addition to our city, and " Hi, ho ! sweep chiraney ! " may be heard ringing through the air. üregory's " street car" was again put on the line, on Monday last, making trips eaoe hour tetween the Mineral Springs and Millen's corAn eclipse of the moon took place on , mornmg last, commencing a íew minutes ast miduight, and made a fiue appearance from this city. -Rev. Seth Reed will lecture on woman i iffrage on Monday evening next at half past una o'clock, 111 the Methodist church on I'ourth street. All are cordially invited. - Thnsmall paint-shop building of F. Sorg, on Washington street, has lately been converted into a picasant and attractive office, heing occupied by Maclean and Frothingham. _A new "business" euterprise: on ablebodied, healthy man going about the city soliciting orders for poetry, on any subject- to be compaeii on the premisea- forasmall comiiensation, or"colavictuals." -Prof. Hilgard has retunied from lus Western trip, and is again on duty at the TJniversity. During his absence he delivered a ooursc of lectures on geology, at the University of California. - A kerosene lomp explosión oceurred on Wednesday evening, at the store of A. Widenmann, caused by gas escapmg through the gasbunier upou which the lamp was placed. No damage done. - The game of foot-ball last Saturday betiteen the Law and Msdicat studeuts resultad in rictory for the tormer by a score of 5 to 0. jlfter foot-ball carne boxing, but the " Medies" could not be prevailed upou to wrestle. - In the Supreme Court on Tuesday a cisión v;is renuerea ín me case oí umn wnuert rs American Insurance Co., affirming the verdict of the lower court - against the companyThe case was an appeal from Wasntenaw Circuit. - On Friday morniug last, the Board oi Su. psrvisora elected a County Superintendent of Poor, and made choice of Edward Duffy, the present incumbent. The vote stood, Duffy, 15 ; E. B. Pond, 9 ; H. Paul, 1. - On Wednesday morning about one o'clock fire was discovered on the third story of the Mundy block, a few doors south of the Opera House, and was extingui6hed before much headway had been gaiued. It is supposed to be the work ot an incendiary. - A new harness shop has been open by Mr. A. B. Craine, in the old O'Hara store, Main Street, with a fine line of light single and doublé harness, blaukets, whips, lap robes, etc. In making his prices, Mr. C. has cut them so low that they cannot fail to attract the tion oi buyers. - Z. M. Barbar, of Leoni, Jackson County, baii a horse and buggy stolen trom his barn on Friday night last. Tlie next morning the thief was íollowed to witnin three miles 01 this city, lince whick no trace of thief or property has been obtaíned. A descnption of the property may be found in another column. - The Ann Arbor Agricultural Company, in jrder to accommodate their rapidly increasing business, are inaking extensive additions to their mrks. A new foundry building, 50x100 feet in lize, is being erected, the walls of which are eompleted and the roof beiug put on - the present íoundry will be converted into a plow shop. A new blacksmith shop will also be added. -The Junior class of the Law Department of the Univeraity of Michigan organized as a society last week and elected the following officere : President, John L. Burleigh, of New York ; Vice President, B. L. Barr, of Ohio; RecordingSecretary, J. F. Hobbs, of Nebraska ; CorreBponding Secretary, A. M. McConoughey, ot Ohio ; Treasurer, O. M. Seward, of Ohio. - In the last Ypsilanti Commercial, " Burban" tells how he and several comrades rarae to this city to attend the opening ball given by Company B, on Wednesday e vening of last week, and how they didn't attend - cause : they were asked to pay their bilis like others ; and how they spent the night waiting for the train upon which to return home, when they departed singing, " we won't go there any more," - We omitted last week to notice the opening oí the new millinery Store by Mrs. A B. Craine, in the Opera House block. This new eroporium of ladies' fashions, however, is daily ttracting the attention of the lovers of the beautüul, who cannot fail to find something to please their fancy among the many beautiful articles of ladies' wear so neatly and tastefully arranged on eshibition there. We bespeak for her a liberal patronage. - ün Suuday evening, the barn and shed of Charles Bates, one mile south of Dexter village, took fire and was consumed. The barn and shed ere nearly new, and cost about two thousand dollars. About thirty tona of hay were burned and four horses. A reaper and mower, with sevöalother agricultural implemements, and between one hundred and two hundred bushels of rteat were also burned. The total loss is estimated at about three thousand five hundred oollars ; insured for one thousand dollars on the buildings and a Braall amount on the horíes in te Washtenaw Mutual. - A large audience greeted Prof. Tyler last Saturday evening on theoccaaion of the flrst lectora before the S. L. A. The lecture was highly ■oteresting, the speaker giving an account, in peculiarly pleasing manner, of the founding 1U1 growth of the early American colleges, contoóng his attenhou to the nine established yie■rious to the IWvolutionary War. The happy Wt made called out repeated applause. Prof. !' voice seems to be even stronger and under ttcr control than before he went to New Ymk. The date of the next lecture of the urseisnotyetfixed. Daring the past few days there has been 'uerat)ie activity in mili circles, and two important transactions are reported. Wm. Deubel ta sold his one-half interest in the Sinclair Hls. The purchasers being John M. Swift and isters-Mrs. A. F. Bourns and Mrs. Geoige L. Loomia - the owners of the other half interest, nd by whom the business will be continued. The price paid is understood to be f18,000 ; the Pfce paid for the entire mili when purchased by e88ra. Swift & Deubel, a few years since, was 31,000, thus showing that the property has not Mtliued in value. It is understood that Mr. Beubel will continue his residence in this city, ut will engage in business at another point. T. Swathel has also sold one-half interest '"the Ann Arbor City Mills, the purchasers are s9rs. Kobt. K. Ailes and Nelson Kyer, the Wterhaving been for some time connected with mili uuder Mr. Swathel. The mili is being horoughly overhauled and improved, and steam Power wil! be added. It is expected that the ulwill again be in running order about the " of December. " We also learu that negotiations are pending w the sale of other milhng property on the "Won river.


Old News
Michigan Argus